In terms of career, you will have more ideas about your career in July. If you want to change jobs or go it alone, you have your own wisdom. I wish you success. In terms of financial luck, wealth will be accumulated in July. The water element means that you have acquired knowledg

Group 1: Holy Grail Four

In terms of career, you will have more ideas in July. If you want to change jobs or go it alone, you have your own wisdom. I wish you success.

In terms of wealth, wealth will be accumulated in July. The water element means that you can manage money by acquiring knowledge and treat money more rationally.

Academically, learning efficiency is very high in July, and you must find a relatively quiet place to study. At this time, you may have to give up some interpersonal relationships.

Emotionally, friends who have a partner in July, your relationship will be very good, but if two people are too close, it will destroy the sense of boundaries, and each other sometimes needs to be alone. Single friends, you will continue to be single.

Lucky color: purple.

draws a suggestion card for the friends in the first group: Knight of Swords

The suggestion given by this card is: take action. Friends in this group, if you want to do something, get rid of procrastination and take action immediately. The universe will help you at this stage, and you can push forward everything on horseback.

Group 2: Emperor reversed

In terms of career, you will feel like a polished commander in July. The Emperor card shows that you are still very capable, but you are a willful person and not very popular. You are suitable to be that kind of person. It’s something that people can do.

In terms of wealth, your wealth will increase in July, because you are the emperor card and you are still very capable and wealthy.

Academically, my studies were a bit out of control in July. Maybe I was a little lax and not as self-disciplined as before. Moreover, this emperor in reverse position means leaving the root of the tree, which means traveling far away, and you are suitable to live in a different place.

Emotionally, friends who have a partner in July may live elsewhere, and your desire for control may not be realized in the other person. Single friends may have a chance to meet the person they love, but the person may only be after your money.

Lucky color: yellow

Draw a suggestion card for the friends in the second group: Three of Swords reversed

The suggestion given by this card is: escape. For friends in this group, you can escape from reality, because your current state is not very good. It is very important to do something to escape and maintain your physical and inner health.

The third group: Five of Swords reversed

In terms of career, friends in this group in July need a rest. There is a feeling of loss of control in career. You will feel that you cannot complete many things, and there is always a mess waiting for you, so What you need in July is rest.

In terms of wealth, wealth will be consumed in July, so you should pay attention to your health.

In terms of studies, July will be more painful. You are in a progressive stage. If you stick to it, you will reach the next level. But you are working very hard now and you don't want to work hard anymore.

Emotionally, for those who have a partner in July, your relationship will be dead, and the two of you are actually not very suitable. Single friends, please take care of yourself first.

Lucky color: blue.

draws a suggestion card for the friends in the third group: the Pope card

. The suggestion given by this card is: find a spiritual sustenance. Friends in this group are very suitable to find a religion or some kind of doctrine to stabilize their spiritual world. What you need is to repair your spiritual world.