--The celestial chart will be opened from July 18th to 24th in the weekly horoscope. The sun will enter Leo next week, and the entire celestial energy will also be the transition from Cancer to Leo. The celestial phenomena change almost every day. The sun and Mercury concentrate

2024/07/0216:00:33 constellation 1535

--The celestial chart will be opened from July 18th to 24th in the weekly horoscope. The sun will enter Leo next week, and the entire celestial energy will also be the transition from Cancer to Leo. The celestial phenomena change almost every day. The sun and Mercury concentrate  - DayDayNews

- Weekly luck July 18-24

Open the celestial chart. Next week the sun will enter Leo , and the entire celestial energy is also the transition from Cancer to Leo. The celestial phenomena change almost every day. The sun and Mercury concentrate on preparing a drama for us. It is not calm and plain, but has ups and downs of bravery.

If you have been thinking about the past recently, wanting to destroy the world, and want to destroy the world, next week you will have the courage to change and resist, and the momentum to move forward.

As the moon moves, next week’s energy will shift from Cancer stars to Taurus stars, and then to Leo stars. What deserves more attention is that in the two days from July 20th to July 21st, will have the sun rising in Taurus. , Capricorn, Cancer, Aries , and Leo feel the most obvious.

--The celestial chart will be opened from July 18th to 24th in the weekly horoscope. The sun will enter Leo next week, and the entire celestial energy will also be the transition from Cancer to Leo. The celestial phenomena change almost every day. The sun and Mercury concentrate  - DayDayNews






the vigor of the sun

html No. 418: Sun in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. Romantic feelings will come to you, your tolerance will be enhanced, and you will have more artistic appeal. Our emotional communication will be smoother and more conducive to imagination and expectations for the future.

html No. 420: Sun and Pluto oppose Sun in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a moment of power struggle. We can easily encounter situations of being oppressed or threatened at work, and our tempers may become less controllable and prone to violence. If you have a bad temper, powerful things will happen.

html No. 423: The sun enters the Leo. The sun enters the temple here. Our energy will become stronger and we will be very enthusiastic towards others. However, we will also need the worship and admiration of others. We will be more proactive in doing things and have more leadership. Talent.

Mercury’s passion

html No. 418: Mercury in Pluto Opposition Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn oppose each other, giving us a keen sense of discernment to see reality clearly. We generally remain silent and do not easily express our thoughts. They also like to manipulate other people's thoughts from behind.

html No. 419: Mercury enters Leo. When Mercury enters Leo, we will be more likely to be quick-tongued when communicating with others, and we will be more aggressive in speech. We may even be mean, a little arrogant, and like to argue.

html No. 424: Mercury and Wood trine Mercury Leo and Jupiter Aries. This is an aspect that is more conducive to higher education, religion and emotional resonance. Of course, it will also appear more ambitious, optimistic and enterprising.

The sensitivity of Venus

html No. 418: Venus enters Cancer. When Venus enters Cancer, we will long for a sense of family security, but are afraid of losing it. It is easy to worry about gains and losses in relationships. We are serious about relationships, but we are also prone to sentimentality and vulnerability. Nervous, easily insecure.

No matter what, we still have to continue to work hard in life! Please keep working hard!

The following will analyze the key issues in life that may be affected by the celestial phenomena next week. Please remind yourself to be mentally prepared and not to follow the script.

Please exert your subjective initiative and say "go away" to things you don't want to happen!

areas that are not written, it proves that there is no need to worry, everything goes smoothly!

--The celestial chart will be opened from July 18th to 24th in the weekly horoscope. The sun will enter Leo next week, and the entire celestial energy will also be the transition from Cancer to Leo. The celestial phenomena change almost every day. The sun and Mercury concentrate  - DayDayNews





Please refer to the sun rising sign


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Aries are affected by the stars Cancer. They still value their families, can get support and help from their families, and may also meet noble people. With help, there is still a strong fortune in home decoration and catering. Some Aries will receive good rewards for their contributions to their families during this period. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Aries will have stronger self-expression and artistic inspiration.

Disadvantages: This week, Aries are still prone to conflicts with their leaders at work. Especially in the middle of the week, there may be conflicts in values, and some Aries may easily have disputes with their parents. Aries may have some sudden and unexpected expenses this week, or there may be problems with the project process.

Love: Aries in love may have some novel ideas, but they are not easily accepted by the other party. Your fickleness can also easily prevent the other party from keeping up with you. Even though Sun and Water come to the love house, but oppose Pluto, the two people will still have quarrels and refuse to give in to each other. It is easy to be mean at this time, so please pay more attention. Married Aries are willing to share the small blessings of family life with their partners and long for the warmth of family. Single Aries may have some sudden love relationships, but it is better to focus on quality.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Taurus is affected by the stars Cancer, with frequent interpersonal interactions and increased opportunities to deal with people. It has its own advantages in the Internet, sales, training, and advertising, and will have its own ideas and ideas in career. Some novel ideas. After Sun Mercury enters Leo, Taurus can try to adjust the style of the home to improve the comfort of life.

Disadvantages: Taurus will tend to be a little willful and stubborn this week. You should pay attention to the way you speak to leaders and colleagues at work, and don't be too impulsive, otherwise you will be unable to guard against some pitfalls and villains. Opportunities for further study are not strong in the middle of the week, and you may be forced to complete something, feeling the task is arduous and anxious.

Love: Taurus in love tend to want to control the other person in words or thinking. If there is some brainwashing in it, they may be resisted by the other person. Some Taurus see things thoroughly and are not forgiving with their words. Married Taurus are prone to family conflicts in the middle of the week, and you seem to have no patience to solve the problem. Single Taurus have poor luck in love. They may not be able to see the love thing clearly for the time being, and there is no suitable partner to get along with.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Gemini is affected by the star Cancer, and there are more opportunities for investment and financial management, and there are opportunities for financial gains. You will care very much about your own value and how others evaluate you, so you will work hard to do well. Some Geminis may get good job opportunities, especially Geminis who are engaged in art and literature, and they can show off well. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Gemini's interpersonal interaction will be enhanced. You will be better at spreading news to others, and your writing and editing skills will increase.

Disadvantages: It will not be easy for Geminis who are engaged in investment, insurance, financial management, and consulting this week. There may be mistakes that will cause certain losses, and it will also be difficult to open up the topic during consultation. Some Geminis need to pay attention to travel safety in the middle of the week and be careful of cuts, burns, etc. Others may encounter a crisis in their intimate relationships and get into trouble of settling old scores. In the second half of the week,

may encounter some interpersonal problems and unnecessary trouble caused by being too impulsive.

Love: Geminis who are in love can enjoy a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere with their lovers this week. They are also more romantic and willing to create surprises for their lovers. Married Geminis may encounter the pull of power in their intimate relationships. Single Geminis are more likely to have a romantic relationship this week, and they may meet someone who meets all the conditions, so they can take advantage of it.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Cancer is affected by the stars in the life palace, and the whole person is shining. They are very energetic at work, but at the same time, Cancer also pays more attention to enjoyment, and will be more attached to home and enjoy the happiness of family together. . This week, Cancerians are more concerned about their external image, focusing on beauty and comfort, so they will increase their shopping in this area. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Cancer's wealth will increase, investment opportunities will increase, and they will stick to their own value system more.

Disadvantages: This week, Cancers may overdo their efforts, which may be counterproductive. There will be some changes in interpersonal relationships, emergencies may affect your reputation, and there may be changes in budget applications for some activities. Work this week is still busy and arduous. You may encounter contract terms that are unfavorable to you and the cooperative relationship will not go smoothly.

Love: Cancers who are in love may neglect each other because they are too busy at work. There may be some unpleasant quarrels, maybe about friends. Married Cancers often have disputes with their partners, and the two of them refuse to give in to each other. For single Cancers, because Venus is in the life palace, charm and love are indispensable. However, Mars is in a restricted state, so you still have to wait to get out of singles.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Leos are affected by the star Cancer, so they will be relatively low-key and suitable for doing some behind-the-scenes work or secret operations. Some Leos may use family power to pave the way for themselves. After water enters the life palace of Leo on the same day, Leo will perform more brilliantly in all aspects, with high energy, enthusiasm and positivity.

Disadvantages: This week, Leos should be aware that it is easy to encounter bad things at work. Either you are too strong as a superior, have changeable ideas and are anxious to achieve results, which makes your subordinates miserable, or you are challenged by your authority. On the one hand, they are eager to express themselves, but on the other hand, it is difficult to make a decision quickly to solve the problem. Some Leos may be too narcissistic and may attract some criticism. In short, the work between superiors and subordinates is not going smoothly. Some Leos should pay attention to their own health and the health of their pets.

Love: Leos who are in love may easily lose their temper with each other due to trivial issues in life, such as water leakage, noise, etc. You should also be aware that you are sometimes too domineering and want the other person to listen to you in everything, causing some trouble. Married Leos may be more egotistical in business, and there will be an unexplainable gap between the two people. Single Leos will not have good luck in love this week, and they will not meet the right people.


Advantages: Virgo is affected by the stars Cancer in the first half of the week. Virgos still have frequent social gatherings. They have their own positive influence in the team, are very approachable, and are easily liked by everyone. After Sun and Water enter Leo, Virgo will be responsible for some behind-the-scenes work and become more enthusiastic about making money. Your work will go smoothly this week, especially when it comes to cooperating with others. You can feel the sincerity and enthusiasm of your partners.

Disadvantages: This week, Virgos may have to pay attention to the relationship with friends. You may have some obsessions about what you must do in the team. Some Virgos may discover the secrets or the truth behind the current environment. This Gets you thinking. Some Virgos should pay attention to traffic safety when traveling far away! Virgos with credit cards should be aware that they may overspend.

Love: Virgos in love may have disagreements with their lovers in order to protect their friends, or they may be too strong and fight over little things. Married Virgos may actively attend parties with their partners and publicly show affection.Single Virgos have poor luck in love. Although they may meet their favorite partner at a party, the time is not yet ripe.


Advantages: Affected by the star Cancer in the first half of the week, Libra is very enterprising, has a strong positive vision, believes that he can exert his talents at work, and also has the perseverance and determination to overcome difficulties. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Libras will care more about their reputation and social influence, and may have more opportunities for social gatherings, and they will be more charitable.

Disadvantages: Affected by the opposition between the Sun and Pluto this week, Libras will still encounter some problems in their career. You may have a lot of things to do, and the contents of some negotiations and agreements are not so satisfactory to you. Others may feel oppressed by power and may resist the leadership. Some Libras may be borrowed money, or spend money to settle matters, resulting in poor financial fortune. This week you still need to pay attention to getting along with your family, as conflicts are likely to occur.

Love: Libras in love are a bit in dire straits and will spend more time at work this week. Although you will get more attention from your lover and have sweeter moments, it is also sweetness after experiencing a big fight. Married Libras may encounter situations where two people are overbearing and unreasonable, and there is the possibility of quarreling. Single Libras have poor luck in love and have to wait for opportunities.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Scorpio is affected by the star Cancer, and the awareness of self-improvement is still very strong. If you want to get a better future, start by investing in yourself. Some Scorpios have obvious opportunities for training and promotion, and may also have the opportunity to travel far away on business, and they perform well among colleagues. Some Scorpios have relatively strong international fortunes, and there may be good news when applying to study abroad or immigrate. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Scorpio's career fortune will be enhanced, and good opportunities will come.

Disadvantages: Scorpios may have some thoughts about cooperation in the middle of the week, which will subvert some previous concepts, but they will also be a little impatient, motivated but impatient, so if there is a contract this week, it will be more likely to have some minor twists and turns. Unexpected changes. Scorpios who work in training, sales, advertising, or media may feel a little overwhelmed. Some Scorpios should pay attention to travel safety, and may also suffer from headaches, inflammation, etc.

Love: Scorpios in love are still very charming, and their emotional life will tend to be romantic, but there may also be times when the words do not express what they mean, causing some unnecessary misunderstandings. Married Scorpios are prone to headaches. The confrontation between the two people is obvious and the quarrel can easily escalate. Single Scorpios will have some romantic relationships during their long journey this week, or the love relationships may be related to college classmates.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Sagittarius is affected by the stars Cancer, and can still actively integrate social resources around them and find conveniences that can be used by themselves. Some Sagittarius people who are engaged in financial management and psychology will have some development and more business opportunities. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Sagittarius's learning ability is enhanced, they are willing to invest in themselves to improve themselves, and their chances of traveling far and wide to gain more knowledge increase.

Disadvantages: Sagittarius may be more likely to experience some sudden situations at work in the middle of the week. They will start to be too ambitious about some tasks, disdain to complete them but make mistakes, and be careless. If some investment projects run into trouble, it will not be easy to solve. Some Sagittarius people need to pay attention to their health problems and may have to go to the hospital. Some Sagittarius people will have poor gambling luck in the second half of the week.

Love: Sagittarius in love is likely to encounter some ambiguous or rotten entanglements, leading to unstable relationships with their lovers. It is also easy to quarrel over money and differences in values. Married Sagittarius may disagree with their partner over money issues, and some may cheat on them. Single Sagittarius has poor love fortune and no good love blossoms.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Capricorn is affected by the stars Cancer and still has a great competitive advantage in cooperation, especially the addition of Venus, which gives you a good image and better negotiation skills. After Sun and Water enter Leo, your connections will be of great help to Capricorns and can help you advance your career or wealth, but this may require you to use some family influence.

Disadvantages: Capricorns are affected by the opposition between the Sun and Pluto. They may become stronger and more stubborn and cannot be easily persuaded. They always feel that others are challenging your authority and are prone to verbal disputes, especially in the middle of the week. It is easier to have conflicts with family members and lovers. Some Capricorns may have to pay attention to their respiratory diseases and cardiovascular problems.

Love: Capricorns in love are more likely to have conflicts with their lovers this week. Although they may create some surprises, they may not have the patience to listen to the other party's demands. The same is true for married Capricorns, who easily quarrel with their partners over family matters, money and other issues. Single Capricorns can spark sparks with the person you like, giving you new opportunities to meet.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Aquarius is affected by the star Cancer. They are busy in daily work, but they also pay attention to their home and workplace environment. Especially after Venus enters Cancer, you will be more likely to find small things in your life. As for beautiful things, you also care about your own image and comfort. After Sun and Water enter Leo, and Aquarius will have stronger cooperation fortunes, pay more attention to the spirit of contract, and cooperation will come to you on their own initiative.

Disadvantages: Affected by the sun opposing Pluto, Aquarius will have a lot of things going on, unable to find the focus, and may be troubled by inner fears. You need to consult relevant people to help you solve the problem. Although you are a little distressed, you will still be full of courage to solve problems in your career and can use external help to solve problems. Some Aquarius will be troubled by their families, which can easily lead to family conflicts. Some Aquarius should pay attention to travel safety and may encounter some water leakage.

Love: Aquarius in love will have a sweeter and more romantic relationship with their lover in the second half of the week. Although there are some trivial matters in life that bother you, the two of you will work hard to solve them. Single Aquarius have good luck in love, and there will be some opportunities for romance.


Advantages: In the first half of the week, Pisces is affected by the star Cancer. The creative inspiration is still strong and the desire for self-expression is strong. Pisces will perform well in design and creativity. Some Pisces are suitable for creating humans if their physiological conditions are met. After Sun and Mercury enter Leo, Pisces will pay more attention to their bodies, their lives will become richer, and their ability to communicate in the workplace will be enhanced.

Disadvantages: The celestial phenomena are affected in the middle of the week. Pisces may be more likely to be assigned to do some work that you don’t want to do. You have to put more thought into your work. This week’s work tasks are still not easy and will be more stressful. There may be some emergencies waiting for you to solve in time. Some Pisces plans have been shelved, and you will be troubled by some rumors. Some Pisces should pay attention to safety issues when traveling.

Love: Pisces in love are affected by the opposition between the Sun and Pluto. It is easy for them to have power disputes with their partners, and they will not give in to each other. By the weekend, they will be much softer and their relationship will be enhanced. Married Pisces will see through the nature of marriage or know some of the truth, but generally the relationship with their partner is relatively good! For single Pisces, because Venus enters Cancer, their luck in love will be strong. If you want to go on a date, it is best to choose Sunday.

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