How are you all doing lately? Today, Ling Mou teacher will share with you the quarterly fortune of Capricorn in July, August and September. You can meditate on the questions in your mind and have more connections with the teacher's desk. Then let's take a look at what kind of dev

2024/06/2317:09:32 constellation 1772

How are you doing lately? Today, Ling Mou teacher will share with you the quarterly fortune of Capricorn in July, August and September. You can meditate on the questions in your mind and have more connections with the teacher's desk. Then let's take a look at what kind of development Capricorn will have in the next period of time.

Capricorn friends, I think you are really capable at work, very decisive and have your own ideas. Both your superiors and your colleagues will think that you are the kind of activist who is very proactive and can devote himself seriously. But I don't think your emotional status is the opposite of your work status, but the difference is really obvious. You don't seem to be that passionate about relationships, so I think you have spent too much energy on work, and you can no longer cope with relationships?

How are you all doing lately? Today, Ling Mou teacher will share with you the quarterly fortune of Capricorn in July, August and September. You can meditate on the questions in your mind and have more connections with the teacher's desk. Then let's take a look at what kind of dev - DayDayNews

I see that if you are in a relationship now, your partner will complain about you very much. He feels that you have not given him a chance to communicate. Even if you two talk together, it will end in a hurry. He feels that you can't understand him, and he doesn't understand you very well. Then you may think that you are already so tired, and you are also trying to create a better life, so why can't he understand you? I think relationships really have to be managed by both parties. Now that you have reached this point, you still have to think about your own problems first. In other words, the issue you are facing now is to balance it first, otherwise the relationship may There will be no way to keep it. If you really want to solve this problem, but you really don’t know what to do, I hope you can chat with me. One-on-one will help me see it more clearly, and I can also give you some helpful tips. guidance.

How are you all doing lately? Today, Ling Mou teacher will share with you the quarterly fortune of Capricorn in July, August and September. You can meditate on the questions in your mind and have more connections with the teacher's desk. Then let's take a look at what kind of dev - DayDayNews

There may be some Capricorn friends who are really helpless. You have a lot of ideas, and then your head is particularly chaotic. You think about this and that, but you just can't come up with a result. There are many things that cannot be solved by just thinking about them. You still need to straighten out your thoughts and weigh them in reality, and then choose the most implementable method. It mainly reflects on the emotional relationship. I think if these friends are also in a marriage relationship, your current relationship with your significant other will be in a frozen state. You feel that the other person doesn't care about you at all and that he doesn't invest his energy in your small family. This makes you very unconfident, and you will also doubt the other person, so now facing such a situation, you feel very tired. You cannot shoulder the responsibilities of two people by yourself.

You really want to enjoy the warmth brought by your family and want the other person to give you consideration and care, but you always seem to be facing an empty city. Even with the lights on, I was alone in the house, without the warmth I wanted, without the laughter and laughter of two people together. Then you are really wandering in this relationship, wanting to get out, but reluctant to let go. Maybe many things have not gone well in the lives of these Capricorn friends recently, which has caused their emotions to fall into a low ebb. The more they think about it, the more uncomfortable they become, and the more uncomfortable they become, the less they can figure out the reason. Your thoughts are as chaotic as I just mentioned, and you can't find a solution to the problem. But I want to tell you that I see that opportunities may arise in the near future, and there will be energy to help you. I think if you wait a little longer, the pain won't always be there.

How are you all doing lately? Today, Ling Mou teacher will share with you the quarterly fortune of Capricorn in July, August and September. You can meditate on the questions in your mind and have more connections with the teacher's desk. Then let's take a look at what kind of dev - DayDayNews

I think Capricorn friends, you feel really happy now that you have met this person. He fits your imagination of love. That is, he has the same ideal as you, you will take action, and the other person will respond. You feel that a relationship has been established and you get along very well with the other person. Now you may know some truth, that is, the other person has his own partner, maybe he is married, but after you are confused, you immediately fall into the sweetness of love again, and you just enjoy being with the other person. Happiness, unwilling to consider other realistic factors. Then I think if the other party is really in such a situation, I don't want you to be addicted to this relationship all the time, and you still need to make a decision as soon as possible.Because behind the life you can't see, there may be a more cruel reality hidden. I know you have mixed feelings, but that's the way it is. If you have to face it bravely, then I think the universe will help you. Problems can be solved only if you have the courage to let yourself go, otherwise you may get stuck in the quagmire, getting deeper and deeper into it.

We have stopped talking about the situation of Capricorn today, and the teacher will also give you blessings. If you encounter any problems, you can also come and see your personal situation. Thank you all for your continued support, see you next time, bye.

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