Analysis of different blood type Leo personality career? Analysis of Love, Marriage and Wealth Fortune of Lions of Different Blood Types

2020/03/2901:36:13 constellation 461

Leo is the constellation seen in the sky south of our heads in the evening in late April. Greek mythology says that this is an undead beast that is troublesome to heroes everywhere. When it was conquered, it rose to the sky, leaving its shape in the sky and it became this constellation. Leo’s ruler is the sun, the source of heat and light. Therefore, light grants bright character, and heat grants flame-like enthusiasm. In this way, the upright majesty granted by the constellation and the joy and passion granted by the sun combine to form A clear and kind-hearted character. Leo people sometimes roar fiercely. On the other side of this bright personality, people born under the sign of Leo must have the shortcomings of impatience, fluctuating mood and capriciousness, and are very easy to feel lonely and lonely. This kind of impatience, although it is easy to turn into anger, but the anger in the morning will not stay in the evening. Once there is something to worry about or something that is undesirable, the heart becomes dark and looks bad. Xiaoqi rises and becomes a so-called moody, moody person who cannot be relied on. At first glance, people with this constellation seem bright and happy, but there is a strong sense of loneliness hidden deep inside. It is easy to have a lonely temper. It often seems very happy in front of people. When you are alone, you can't help but be attacked by a sense of loneliness.

Analysis of different blood type Leo personality career? Analysis of Love, Marriage and Wealth Fortune of Lions of Different Blood Types - DayDayNews

Analysis of different blood type Leo personality career? Analysis of Love, Marriage and Wealth Fortune of Lions of Different Blood Types - DayDayNews

Leo leader, the same leader, with similar temperament Has a strong personality. A Leo is not a flower that quietly blooms in a valley; it can be an active activist in front of the public, whether it is politics, industry, or service. At the same time, the requirement for money is not as great as the requirement for domination, and the requirement for facing domination is not as great as the requirement for appreciation from the hopeful, and there is no limit to strive for this. Such people are rich in original ideas. And can break the old state, and have the ability to successfully achieve success.

Occupations that give full play to the characteristics of Leo include: film, television, stage actors, broadcasters, bar operators, fashion models, theater, casino operators, politicians, lawyers, etc. On the contrary, printing business, gynecologists, seamen, carpenters, pharmacists, shoe-making businesses, miners, etc., are not suitable for jobs that do not have much contact with people.

People born under the sign of Leo are most afraid of being a secret victim. What they like most is sitting on the top of a celebration banquet and attaching importance to nepotism. Without the chance of success, it will lead to misfortune.

How do Leo people grab good money? As long as you stand in front of everyone, you will have an attractive charm. Then, all parties, big and small, you should try to participate, because people with this constellation, popularity and popularity, are the source of credit and money.

Leo people are 28 years old,

34 years old, 37 years old, 46 years old, 55 years old, 64 years old. The ages for failure are 29, 32, 38, 44, and 50 years old.

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Interval analysis

The period of Leo is divided into three parts, the first time (July 24-July Born on the 31st) The land belongs to Leo itself. In the second moment (born August 1st-August 11th), in addition to the characteristics of Sagittarius, the influence of Virgo is slightly added. In the second moment (born August 12th-August 23rd), the influence of Virgo gradually became stronger.


Personal star is the sun, which greatly stimulates physical and mental activities. The dual influence of the sun makes you a tendency to like changes and reforms. Although a little timid and timid, but personality Cheerful, gentle, and showing a passionate nature and ability to influence others. The sun will give you good luck. [As long as you can get rid of the bad tendency of fortune decay]


Personal star is JupiterJupiter symbolizes sacredness, wisdom, and loyalty, and affects intelligence, morality, and compassion. A passionate personality and cheerful and cheerful behavior are its influence. Jupiter is destined to be an environment full of love, happiness and harmony. It will give you good luck and success and help you offset some of the bad shortcomings and tendencies of this sign.


Personal star is Mars, symbolizing war, and the sacred energy center. Its influence is a kind of energetic, courageous and positive tendency. It will greatly help you overcome the Leo heart Weak shortcomings help you succeed. Without its power, it will be difficult for you to realize many precious ideas, and it drives its people to achieve their wishes.

Aspects related to the luck of Leo

In terms of flowers, the best flower is sunflower, but the flower that will attract misfortune is tuberose. In terms of color, the lucky colors are orange, dark red and purple, and unfortunately silvery white. In terms of numbers, "1" is the best luck, while the bad luck is 2, 5, 8. The lucky days are the 1st, 10th, and 28th of each month. The bad luck days are the 5th, 14th, and 23rd. Sunday is lucky. And Friday is the day with the worst luck. Directions, "North North West" and "Southwest West" are the best.

Analysis of different blood type Leo personality career? Analysis of Love, Marriage and Wealth Fortune of Lions of Different Blood Types - DayDayNews

Leo personality of different blood types is different

Leo type A blood personality

Personality and temperament:

A-type Leo you, feminine and masculine, negative and positive are intertwined, and your personality is very peculiar. Sometimes you show the innocent and romantic temperament of Leo, and sometimes show the A-type conservative, introverted and shy temperament, giving people incoherent Impressions can't fathom your character.

But most of the Leo type A, the cheerful and lively temperament of Leo tends to suppress the simple and quiet type A personality, especially in action, it also shows the characteristics of Leo, which can be seen from those in society It was confirmed by the people of prestige. Leo you have very strong self-confidence, but you tend to become arrogant because of your overconfidence. Under the psychology of loving reputation and glory, everything is self-righteous and can't bear others' neglect of you. And like to ride on the heads of others to satisfy their vanity mentality. On the outside, you have the "wind of the king" and the authority of a leader and commander. In fact, you are also a person who likes to command others, hoping to become a leader with high authority and praise. This "wind of the king" has already been shown in your childhood. Although you have no outstanding performance in your schoolwork, you can display your leadership skills in various extracurricular activities and games to make you stand out. , Has become the focus of attention of teachers and classmates, and because of its cheerful personality, it is very popular and very popular. This situation will remain the same until you grow up. You will always be the leader at the top.

A-type Leo you, there are a few people who have a more prominent A-type feature. Many times you will hide your ambition in your heart to give people a conservative impression. Broad-minded and cheerful personality are your strengths, but it is also your weakness, because this personality makes you vulnerable to the incitement and temptation of people around you and cannot resist the flattery and flattery of others. If you have this weakness, coupled with the strong self-protection tendency of Type A, you are likely to become a cruel dictator, bullying those who are powerless and kind, and then posing a triumphant appearance. , Just to satisfy temporary desires. In fact, your original face is not so abominable. You are a person who hates despicable and bright people, but you are very vulnerable to flattery and flattery, giving others the opportunity to kill with the knife, and you may often still not know it. Used and manipulated by others.

If you have both the advantages of Type A and Leo at the same time, you will have a positive spirit to create a vigorous career, and you can respect social order and traditional etiquette, and win the support of the public , Become a person who moves forward smoothly on the road of life. All in all, no matter what your temperament, your achievement depends on the strength of the crowd's support. The more support, the greater the chance of success. At the same time as everyone’s attention, you should also accept the

advice: Chanayayan, stay away from the villain, To get more people’s affirmation and support.

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Leo type B blood human character

Character and temperament:

B-type Leo you are quite individual and like it Show your emotions completely without concealing them. Your self-awareness is very strong, and your emotions are also very intense. Of course, you do not appreciate the ordinary life, and you also have the ability to repel the ordinary. This type of you is extremely flexible in thinking, always sharp in your actions, quite dazzling, and often the focus of attention among a group of people. You are very ambitious about the future and value power and reputation. You can be said to be a very ambitious person. However, perhaps for this reason, you are usually able to stand out as a Leo type B. In various career competitions, you are always Looks outstanding. Type B people tend to have a wide range of interests, while Leo does not. Therefore, you, type B Leo, under various considerations to achieve success, the scope of interests and goals will naturally shrink. Once you have decided on your goal, you as Leo Type B will work hard towards your goal, without fear of all difficulties and obstacles. Even if he fails, he still has the confidence and courage to stand up again.

B-type Leo people usually measure a lot and rarely lose their temper for trivial matters. At the same time, you are also a person of the same appearance, not hiding your true feelings, quite frank, and can be said to be a lover of personality. You are able to take care of others and often play the role of leader in the crowd. You seem to be independent and strong. If you look closely, you still have a fear of loneliness. What is worth mentioning is the pure heart of Leo B. From the seemingly stubborn personality, you can often find the innocent and naughty side. In fact, it can even be said that this is the cutest and most charming side of you. However, some Leo’s innocence is caused by pure self-centeredness, which is mixed with self-willedness and pride. If something unsatisfactory falls on you, you will indulge yourself out of control. Type B Leo has the heart of losing its most precious child. Have you ever wondered what type of type you are? Is the former or the latter? If it’s the latter, then you have to pay a little bit more attention. Sometimes you think it’s good, and others may not have the same opinions as you. Remember, don’t force others too much.

Advice: Too self-centered and easy to be jealous. A true leader should be tolerant.

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Leo O blood type

Leo 0 blood type is a confident and cheerful person, they have their own opinions and encounter problems He will never back down, and will give full play to the spirit of his brave, the king's breath will endure his life, full of domineering. O-type blood's straightforward and cheerful traits and Leo are a perfect match, a wonderful match. Therefore, what he showed to others was to speak out, act decisively and simply, full of positive energy, and dare to break through all difficult patterns. O-shaped Leo people are competitive. They are eager to succeed, hoping to be supported by the handrails of others and sit in the position of king. Therefore, I will continue to work hard for these glamorous wreaths, full of competition and expressiveness. For Leo blood type O people, there will be no means of selfishness or behind-the-scenes tricks. They like plain competition and don't like being a villain. The issues they consider are also very subjective. Sometimes they often cause dissatisfaction because they ignore the feelings of others, so they have more enemies than friends. O-shaped Leo people are generous, grand and pompous, they like gorgeous and noble feelings, and hope that others will cast admiring eyes and applause. In order to climb to a higher peak, he will do whatever it takes. It is most unbearable for him to live like a miser.

The calmness of type O blood allows them to avoid the exaggeration and vanity of Leo people, and they are better at tolerating adversity than Leo people of other blood types. Once the A-type blood Leo has a clear goal, he is assertive and firm, acting neatly and simply. They are also very upright, pay attention to promises to cherish reputation, and have a strong personality. Leo people often have a kind of elegant aristocratic temperament, outstanding manners, strong self-esteem and pride in their hearts, and can't be violated by others. Because type ⊙ has the introverted characteristics, to a certain extent, it also reduces the external energy of type blood Leo. HaveSometimes they like to keep a sense of mystery, be reserved, and even look a little serious to get the awe of others. The cautious, reserved type O blood traits and the unrestrained and passionate Leo personality are in conflict, and they often wander between self-confidence and unconfidence. O-type Leo people are happy to take the luxury route, pay attention to the quality of life, wear the best, eat the best, but relatively low-key. What they buy, they will pursue a unique taste, it is best to have historical and cultural connotations, and don't like too popular and popular things. It doesn't matter to them that others can understand or fail to understand.

Friends: A/O/B type lion, archer, A/O/B type Aries, A/O/B type Gemini, A/O/B type balance.

The easiest person to fall in love at first sight: A or AB type water bottle.

Lovers for girls: Type B Lion, Type O/B Archer, Type O/B Aries, Type O/B Gemini, Type O/B Libra.

Lovers for boys: Type B Lion, Type A/B Archer, Type A/B Aries, Type A/B Gemini, Type A/B Libra.

The most discordant lover: AB-type Libra, AB-type Aries

Leo AB-type blood human character

Advice: Pride and arrogance are the biggest taboos, even easy to use People misunderstand your kindness.

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Leo AB type blood human character

Personality and temperament:

AB Leo you, it feels like you Like a giant lion, it is majestic and inviolable. This is also your personality trait. You are brave enough to do everything and strutting. In the crowd, you are always the most active and conspicuous. You and I have unique charms, can enter the circle of celebrities in social circles with a cheerful and generous attitude, and have a set of philosophy to make yourself stand out, and most of these are created by innate temperament. Become. The most powerful thing about you, although it gives people a sense of majesty, it is not arrogant and inaccessible. This is the so-called solemnity and harmony! You always seem amiable and amiable when you get along with others, and sometimes you can talk and laugh, and appear innocent and cheerful. However, when you are serious, when you reduce your smile, it is daunting and you have a good sense of control. Such a personality temperament usually makes people feel trustworthy. You never refuse others' requests easily, and you can help others patiently and live up to your trust. On the whole, he has the demeanor of a gentry, celebrity and kindhearted person. However, if you are not rewarded for your efforts, you will put away your kind attitude. Although the surface is calm, your heart is very unpleasant, and you will be worried for a long time.

From the above analysis, it can be clearly seen that the AB Leo has a stronger desire for performance and stronger self-esteem. You always believe that what you do should be appreciated and applauded by everyone. Such a mentality, if you can grasp it properly, can often raise your own identity. If you can’t grasp it, it will be self-defeating, causing you to be ridiculed by others, and finally leading to not knowing and making friends. If unfortunately not accepted by everyone. As an AB Leo, you will still maintain your demeanor and never directly conflict with others. You will hide your dissatisfaction very well, this is your sleek side. However, you are not so calm in your heart. Your heart is often undercurrents, and you never admit that your opinions are wrong. They are very subjective, and therefore often feel self-righteous. If your inner world cannot be as calm, sensible, cheerful and generous as it seems on the surface, then, due to self-esteem, this type of person may become the loneliest person in the world, a little suspicious of loneliness and self-respect. If life is a play, then AB Leo you will always live on your own stage, acting a one-man show.

Advice: Don't pay too much attention to other people's opinions. To be too intoxicated by other people's praise will often make you feel confused. Smart you should know this very well.

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Leo love of different blood types is also different

Leo type A blood people’s love tendency:

Your love affair, yes Lively, gorgeous, bright and cheerful, like a good show, eye-catching. If youWith the strong self-control of Type A people, maybe the love process will not be dramatic or controversial, but once you talk about love, you will mostly show the characteristics of the innocent and romantic Leo, like a gorgeous atmosphere, like to attract people Pay attention, even in front of everyone, he will show affection without hesitation, be very generous, and even appear like acting, not caring about the surprise or ridicule of others. Therefore, when you are dating, you will not limit the place, and you will not deliberately choose an ordinary, inconspicuous place to hide yourself and your lover. Under the sun, under the moonlight, you can fall in love anytime, anywhere. Whether you have money or not, you can also hold your beloved and swagger through the market to enjoy the happiness of love. This is not the case with Taurus and Cancer people who like to date at home. Much the same. You often waste large sums of money for temporary pleasure and satisfaction, borrowing money from others when you don’t have money, so you’re heavily in debt. Because of your personality, your love process will be full of fun and scandals, just like a scene. When you choose a love partner, you pay more attention to appearance than to character, which fully reveals your personality.

Most Leo men are based on the traditional concept of love, have a strong instinct to pursue women, and can protect each other's safety. They are a good flower keeper. Because of your cheerful, generous, enthusiastic, and feminine character, once you meet a beautiful and cunning woman, you are still complacent and willing to give everything when you are played by the other person. Under the pomegranate skirt, he will also launch a crazy pursuit of his beloved. A-type Leo women are very conceited and have strong self-esteem. They will never bow their heads to men easily on weekdays, but once they are in love, they are willing to abandon their self-esteem and stubbornness. They are very passionate and tender. But the person who can fascinate you is by no means ordinary or ordinary people, but someone who is absolutely suitable for you and has considerable prestige and status in the society. If the conditions of the other party are not good enough, only pure love is full of heart. Will not accept him.

As for sex, your request is not strong, so you shouldn't indulge in sex. The handling of feelings is exactly the same as your personality, very refreshing. Regardless of men and women, as long as they feel that the other party is not suitable for them, they will immediately wave their swords and cut their emotions.

Advice: After all, a lover is not a vase. It pays too much attention to appearance and phenomena. If you don't know what it is, it is also very important to understand the connotation of a person.

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Leo type B blood people’s love tendency:

Type B Leo you, you talk about love vigorously, but once the enthusiasm disappears, It doesn't even leave a trace in the heart, but from the love to the end, it is often like a firework, and it is gorgeous in an instant. Often, your heart is full of enthusiasm and love, prompting you to find someone to love, not because you love someone. Your contacts are broad and you know a lot, so the chances of making friends of the opposite sex are relatively increased, and the love experience can be said to be quite rich. In the stage of passionate love, you often feel that you are thinking of each other all the time, to the point of dreaming, but even if it is missing, you will not feel annoyed or troubled by it. You always think that since you admire each other, then bravely confess.

Generally speaking, this type of you will never bow to your knees for pursuing a partner, and men will follow the wise saying of "men have gold under their knees", and they will not kneel to women to propose marriage. That is your self-esteem. It is absolutely unacceptable. In your concept, you think that falling in love is a matter of two people. It is an expression of mutual care. You should not just begging for alms from the other side unilaterally. Therefore, the two people are completely equal.

B-type Leo, if you are rejected because of courtship, you will not lose confidence or give up because of it. Usually you will pursue the other's ideas and determination more deeply. Especially B-type Leo men, if they think there is still a glimmer of hope, they will definitely try to impress the other's heart. The reason may be that I feel that my conditions are good and I should not fail. The other reason is that the objects that I feel are not easy to pursue are more mysterious and attractive. Usually before the two parties have not identified each other, men will spend huge sums of money to buy gifts to give to each other, seeming a bit blindly impulsive. If, once you truly pursue each other and win the hearts of beautiful women, you will become extraordinary.Love affair, not only often date, but also go to high-end restaurants with good atmosphere and high consumption.

B-type Leo people, both male and female, hope to dominate their partners when they are in love. Especially men, the enthusiasm is still there, and they will love each other very much, but once the enthusiasm fades, they will appear ruthless and unjust, and an attitude of "as long as I like it, why not", at this time no one can save his heart. In terms of sex, type B Leo people adopt an open attitude, both men and women. Some men even think that sex is a game. Here I want to remind you, don’t just see yourself, think about the other person’s feelings, be more mindful, be considerate, and be overly willful will only hurt yourself in the end. When you are in love, the most important prerequisite is to compare your heart to your heart. Don't be stingy to give your partner a little more heart and be considerate.

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The love tendency of Leo O type blood people:

Treat love, O type blood Leo people are very serious and don't like frivolity Express your feelings, even look a little serious when facing the person you like. When a Leo man with blood type O meets his favorite woman, he will go against his usual introversion and express his love directly and generously. When facing the pursuits of others, women with O-blood Leo will have a longer period of restraint in order to understand and test each other. Whether it is a Leo man with blood type O or a Leo woman, once a relationship is established, they will be loyal and responsible partners. Leo people choose marriage and love very carefully, they have their own unique requirements. Male friends hope to find someone who is a little birdy, gentle women can arouse their desire for protection; while female friends hope to find someone who is better than themselves and has a gentleman style, who can work with them and have a common goal. With love, they will work harder and create a better life for their loved ones.

O type blood gives full play to the characteristics of Leo people. Because of their bold personality, they don't like to care about others. They often have friends all over the world and are very popular. Therefore, they are not good at concealing themselves and always show the most authenticity in front of others. Of yourself. They emphasize loyalty and human affection, have a concealed heart for the weak, and will try their best to help each other. Their innocence and generosity always warm the people around them like sunshine. The bold and enthusiastic O-type Leo people are also more easily emotional. Their fatal injury in love is encountering the opposite sex who is good at sweet talk, making them feel that they are finally being paid attention to and appreciated. O-type blood Leo men are a little bit obsessed, hoping to have a colorful love experience to prove their charm. A woman with type O blood Leo needs to be surrounded by a strong glue-like love. Only such love can make her confident and radiant. Under the rough appearance of O-blood Leo, there is a sensitive and weak heart hidden. They are actually very concerned about the opinions of others, hoping to get affirmation and praise from others from time to time. They are not as assertive as other Leo people, and their attitudes towards people and things are often not firm and often shaken. They are also subject to people because they are easy to listen to slander. At the mercy. Therefore, for Leo type O blood, one of the major issues in life is how to get rid of this kind of personality, to be who you are, and to learn to recognize people with your eyes so that life is truly in your own hands. O-type Leo people who are not very strong in the concept of money are easily influenced by emotions or others to buy things randomly. Casually, they rarely consider issues such as taste or value. For Leo blood type O, as long as the purchase process is happy, the result of the purchase is not important.

O-type Leo, you think that life is a drama, so how can we make this drama look colorful? Your love is full of beautiful colors, positive and happy, and you are good at choosing appropriate stages and roles. Dramatically, when you fall in love, you are like the protagonist in a feature film. You are intoxicated in the atmosphere of love and completely forgetting yourself. If the O-shaped temperament is strong, you can still be calm in the passion, carefully weigh the future of both parties , But, generally speaking, the O-Leo you are mostly lost in the raging love, and even burned yourself. Since it's a love story, you will naturally look for a role that matches you to perform on the same stage. Once you have a feeling of admiration, you will go straight ahead and express your heart frankly. You don't know how to make demon, you will choose a date carefully. , Try to give the other person special feelingSuffer, try to create a perfect love scene. The blooming park and the endless beach will often leave behind your beautiful stories and deep footprints.

O-type Leo you like to fall in love in romantic places. Only when you talk about love in these places can you feel the joy of love and the feeling of happiness from the affectionate eyes of the other person. Even when you are in love, your attitude will not be courteous. Your consistent style is to attract the attention of others, which is a kind of happiness. Therefore, you never hide your love affair, but proudly boast about your love affair, and lose love. Now, you will barely cheer up, sort out your wounded heart, and immediately start looking for new objects. Vigorous love is what you dream of. You will not bury your love deep in your heart. You always hope that the other person can feel all your feelings and understand how deep your love is. Compared with this intense love pattern, the pattern of sexual behavior is much lighter. Because you are pursuing a dramatic romance, and you are full of fantasies about love. Therefore, you pay more attention to spiritual love, but your love is not platonic, it is just that from the emotional to the further skin relationship, there will often be wonderful faults in the process. This way of falling in love with full body and mind is very modern in the eyes of people around you. Although you are passionately in love, you will not easily have a super-friendship relationship with the other party. If you break through this stagnant state, both parties The relationship turns into intimacy, and the original backlog of inner passion will slowly reveal itself.

Advice: If you set up the stage without permission and ignore the other party’s mood, you will still fail.

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The love tendency of Leo AB blood:

AB Leo you have a midsummer love, dazzling and hot . And the love you ask for is also so dazzling, always on the initiative, not only will not wait for love to come, but will actively fight for yourself. The person you fall in love with must be carefully selected, because you want face first in everything, so naturally you ask that your lover is the best among the people. Otherwise, you will feel that you can’t take it out and you can’t hold back your face.

This type of you, the way to fall in love is to decorate love as much as possible, and use gorgeous, high-level, and all decent things to declare your love to the world. Your courtship skills are also top-notch. You are good at picking at the hottest and most exciting moments, using sweet words to make your lover agree to your request and fall into the love net you weave. In the process of love, you are very skillful, often sometimes indifferent and sometimes enthusiastic, clinging to each other's heart, speaking of it, you are a master in love, and you are always with the opposite sex. In short, just like the requirements of life, your love must also be proud enough. You require the other party to be perfect and commensurate with your appearance. At the same time, you must have enough tacit understanding and be able to communicate spiritually. The praise and blessings of everyone.

AB Leo people have wild feelings, but they never neglect the pursuit of the most true love in the world. When enjoying the pleasure brought by sex, they also do not forget to pursue moving and true feelings. Once you fall in love with someone, you will love it very deeply. You are considered to be a person with a lot of love. If you feel that this relationship is worth continuing, you will definitely be investing all your energy to make a declaration of your love to the world. However, if you don't get the same return from the other party, then the world will be in chaos, because you attach the most importance to hurting your self-esteem. If you have a fierce personality, you must take some measures to restore your self-esteem, and you will even have revenge, hurt the other party, and cause irreparable regret. After everything is gone, you will soon return to normal, and forget the unhappiness of the past. This kind of intense love style can easily make you make big mistakes when you lose your mind. Therefore, I would like to remind you that you should never be angry and do stupid things just because you fail in love. This is not worth the gain. Be careful. Love is not only a requirement, it does not necessarily have to be rewarded.

Advice: Losing love is not the coming of the world. Don’t do irreparable stupid things because of this. Remember, where there is no grass, there must be an ideal partner waiting for you.

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Leo marriages and families of different blood types are also different

Leo type A blood people’s marriage and family:

You are beautiful and romantic when you are in love. Return to the ordinary, life is very ordinary, this is the type A Leo you. In fact, this is the way things are, because love is just a longing and full of fantasy, while marriage is reality, and your significant other no longer regards you as the object of passionate pursuit, life will naturally be flat. Leo women enjoy love before marriage, but most of them stay at home after marriage. However, you want to be the "queen" of the family and hate greasy dirt and trivial housework. Regardless of whether your husband has the financial means to ask a servant for help, you are always reluctant to handle housework. Unlike a Cancer woman, she will completely sacrifice herself for the family. . Regarding the education of your children, because you do not take care of them very carefully, your children sometimes make mistakes. You can't bear to blame the children more, and you won't nag and control things all day long. Therefore, your child grows unfettered under your extremely free discipline, and has a profound impact on your child's character. However, in general, you are still a good mother and can develop your child's independent character.

Compared with A-type Leo females, male you are an out-and-out "dream knight". Your enthusiasm for pursuing beautiful dreams will not change at any age and will last your entire life. Marriage does not have any special meaning to you. Once the freshness of marriage fades away, your enthusiasm for your wife will decrease day by day. When you no longer attract you, you will go to the outside world. Development, looking for new prey, new love affair. This interest in pursuing freshness and excitement does not fade with age. And you’ve been outside for a long time, but you just ask your wife and children at home, even if they have any complaints, you will not take it to heart. You will still go your own way and continue to play the world. You hate the fetters of marriage and think that having fun is a man's privilege. Women have no right to intervene or interfere. The wife only needs to take good care of the family. In any case, she can no longer save her husband's heart. In the children's mind, because of your indifference and indifference, you will only take them out to play occasionally, so you are only a "playful father", and only at this moment will you be happy without a father Shelf. You are so irresponsible and cynical about marriage. If your wife is a very independent and independent person, she usually can't stand it at all and separates from you. However, after you break up, you can still maintain a friendship, and there are frequent contacts, which is very difficult.

Advice: You should control waste, so as to avoid the desolate evening scene.

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Marriage and family of Leo type B blood people

Whether it is a Leo type B male or female, most of them live ten years before marriage. In my own life, once we get married, I feel very responsible. A man wants to be a good husband and feels that he should give his wife a safe and happy life. On the female side, they hope that they will be the right-hand man for her husband's career and spirit. Not only can she take care of the housework, but she can also give a lot of advice to her husband's work.

When choosing a marriage partner, you may give priority to "whether the personality is compatible", other issues are not in your consideration. In your opinion, if you two have views on people and things Inconsistency will inevitably lead to differences of opinion and poor communication. In addition, if the temper is not very mild, there will be no happiness in the marriage. These situations can easily lead to divorce or separation. Another reason for your divorce is that Leo type B people are very independent and strong. Once they have disagreements, they are determined to divorce and have no attachment. If you are a type B Leo woman, and you must live with your mother-in-law after marriage, the problem of getting along with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will create a lot of psychological burden on you. On the one hand, it is because of your self-centered and willful personality living with your elders. I don't think there is an open space, which is very restrictive. Another reason is that you are a very autonomous person and think that it is best to deal with things in life yourself and not to fake hands. In other words, it means that you like to have power. If you match the personality of your mother-in-law, you can get along well. If you encounter a stubborn mother-in-law, how can she tolerate the life of being seized by you, and there will be no peace at home. Days are up.

On the other hand, although Leo type B is quite responsible, he is not willing to be fettered by his family. B-type Leo people are committed to work and like a free life. If they are troubled by housework, they will feel very impatient, and sometimes they may even get married at random to seek excitement. And B-type Leo women are not willing to stay at home and be sloppy rice cooks. Generally speaking, you who are Leo B will stick to your ideals after marriage and continue to work, hoping to be on the same level as your husband, have equal status and opportunities, and be a modern woman. B-type Leo men do not like the cumbersome housework, but in all fairness they treat their wives very considerately. The wife's opinions are generally adopted and listened to, and work matters will also be discussed with the wife. However, he is not very willing to listen to the homely things that he talks to his wife, and is afraid of his nagging wife. Therefore, if you marry a Leo type B male as your wife, you must learn to relax and be optimistic. For those three-guys-and-six-poor-parents and short-term affairs, it is best not to take the family as an example, so that the husband can rest after get off work.

Advice: listen more to your partner's heart. Marriage is not only a responsibility, but also a true love.

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Leo type O people are not bound by the family and pursue romance

O type blood Leo people, view of marriage and love Views are quite different, passionate in love, but not particularly interested in marriage. In other words, I just want to fall in love, but don't want to get married. This is because the O-blood Leo temperament makes him very emotional when he is pursuing romance. Once he faces real problems, he will no longer be enthusiastic. Therefore, the idea that being in love is one thing and getting married is the same thing. He believes that love is the most beautiful moment in life, but marriage is realistic. He holds an uncompromising and realistic attitude towards marriage. As long as it comes to marriage, the calmness of type O blood gradually strengthens, Leo The chosen spouse must be a person with excellent conditions, so that he can be satisfied with his strong self-esteem. O type blood Leo people can be said to be a down-to-earth person in real life. In this way, the person in love and the person in marriage are rarely the same, but there are also some situations where the lover turns into a spouse. In the eyes of others, both situations are absurd. The former is a negative heart shape that is easy to change. The latter is the sequel to the love story. The disadvantage of the former is irresponsibility and the disadvantage of the latter is impractical. In short, it is difficult for people with type O blood Leo to accept the concept of love and marriage. O-type blood Leo people will still pursue a romantic life after they enter marriage, without being bound by family. Therefore, men become husbands who do not care about family affairs, and will show masculinity, which brings great difficulties to their wives. Women are not good at handling trivial housework, and want to fight for opportunities to go out to work or go out with their husbands to socialize and socialize. This idea inevitably annoys them. O-type blood Leo women do not like trivial housework, but still have an advantage that they like children very much. Not only are they very enthusiastic about educating children, but they also like to take time to play with them. If you can’t accept the reality of life after marriage and still indulge in the romantic dreams of the love period, this will make his spouse feel frustrated, and even cause family disturbances. Fortunately, he is born with a lively and cheerful personality, so even Marital quarrels will not cause divorce.

I am passionate when I am in love, but I am not particularly interested in marriage. In other words, I just want to fall in love, but don’t want to get married. This is because the O-Leo temperament makes you always have a very high mood when you are pursuing romance, but when faced with real problems, Li Dan will no longer be enthusiastic. Therefore, the idea that being in love is one thing and getting married is one thing. You think that love is the most beautiful moment in one, but marriage is realistic. With regard to marriage, you have an uncompromising and realistic attitude. As long as it comes to marriage, the O-shaped calmness gradually strengthens. Leo The chosen spouse must be a person with excellent conditions, so that you can feel satisfied with a strong self-esteem. O-shaped Leo you can be said to be a down-to-earth person in real life. In this way, love and marriage are seldom the same, but there are also many situations where a lover turns into a spouse. In the eyes of others, both of these situations are absurd. The former is a negative for easy change of heart.Heart-shaped, the latter is a sequel to the love story. The disadvantage of the former is irresponsibility, and the disadvantage of the latter is impractical. In short, you are a Leo type O, it is difficult for people to accept the concept of love and marriage. As an O-shaped Leo, after stepping into the carpet, you will still pursue a romantic life without being bound by your family. Therefore, a man becomes a husband who does not care about family affairs, but he will show masculinity and bring great difficulties to his wife. Women are not good at handling trivial household chores, and they want to fight for opportunities to go out to work or go out to socialize with their husbands. This idea inevitably annoys them. O-shaped Leo women, although they don't like trivial housework, they still have an advantage. They like children very much. Not only are they enthusiastic about educating children, they also like to take time out to play with them. If you can’t accept the reality of life after marriage and are still immersed in the romantic dreams of the love period, coming to each other will make your spouse feel frustrated and even cause family disturbances. Fortunately, you are born with a lively and cheerful personality, so even Marital quarrels will not cause divorce. Although you are living with the attitude of playing the world, you have the original O-shaped reality characteristics, and the total value can not hold you, so that you can avoid doing stupid things and destroying family life. Generally speaking, your interpersonal relationships in the family are very clear, but if you are too self-willed, it will cause dissatisfaction. As a result, it caused a family dispute and paid a painful price. It was too unworthy. So even at home, in the face of my dearest family members, I still have to restrain the emotion of reading.

Advice: Although it is not an exaggeration to pursue love and live in romantic feelings, you must first pay attention to the changes around yourself. Don’t ruin your hard work due to temporary passion. Foundation of life.

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Leo AB blood type marriage and family:

AB type Leo you, because of your personality, the way of love is of course to adopt Love freely, and the purpose of marriage is not to pursue stability in life or for the destiny of your parents. It can be said that you are marrying to make a beautiful relationship have the most perfect ending. This is a very romantic way of getting married. When it comes to the blessings of your loved ones, you will be desperate for love, and you may even elope on performances. This kind of steadfast feeling is quite moving. In the end, a lover can eventually become a family and bond with your beloved. This type of you usually does not think about it. Many, let alone the life plan after marriage, what you see in your eyes is just for the joy of the climax of the beautiful love performance. Gorgeous wedding is the focus of your marriage. You yearn for a dream-like wedding, and you are the prince charming or snow white in the wedding.

Fortunately, although the AB Leo will step into the auditorium hastily, once the marriage has ups and downs, you will come up with the ability to respond to the crisis, try your best to think of a way, and make up your mind to practice. Lovers will not have any dissatisfaction after marriage. This mentality of yours may be due to the principle that self-esteem cannot be compromised. Failure of a marriage is a violation of this principle. You will never let this deficiency become the laughing stock of everyone. In order to maintain a painstaking marriage, a Leo boy with AB type will become a good husband, while a woman will be a loyal and good wife. As an AB Leo, you have a good grasp of marriage, and dominate and manage the financial status of your family. You absolutely respect the privacy of every member of your family. Therefore, your family is very harmonious, and there are opportunities for divorce and separation. It's almost negligible. Speaking of respect, this is the main reason for maintaining the family, and it is also the fuse of the outbreak of resistance. If the other person neglects his own position, or doesn't care about himself, then you will feel unhappy. If an affair is discovered, it will be even more restless. You will not easily forgive the other person, because the AB-type Leo sees marriage as a shameful shame in life. Even if it does happen, you will try to hide it and avoid talking about it. thing. But on the other hand, if both parties can keep their duty and be considerate to each other, then this marriage will be unmatched, and the two of you will live a life that only envyes mandarin ducks and not immortals, just like a couple of gods. I would like to remind you that it is best for you to choose your marriage slowly. The success rate of other people's matchmaking for you is not as high as free love.

Advice: Don’t listen to the mediator’s words, believe in your own choice. Once you decide your partner, you should respect and be kind to each other and stay together for life, Marriage is not superficial effort, but endless effort.

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The work and career of Leos of different blood types are different

The career and success of Leo type A blood people:

has the sun dominance The Leo of the constellation loves to stand on top of everyone by nature, acting as a leader who commands a certain degree. But because you are not good at communicating and coordinating with others, you will not cooperate with others. You will only stand at the forefront, give orders and lead everyone forward, so you are suitable for a career that can display special talents. You have rich acting cells and unique creativity. You have a good posture between gestures and actions. It is very suitable for actors, singers, models, etc.; but if the A-type temperament is stronger, the work behind the scenes will be better than the work before the scenes. It is more suitable for you; in addition, you love gorgeous things and have extraordinary temperament. The appearance gives people a sense of grace and luxury. If you are engaged in high-end products such as jewelry and leather, you can give full play to your sense of beauty. If you can start your career with the abundance of physical strength of Leo and the sharp and calm mind of Type A people, it is not difficult to become a successful entrepreneur, politician or businessman. Because you are broad-minded, charismatic, orderly, well-planned, and very popular, you will become a leader in these industries.

However, you have one shortcoming, that is, you are too arbitrary. If you can exert A-type temperament and control it, you will be able to exert outstanding leadership skills, and you can achieve a great cause by integrating the great achievements of the managers and corporate leaders. .

Advice: You, who are born with high abilities, should always keep in mind the principle that an arrogant soldier must be defeated, and don't be overwhelmed.

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Leo type B blood people have very good career luck

Although the fluctuation range is very sharp, but the hope of success is quite strong. You can't always be just a small salaryman. Because of your excellent planning and organization skills, coupled with a bold style. It is well qualified to run a company of your own and own your own business. In addition to self-organizing a company, the freedom to use talents and technology is also very suitable for you. Because of your outgoing personality, coupled with extraordinary creativity, you are able to perform and grasp the latest information of the times. Therefore, when considering your career, you can also choose emerging industries such as mass communication or advertising planning. If your artistic talent can be used, acting career is also a good choice. In short, this type of you should try to avoid practical tasks and rigid tasks that will obliterate your talents and hinder your chances of success. If you run your own business, there is one operating principle you must keep in mind: Don’t over-expand and cause failure.

Advice: Don’t force yourself to engage in rigid and practical work. When running your own business, you should remember not to expand too quickly. Steady and steady is the best way to succeed.

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O-type Leo people are suitable for new industries.

OO-type Leo you have a strong desire for self-expression and like to be full of gorgeous colors Your life, this kind of you is suitable for working in a new industry, not suitable for an unpretentious life, and not suitable for a dull career. It is recommended that you be able to work as actors, singers, and models. These jobs can attract everyone’s attention and make O-Leo you feel the joy of being noticed from time to time. If you want to make full use of you With excellent leadership skills, choosing an entrepreneur or teacher in an enterprise should be the most suitable. If you are not interested in these jobs, then you may wish to consider becoming a designer, painter, etc. This type of work is extremely free and will not make you feel restrained. Moreover, you are inherently endowed with a unique artistic temperament in the O-shaped Leo. If you are engaged in art-related work, you must be competent and happy. In any case, as an O-Leo, luck is always better than others. As long as you use your own vigorous energy, no matter what occupation you are in, the possibility of success is quite high. However, O-shaped Leo you are originally a person who likes to show off your social skills and please people around you. If you are too conspicuous and cause others to dislike it, you will virtuallyIsolated by others. It is recommended that you should be able to work as actors, singers, and models. These jobs can attract everyone's attention. If he wants to give full play to his outstanding leadership skills, choosing to be an entrepreneur should be the most suitable. If he is not interested in these jobs, then he might consider becoming a designer, painter, etc. This type of work is extremely free and will not make him feel restrained. Moreover, he himself has a unique artistic temperament, and he will be happy and competent to engage in art-related work. In any case, the luck of the O-type Leo is always far better than others, as long as he uses his own vigorous energy, no matter what occupation he is in, the possibility of success is quite high. However, the O type blood Leo is originally a person who likes to show off his social skills. If it is too conspicuous and arouses the disgust of others, it will be isolated by others.

AB Leo, you have great ambitions and are very strict with yourself. Based on your extraordinary strength, you hope to win a place in any profession you choose. The professions you yearn for are mostly leaders, such as managers, operators, industrialists, parliamentarians, etc. These professions are more suitable for you and can allow you to show your strengths. Other jobs that are suitable for you, including models, actors, stars, designers, and various career leaders, etc., are all jobs that you can happily and competently, especially the acting career, which belongs to your field. In time, Be sure to become a shining superstar! The ups and downs of the time to start a business are inevitable, and your character is just not afraid of failure and brave to challenge. In the waves of changes, you will always find your own opportunities and development space. In a big company, being a little-known person is something you can't bear. Sooner or later you will get out and break new ground for yourself.

Advice: Mastering good interpersonal relationships is of great help to your career. Remember, when you are strict with yourself, you must be lenient with others, so that you can maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships and build contacts.

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Different blood types of Leo have different fortunes

Leo type A money and fortune:

Your fortune is in Among the twelve seats, the calculations are good, and you can even get something for nothing and make a fortune. But because you are squandering and unable to hold your wealth, you will be a breeze after all, and no matter how much wealth is, it will be empty in an instant. Your waste of money should actually be attributed to your personality. You hate people like small-minded and miserly most. You can't stand people who others think are such people, so you can invisibly develop excessive use of money. The bad habit of arbitrarily waste is regarded as a profligate person. Leo, you will never restrain your desire to buy in order to save money or want to save, save the money you want to spend, as long as you see something you want to buy or delicious food, no matter how expensive the price is, you will go Buy, if you have money or not, you can enjoy it first. However, if your A-type features are stronger, you may still save a little money, but you basically save for expenses, not for life security considerations, so you spend it immediately before you know it. , It is not easy to accumulate into a fortune.

You, as a Leo, are sometimes overconfident in your own good fortune, and put all your wealth on speculation or gambling. However, ten bets and nine loses. When bad luck, all the property will be gone forever!

Advice: When wealth comes, you must cherish it, but long-term love will be bitter, long-term gambling will lose, don’t speculate and gamble just to try your luck.

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Leo type B money and wealth

Type B Leo people have a strong desire to make money and are good at planning big Large-scale money-making operations are very quick to make money. Your chances of success are great, but you rarely think of saving the money you earn. You always think that you should let the money go. Usually you will put your surplus into other jobs or careers. He is a typical entrepreneurial character. However, luck seems to be good and bad when it comes to making money. Maybe you make a lot of money in a business, and when you continue to invest with rich profits, you lose in a mess, and even lose money and debts. This is a type B Leo who is doing business. A situation often encountered from time to time.

Generally speaking, you can be considered as a person who spends a lot of money, and often have a large amount of expenses. However, even if you spend all your money, you still have the ability to make it back. The main reason why you are passionate about pursuing wealth is not to save money, but to pursue the status and power brought by money. In general, if you think about your family, your income is best to buy real estate. In addition, I want to remind you that although your wealth is good, you have no good luck for speculation.

Advice: Wealth and power are only temporary. It is like passing away cigarettes, so why bother too much.

O type blood Leo people have great luck, and good fortune

O type blood Leo people have good luck and prosperous fortune. They often come in without any effort and money. It’s luck that comes with time. Unstoppable. Because of the good quality of others, they often get sponsorship from friends when raising funds. Unfortunately, he often wastes good luck. This is mainly affected by the Leo temperament. If he can give full play to his calm and agile action, he will not let good luck slip away in vain. O-type Leo people have a weak concept of saving, and the money they make is always spent quickly. Even if they borrow money, they have to play around happily, and then work hard to fill the shortfall. Remember, when good luck comes, if you don’t grasp it in time, you may fall into a poor life when you lose your luck. If he indulges in gambling on his own good luck, he will plunge himself into a bottomless abyss and find it difficult to extricate himself.

Advice: Although saving is a bit stingy, how can you become rich if you don't save money? If you don’t save small money, how can you have big money? Don’t just want to make big money. Small money should be cherished.

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The money and fortune of a Leo type AB blood person

AB type Leo you, fortune change is quite special, often presenting two extremes. Either a rich man or a pauper who doesn’t eat three meals a day, but both depend entirely on your efforts and methods. Generally speaking, your wealth depends on whether the fortune after wave is controlled by you. There is a world of difference between seizing the opportunity and not seizing the opportunity.

This type of you, whether you can make a fortune or not depends on your wishes. If you only ask to live a life in peace, your fortune will decline. If you actively strive for it, you will succeed with your ingenuity It can be said that the opportunity is very large. It can be said that your vision is very far-sighted, and you are not limited to the small profits in front of you. You can get rich by rolling money, but if you want to save money bit by bit, there must be no momentum. Maybe it's your fate, bad things never happen to you, it's really enviable, so if you work hard, you will have a stable wealth.

In conclusion, your wealth is in the upper middle class. No matter how undeveloped you are, you can maintain a certain standard of living. Unless you hold the attitude of earning a penny and spending a penny, you should not be in financial constraints. .

Advice: Master the fortune and create wealth in a timely manner. Although there is a medium-to-high wealth fortune, you may still be impoverished for a lifetime without hard work.

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