There are many people who do divination in Naishita, and I am the only one who understands you best. A happy relationship most of the time depends on the efforts of both parties, but sometimes you have to rely on yourself. Because sometimes you need to give yourself a sense of se


There are many divination people, but I am the only one who understands you best

A happy relationship most of the time depends on the efforts of both parties, but sometimes you have to rely on yourself. Because sometimes you need to give yourself a sense of security, and there is always a sense of security and fear in your heart that is difficult to fill, which is also a kind of torture for yourself and will continue to crush the relationship. Now follow Teacher Naixi to do divination and find out why you are so tired in your relationship?

# Tarot card divination: #

Divination rules: Take a deep breath, calm yourself down, and choose a tarot card based on your first feeling~! Remember not to be nervous ~

- fortune teller Naixi

Tarot Card A:

The appearance of this card shows that the reason why you are so tired in your relationship is because you are too indulgent. You seem to trust the other person too much, so you give him a lot of space and freedom, and hardly ask him about anything, but the other person will feel that you don't care about him and don't take this relationship seriously. Therefore, he may switch to someone else's arms. When misfortune strikes, you will feel inexplicable. You always feel that you have given the other person freedom, but you can't figure out why this is the result.

Tarot card B:

The appearance of this card shows that the reason why you are so tired in relationships is because you are too sensitive. You don't give the other person enough trust, and you often wonder if he has betrayed you. The other person may be able to accept it once or twice, but if it goes on for a long time, he will not be able to accept your frequent check-ups, frantic reading of conversation records, or what you say. Questioning words and so on. Therefore, the other party may eventually choose to leave because they cannot accept the pressure from you. If you keep doing this, no matter how good your partner is, you may be forced to leave.

Tarot card C:

Judging from this card, the reason why you are so tired in your relationship is because you are too possessive. In every relationship, you are afraid of losing, and even more afraid of repeating the same mistakes and not meeting the person who truly loves you, so you will desperately want to tie the other person to your side to defend your so-called love. It's just that this will make the other person feel oppressed and instinctively want to escape. Love is like sand in your hand, the more you want to hold it, the faster it will flow. In fact, you were very nice to him, but you just used the wrong method.

Tarot card D:

Judging from this card, the reason why you feel so tired in your relationship is because you have a lot of negative energy. Optimistic and cheerful people always seem to have a positive influence on the people around them. On the contrary, if you always output some negative thoughts, then no one will want to get close to you. The same is true in relationships. Although love is also so vigorous, if there are too many negative emotions, the other party will not be able to bear it and may even feel depressed. Therefore, you need to think more positively, which will be more beneficial to your future relationship development.