Original title: Jiangxi accelerates high-quality leap-forward development. According to reports, Jiangxi has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Jiangxi. By vigorously implementing the primary strategy of h

2024/07/0310:49:32 constellation 1845

Original title: Jiangxi accelerates high-quality leap-forward development. According to reports, Jiangxi has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Jiangxi. By vigorously implementing the primary strategy of h - DayDayNews

Original title:

Jiangxi accelerates high-quality leap-forward development (China in these ten years series of theme news releases)

People's Daily reporter Zheng Shaozhong Yang Yanfei

"People's Daily" (Page 03, July 16, 2022)

"China This The special Jiangxi press conference of the "Ten Years" series of themed press conferences was held on July 15. According to reports, Jiangxi has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Jiangxi. By vigorously implementing the primary strategy of high-quality leap-forward development, Jiangxi has achieved a great leap forward in comprehensive strength. Over the past ten years, Jiangxi's province's GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 8.4%, its economic aggregate has risen from the 19th to the 15th in the country, the growth rate of major economic indicators has continued to remain at the forefront of the country, and the comprehensive scientific and technological innovation level index has achieved "seven consecutive advancements" ".

Adhere to innovative development and cultivate and expand characteristic and advantageous industries

Yi Lianhong, secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, introduced that Jiangxi vigorously implements the primary strategy of high-quality leap-forward development, solidly promotes the construction of an innovative province, innovatively implements the industrial chain chain length system, and cultivates and strengthens characteristics. Advantage industries, further promote the "No. 1 development project" of digital economy and optimization and strengthening, give full play to the enabling and efficiency-enhancing role of digital technology , deeply implement the "cloud and use data to empower intelligence" project, and build diverse application scenarios across the entire domain .

Today, Jiangxi is accelerating the construction of a modern economic system with Jiangxi characteristics. Science and technology innovation platforms such as the Ganjiang Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have been launched one after another. The headquarters of China Rare Earth Group has settled in Ganzhou. Jiangxi has been rated as an outstanding province in the national comprehensive management evaluation for 16 consecutive years. Jiangxi's economic strength and innovation capabilities have been greatly improved, and social productivity, core competitiveness, and development influence have reached a new level.

As a province that is adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta , Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area , and Haixi Economic Zone , Jiangxi connects the south to the north, the east to the west, and the river to the sea. It has obvious location advantages. Ye Jianchun, deputy secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and governor , said that Jiangxi proactively serves and integrates into the new development pattern, deeply promotes the construction of the Jiangxi inland open economic pilot zone, and comprehensively improves the level of openness and cooperation.

Jiangxi regards "hard connectivity" of railways, airports, ports and other infrastructure and "soft connectivity" of network information as the pilot project for expanding opening up, and continues to expand with a focus on air cargo, China-Europe freight trains, river-sea combined transport, and rail-sea combined transport. As a major international logistics channel, over the past ten years, Jiangxi Province has continued to improve its level of opening up and promoted development through opening up. The growth rate of the province's main economic indicators has continued to remain at the forefront of the country.

accelerates the promotion of high-quality leap-forward development and strives to paint a new picture of Jiangxi's reform and development in the new era. Over the past ten years, Jiangxi Province's GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 8.4%, and the total has moved from the 19th place in the country in 2012 to the 15th place.

Promote development and benefit people's livelihood, and the results of reform and development are shared by the people

Yi Lianhong said that Jiangxi adheres to the people-centered development idea and does everything possible to promote development, benefit people's livelihood, and maintain stability, so that the results of reform and development can benefit the whole country more and more equitably. Provincial people.

Jiangxi has resolutely won the battle against poverty, comprehensively promoted the rural revitalization strategy, and the people's sense of happiness, security and security have been comprehensively improved. All 25 impoverished counties in the province have been removed from poverty, and all 3,058 impoverished villages have withdrawn. The per capita disposable income of residents has doubled one year ahead of schedule compared with 2010, and the country has completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Jiangxi strives to promote the revitalization and development of Gannan and other former Central Soviet Areas, so that the people in the old areas can live a happy life. Over the past ten years, the old revolutionary areas in southern Gansu have changed their appearance: the fight against poverty has achieved comprehensive victory, and all 2.398 million registered poor people have been lifted out of poverty; the growth rate of major economic indicators has continued to be higher than the national and provincial averages, and 54 Soviet counties and countiesGDP All have been doubled; the high-speed rail era has been fully entered, and the highway mileage has doubled in ten years.

continues to protect and improve people's livelihood. In the past ten years, Jiangxi has spent more than 3.9 trillion yuan on people's livelihood, accounting for about 80% of the total fiscal expenditure, and has solved the urgent, difficult and troublesome problems of batches of people. The people's sense of gain will be greater, their happiness will be more sustainable, and their sense of security will be more guaranteed.

It is necessary not only to have a good natural ecology, but also to have a clear political ecology.

Open the window to see the green and push the door to see the scenery.In the past ten years, Jiangxi has adhered to ecological priority and promoted great improvements in the urban and rural environment. Jiangxi Province’s national forest cities and garden cities have achieved full coverage of districts and cities. In 2021, Jiangxi Province's forest coverage rate was 463.1%, ranking second in the country; the proportion of days with good air in Jiangxi Province was 96.1%, the water quality rate of national examination sections was 95.5%, and the ecological environment quality remained at the forefront of the country.

Ye Jianchun introduced that in recent years, Jiangxi has deeply promoted the construction of the National Ecological Civilization Experimental Zone and has taken solid steps to create a Beautiful China "Jiangxi Model".

35 reform experiences and institutional achievements in the construction of the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone have been implemented. It was the first in the country to introduce a provincial land and space ecological restoration plan. It was the first in the country to issue and implement the river and lake chief system local standards, forming a five-level river, lake and forest chief system. With the all-element supervision system as the core, we are at the forefront of the country in the protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands, and the pilot construction of sponge cities.

’s green transformation and development have achieved remarkable results. Jiangxi is the first country in the country to introduce an implementation plan to establish and improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products, formulate and implement provincial-level local standards such as technical specifications for accounting of ecosystem gross product value, and accelerate the formation of a green industry system, including ecological agriculture, traditional Chinese medicine, general health industry, and eco-tourism industry. Waiting for continuous development.

We need both a good natural ecology and a clear political ecology.

Jiangxi has deeply promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, adhered to the main tone of strictness, intensified the efforts to correct the discipline and anti-corruption; strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, improve the cadre selection and management mechanism; continue to deepen the rectification of formalism and bureaucracy, A number of disciplinary and illegal cases were seriously investigated and dealt with, making the province's political ecology clearer.

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