Penny Thornton, a famous British astrologer, was Princess Diana's good friend in her youth and her royal astrologer. She "accompanied Princess Diana through the most difficult times" and published related books. Her main style is event guidance. Pluto in Aries may not be the fluf

2024/07/0202:41:32 constellation 1345

Penny Thornton, a famous British astrologer, was a good friend of Princess Diana in her youth and a royal astrologer. She "accompanied Princess Diana through the most difficult time" and published related books. The main style is events. guide.

Penny Thornton, a famous British astrologer, was Princess Diana's good friend in her youth and her royal astrologer. She

Aries Pluto may not be the fluffiest planet in the solar system, but like a combine, it packs a lot of punch. Following last week's Full Moon, Mercury and the Sun are opposite Pluto on the life direction axis. If your birthday is around April 17, or your planets and points are near 27 degrees of your main sign, the period in mid-to-late July may become more important. Nonetheless, what is happening at this time inspires all you Aries to get rid of those things, practices and activities that are preventing you from achieving your destiny, or at least achieving more of it.

removes redundant things.

TaurusDon't miss important signals. Whether someone reveals their true feelings or something goes wrong, pay attention. As August approaches, Mars moves closer to Uranus, the planet of change and surprise, so you have some time to process things that may upend a part of your existence. On the other hand, you may also like to seize opportunities to lay the groundwork for actions you intend to take, which may upset some people. It's been an unsettling week for the most part, and you may not like everything that happens, but in the long run, things will work out.

does what it has to do.

Gemini Finances are the focus of Pluto's transformational influence. You may be on the receiving end of a large sum of money, or you may need to dig deep into your pocket to cover expenses. Whether it involves money or relationships, things are never trivial or half-hearted. While you may be tempted to explain away something that creates uncomfortable feelings, a better approach is to examine what's at the heart of the matter. In this atmosphere, secrets are revealed and people speak out about their feelings. Whether you're excited or disturbed by these revelations, you can't rewind.

gets to the heart of the matter.

Cancer Welcome to a week that has the power to change long-term situations. It could be events outside of your control that help change the situation, or you could reach a point yourself that pushes things to a head. A relationship may be a factor, or it may be someone else's actions that change the situation. Never forget that you are a cardinal sign, Cancer people are influential. With this in mind, it may be time to express your needs, feelings and desires and discover whether they can be met and who is ready to support you.

This is a test.

Leo Some weeks, everything goes as smooth as silk, and some weeks, life is literally an obstacle course. This was one of those weeks. People are in no mood to compromise and even a small matter will be blown out of proportion. So start on your terms, put on your diplomatic gloves, and don't let anyone or anything bother you. The Sun enters your sign on Friday, renewing your energy and optimism, but until then, you may be more sensitive and may take things more personally. Whatever emerges from the darkness this week, give it a moment before passing judgment.


Virgo The atmosphere is tense. While you may be as calm as a cucumber and completely happy with where you are in life, others aren't, so don't be surprised if you get some harsh treatment for no reason. People will have no filter and be more likely to overreact to frustrating situations. On the positive side, those who are able to cope with this situation can be said to be "housekeepers". Pluto influences our needs, we bring our best game, and we don't crumble under pressure. Maybe it's time to face the hard work, maybe we need to give up our false hopes...

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Libra It may not be your fault that things aren't progressing, but that doesn't mean they can't get better, given time and reinvention.Pluto rules cosmic events, which suggests that previously unknown factors are manifesting and changing outcomes. For some Libras, work is in the frame, for others property or family matters are the focus. Maybe you have to give up something or accept that a path is dead. This is the perfect time to shed unnecessary baggage and reduce practices and commitments that only drain your resources.

Adjust your sails.

Scorpio No one said it was easy. Whether you're trying to organize an event or keep a project on track, you're going to face some stiff opposition, but what will succeed and who will live up to expectations will be worth all your effort and belief. Likewise, something that crumbles under pressure is obviously better for you without. This confrontational atmosphere may be more evident in national and international events, but to some extent we also need to defuse toxic situations and let go of things that no longer merit our continued commitment.

No one said it was easy.

Sagittarius The Sun has been moving through the area of ​​financial relationships for much of July, so you may have struck new deals and considered ways to ease money problems or boost your income, but if No, that time has come. With Pluto in the mix, getting to the heart of the matter is necessary, especially financial matters, even if this requires some difficult discussions. Especially if you share financial matters with your life partner, keep discussions on a strictly practical level and don't allow emotions to interfere. Perhaps there are issues at the heart of the relationship, and in this case, they need to be addressed directly.

keeps it simple.

Capricorn Perfection is almost always impossible and it is realistic to finish what you start. Capricorns are always down to earth. Remind yourself of this virtue when you encounter one or another obstacle during the week. Sun and Mercury to Pluto unearth old history and maybe some buried treasure, but getting from A to B without some kind of challenge will be difficult. Especially if your birthday falls in mid-January, you will be going through a long process of transformation, and only at the end will you be able to see where the various twists and turns have taken you. Reserve Judgment.

reserves judgment.

Aquarius This is the perfect time to get rid of anything that is standing in the way of your ambitions or desires. Weeding and pruning are essential to growth, and while this may prompt you to break out your gardening gloves, the real work needs to be done in life. With Pluto at the top, you may have little choice but to leave a situation, but if you have a choice, then you will have a little more control over what comes and goes, when and how. On Friday, the Sun will move into the zone associated with that, so now would be an optimal time to lay the groundwork for some described suggestions.

The Garden of Life.

Pisces In a Pluto climate, half-hearted actions and reactions will do you no good. You have to give it your all. Now, this may apply to a creative endeavor that you are involved in or the heart of an affair, or it may relate to the atmosphere in which you are conducting your business: situations arise that require a clear response. Travel may prove to be particularly difficult, and it may be wiser to postpone the trip to a future date, or at least set out with extra supplies and a back-up plan. At some point, most people are dealing with some inconvenience, so a positive and philosophical attitude can only help.

remains optimistic.

Penny Thornton, a famous British astrologer, was Princess Diana's good friend in her youth and her royal astrologer. She

Penny Thornton, a famous British astrologer, was Princess Diana's good friend in her youth and her royal astrologer. She

Penny Thornton, a famous British astrologer, was Princess Diana's good friend in her youth and her royal astrologer. She

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