Those seemingly uneventful days will suddenly one day make people see the meaning of persistence. 9 days later, love is in the bottom of my heart, and the exes of the 3 zodiac signs look back and will never leave each other for the rest of their lives. Scorpio Scorpios have an in

Those seemingly calm days after days will suddenly one day make people see the meaning of persistence. 9 days later, love is in the bottom of my heart, and the exes of the 3 zodiac signs look back and will never leave each other for the rest of their lives.


Scorpio has a reserved personality, cold appearance, and rarely actively expresses their inner emotions. In the eyes of others, they have a poker face, which makes them difficult to approach. In fact, Scorpio is a sign with rich feelings and a soft heart, but their self-esteem is too strong and they don't want others to see their vulnerability. Therefore, even if there is something unhappy, they will choose to carry it alone, which is really good for people. Feeling distressed.

In fact, Scorpio is a sign that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and it attaches great importance to relationships. In fact, they do not long for romance and passion, nor do they expect to struggle for ten years less through love. In their hearts, they simply hope to simply stay with their sweetheart for a lifetime. However, as a sign ruled by Pluto, they are always wary of others approaching them, but if they really identify with someone, they will open their hearts and love them wholeheartedly. Scorpios value emotional loyalty particularly, and betrayal is the most unacceptable thing in their hearts. Therefore, as long as the other half lives honestly with them, even if their relationship suffers a temporary setback, they will not give up and will always wait for the day when things will turn out differently. 9 days later, love is deep in the heart, and the Scorpio ex looks back and will never leave him for the rest of his life.


As one of the three fire sign fools, Sagittarius lives up to his foolishness. They are magnanimous, do things neatly, pursue a free life, and do not want to be bound by any relationships or responsibilities. But don’t think that Sagittarius is a very mean guy. In fact, they are humorous, sincere, optimistic and positive. They spread positive energy wherever they go, and they have always been happy fruits in everyone’s eyes.

As a zodiac sign that is very popular with the opposite sex, Sagittarius has always given people the feeling of being a philanderer. It feels like they always fall in love with everyone they meet and will show great attentiveness to everyone. In fact, Sagittarius has a carefree personality. Although it looks unrestrained and unrestrained, it is actually an infatuated person deep down. Only when they meet the right person will they stop wandering around, put away all their cynicism, and devote themselves to accompanying their sweetheart until they grow old. Even if they break up for various reasons, they are still unwilling to turn around and leave, and they always look forward to rekindling their relationship with their sweetheart. 9 days later, love is in the bottom of my heart, and I will never leave you for the rest of my life.


Aries are a typical fire sign . They are enthusiastic and generous, they work fast and straight, and they never like to talk in circles. Many people think that this zodiac sign is weak-minded and easily impulsive, but in fact, Aries knows everything. They just don’t want to make their lives too complicated, so they choose the simplest and most straightforward way to get along with others and be with them. Together, you don't want to be cautious at all, just be yourself.

Aries are always very frank when it comes to feelings. Once they meet someone they like, they will express their inner love generously. Even if they are rejected, they will not hold back. It won’t take long for them to put down their burdens and start a new life happily. journey of love. However, if they can really be accepted by the other party, they will be full of love and gratitude, devote themselves wholeheartedly to love, and deep down hope that the two of them can have a bright future. Therefore, when they encounter setbacks, they will not give up as easily as before, but will instead work hard to repair the rift between them. Even if they are hit by a breakup, Aries will still stay where they are, firmly believing that one day they will be able to reconcile with their old love. 9 days later, love is in the bottom of my heart, and I will be together and separated. The Aries ex will look back and will never leave him for the rest of his life. That’s it for

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