Marriage is a major event in life. It means entering a new stage of life and facing a new life full of unknowns. Entering into marriage really requires a lot of courage. When he decided to settle down with you, what was the driving force? Today we will analyze it from the perspec

Marriage is a major event in life. It means entering a new stage of life and facing a new life full of unknowns. Entering into marriage really requires a lot of courage. When he decided to settle down with you, what was the driving force? Today we will analyze it from the perspective of zodiac signs. What are the reasons why the 12 zodiac signs want to get married?

Air sign : Gemini, Libra , Aquarius

have the same ideas and enjoy chatting with each other

wind sign constellations with active thinking, love to talk and laugh, are easily attracted by beautiful people, things and things. When they start dating, they pay more attention to appearance, but when they enter the stage of marriage, they will pay more attention to quality. If after getting along for a period of time, you find that both parties have the same views, can talk well, and feel relaxed and happy together without being embarrassed, you will have the idea of ​​getting married and want to settle down with this person.

Fire signs : Aries , Leo , Sagittarius

When you meet true love at the right time,

these people have straightforward personalities and speak their minds. They fall in love with someone in an instant and want to settle down on marriage. It is often a matter of second thought. They originally yearned for freedom and did not like to be restrained, and marriage was the biggest restraint. Therefore, most of them get married impulsively. If they meet someone they fall in love with at the right time and it feels right, they may walk into the ceremony in a flash.

Water signs : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

People who have been in love for a long time are eager to start a family.

People with water signs are very cautious about love. They believe that "a long journey can tell a horse's power, and time can tell a person's heart." It is not easy to fall in love with someone, but once you fall in love with someone, they hope to love you for a lifetime. They will slowly become emotionally involved. As their relationship deepens and their emotions accumulate, they begin to look forward to the future. If they can stay together for a long time, they will want to get married and start a family.

Earth signs : Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

are well matched and quite powerful.

Earth signs that are rational and pragmatic and value the quality of life will mostly not get married because of a momentary hothead. There is always food to eat in life, and poor and humble couples suffer from everything. Without a financial foundation, love alone is not enough to support a married life. Therefore, in the thinking of earth signs, getting married means being a good match and having equal strengths. Only in this way can you hope for a long and happy marriage.

What about you, what kind of person do you need to meet to be willing to marry him or her for the rest of your life?