Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Internet [Intrusion and Deletion] Capricorn Capricorns will be affected by Saturn's retrograde this week. Your income may be greatly reduced, but you will still continue to develop your time and energy while maintaining your efforts. As Mars enters t

2024/07/0118:21:32 constellation 1818

Text/Yitu Constellation

Picture/Network [Intrusion and Deletion]


Capricorns are affected by Saturn's retrograde this week. Your income may be greatly reduced, but you will still continue to develop your time and energy while maintaining your efforts. As Mars enters the love house, you should pay attention to whether there are some small problems that affect your attitude. In fact, as the full moon opens in your life palace on Thursday, you will easily receive good news. However, the power of the full moon is never simple, and it may bring you bad news. At work, we are currently in the stage of communication, so don’t care too much about everything, and learn to think about problems in a different way. Maybe if you relax a little bit about certain things, you can solve them easily.

In terms of relationships, Capricorns must learn to be satisfied with their current life. Maybe you should be content with what you have. Capricorns who are too serious in relationships can easily lose the person who truly loves you, so it is recommended that Capricorns not be too serious and calm. Single Capricorns need to express their thoughts more emotionally in order to be with the person they like. Capricorns with a partner should avoid conflicts with their partner due to their own problems.

Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Internet [Intrusion and Deletion] Capricorn Capricorns will be affected by Saturn's retrograde this week. Your income may be greatly reduced, but you will still continue to develop your time and energy while maintaining your efforts. As Mars enters t - DayDayNews


Aquarius may be exposed to pressure from family members this week, so it is easy to lose themselves. Since Mars enters the family house this week, you who were originally confident have lost your self-confidence. It may be the pressure from your family that makes you feel inadequate, but don't stop, action will guide you to find the answer. Once you decide to stop, you can't start any dreams you want. As the full moon opens in the Secret Palace on Thursday, it means that on the one hand, you need to deal with your own emotional pressure, and on the other hand, you have to take care of the people around you, so sometimes you have to feel sorry for yourself. In addition, it is easy to make relatively unfavorable choices under the guidance of Mars. You must carefully consider the consequences of everything to avoid causing trouble for yourself and those around you. At work, you are slowly finding the direction to work hard, so don’t feel that you have accomplished nothing. In fact, you have lived a life that others will envy.

In terms of relationships, Aquarius is easy to be misunderstood by family members, but they will eventually reconcile. I hope you can let go of all your unhappiness, sometimes maintain enough patience and love for life, and you will naturally reap a better tomorrow. Single Aquarius will also find someone who speaks the same language, while Aquarius with a partner needs someone to vent their stress. I hope your partner can be your outlet and bring you happiness together.

Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Internet [Intrusion and Deletion] Capricorn Capricorns will be affected by Saturn's retrograde this week. Your income may be greatly reduced, but you will still continue to develop your time and energy while maintaining your efforts. As Mars enters t - DayDayNews


Pisces' mobility will be seriously affected this week, especially in communication, which may lead to procrastination. Because after Mars enters the communication house this week, you may make some irrational decisions, maybe because you are disgusted with life, or maybe you are stubbornly resisting, but in fact they are all choices to escape the world. I suggest you change your thinking. Positive response. And as the full moon opens in the interpersonal palace on Thursday, you may shine in your interpersonal relationships. If you have time to attend more parties, you may become the center of attention. The energy of the full moon may also bring some troubles, because some small conflicts may lead to big disputes that may keep you busy resolving them. In terms of work, you should try your best to plan your time and become a time management master, otherwise you may be easily led by the nose.

In terms of feelings, it may be a state that has nothing to do with you. Whether it is the pressure in life or the relationship with your partner, it is either in a bottleneck period or an awkward period, so it is recommended that you maintain independent thinking. Single Pisces don't want to be single so soon, so I suggest you protect yourself first. Pisces with a partner should first clarify the needs and conflicts in the relationship and learn to deal with them together, in order to improve the relationship.

Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Internet [Intrusion and Deletion] Capricorn Capricorns will be affected by Saturn's retrograde this week. Your income may be greatly reduced, but you will still continue to develop your time and energy while maintaining your efforts. As Mars enters t - DayDayNews

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