Capricorns do not need to avoid "inferiority complex" on July 17. Personality psychologist Adler believes that people are "born with low self-esteem." In reality, if people cannot reach the level they want, they will develop a sense of inferiority. Inferiority is actually the sou

2024/07/0221:47:33 constellation 1096

Capricorns do not need to avoid

Capricorns do not need to avoid "inferiority complex" on July 17. Personality psychologist Adler believes that people are "born with low self-esteem." In reality, if people cannot reach the level they want, they will develop a sense of inferiority . Inferiority is actually the source of a person's motivation to "transcend oneself" from the very beginning. He believes that "a person's pursuit of excellence is to compensate for inferiority."

For example, Beethoven's disability, Deng Yaping's short stature, etc., have all brought them inferiority. Deng Yaping once said personally in an interview, "I am not as good as others, so I keep working hard." Inferiority is also a kind of self-awareness. Only after a person recognizes reality can he defeat reality. Otherwise, maybe Ma Huateng would have sold QQ long ago, and Jack Ma is still running a translation agency today.

Capricorns do not need to avoid

Lucky keywords: Beyond

, you will have more luck with love. A sweet feeling is not necessarily love; a beautiful scenery is not necessarily a harbor where you can anchor. Before love begins, everything is full of uncertainty. Life is difficult and love is not easy, but if you have the ability to smile at life, you can continue to find happiness to enjoy in your long life. However, the ending of love will definitely make people feel gratified.

In the process of mutual affection and mutual confrontation, everyone is constantly improving themselves. The power of love is so powerful that it can make anyone who never gives up their efforts reach a higher level.

has good financial luck. When a person always thinks that others are thinking, "That guy is really a fool" or "Is there something wrong with that guy's brain?" this person should be more vigilant. He has fallen into "negative emotions". Of course, if a person discovers his "negative emotions" and can get rid of them, then this person has already become "transcendent".

Most people, even if they discover "negative emotions", will still be disturbed, and feeling upset is also a normal reaction.

However, there is also a relatively simple "negative emotion transfer method".

For example, convert "one's own troubles" into "compassion for others":

"That person would say such things, he must not have received a good education"; "That person would react so excitedly, and his spiritual world must be extremely lacking." ;etc.

When seeking money and profit, mentality is the most important.

The most important thing should be to avoid one's own "depression" and "depression", and at the same time avoid "hatred" and "jealousy" of others.

Capricorns do not need to avoid

Lucky Color: Iris color that symbolizes philosophy and art!

Lucky number: 2!

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