Both the sun sign and the rising sign must refer to Aquarius. Dear Aquarius, July is a good month to make positive changes in daily affairs, work or health. Self-improvement leads to intense focus. There may be some schedules and distractions, but if you manage to get your priori

2024/05/2620:04:33 constellation 1116

Both the sun sign and the rising sign must refer to Aquarius. Dear Aquarius, July is a good month to make positive changes in daily affairs, work or health. Self-improvement leads to intense focus. There may be some schedules and distractions, but if you manage to get your priori - DayDayNews

Both the sun sign and the rising sign must refer to Aquarius. Dear Aquarius, July is a good month to make positive changes in daily affairs, work or health. Self-improvement leads to intense focus. There may be some schedules and distractions, but if you manage to get your priori - DayDayNews

Sun sign , Rising sign both need to refer to


Dear Aquarius, July is suitable for making positive changes in daily affairs, work or health. Self-improvement brings intense focus. There may be some schedules and distractions, but if you manage to get your priorities straight, you'll be in good shape. This is a wonderful time to manage your health or organize your daily life and routines.

Mars enters your home and family sector on the 5th, and you are in good shape to tackle projects or pursuits that require a focus on the home.

This also puts Mars in a tense relationship with your sign, which can feel heavy at times. You may need to jump through some hurdles to get into a positive space. Sometimes you feel like you're being boxed in. You have the energy to deal with various problems in your family life. You are more likely to feel nervous, defensive and confrontational with others and even have a tendency to be paranoid. Use excess energy in constructive pursuits, especially matters related to family. If you feel you're competitive, focus on improving.

This can be a time to reset, especially if it is related to family, health, or work. When you are more decisive and certain than usual, it will be easier for you to handle things quickly and effectively.

If you’ve neglected self-care, the full moon on the 14th can be a wake-up call. It's time to pay more attention to your mental and emotional health. If you feel like you're not measuring up, you may be overworking yourself and you need to slow down. You may also need to bring closure to neglected or unresolved issues in your life. You may suddenly find yourself in need of extra time alone or to rest, recover and regenerate. If you've been operating on autopilot lately, disconnected from your gut, you need to listen to your gut.

Fortunately, Venus moves harmoniously with your sign until the 17th, which enhances your charisma. Given that the focus this month is on work and household chores, this shift will help you find some time for fun and enjoyment. You are naturally charming.

Jupiter and Chiron are retrograde in your communication sector, and you may experience some transitions, delays, or waning enthusiasm for current interests or projects. However, having a few months' lead time can be very beneficial in getting the project right before it moves forward or is released. This is also a good time to limit specific pursuits and focus on priorities or refining current tasks rather than taking on new ones. You'll be glad you took the time to do so. The benefits of communication are huge, but if you do too much, you can overload yourself. This is a good time to look at what needs your attention the most.

Late July is a time to pay special attention to your relationship with your partner or significant other. You are exploring your emotional needs. You are also changing your definition of comfort, abundance, security, and happiness, perhaps in ways that benefit the community or the planet. This is an especially powerful time to redefine what security, comfort, wealth, or stability means to you.

html The new moon on the 28th encourages you to start a new relationship or partnership. takes a new approach to collaboration or consultation and negotiation. New understanding may emerge in a relationship. You have more hope for a project or organization, or you have the opportunity to appreciate a person's perspective more fully.


Dear Pisces, in July you will find more or higher-quality ways to fully enjoy and express yourself. You may feel mentally high at times this month, but overall, you have greater passion and drive to get things done, learn, connect, and share. Romantic relationships, creative projects, finances and friendships are emphasized.

Mars in your communication sector from the 5th means you're not quite quiet, either physically, mentally, or both. You tend to start independent work and projects. You learn best when you study on your own this month and next.

You have more energy and interest in pets projects, writing, connecting or talking about important things. Rush and possible nervousness can sometimes affect your diplomacy, but there's a lot you can do against the urge.

You are in a good position to collaborate, gain an advantage in personal interests or hobbies, or gain an advantage in acquiring new information. Your conversations can spark special interests and lead to great ideas. You may choose to use the extra energy and motivation to solve problems or find ways to clear out clutter in your life. You tend to say it's fine in most situations and aim for a healthy level of self-confidence. Your ideas are truly creative and there can be a dramatic and competitive nature to what you do.

Venus transits your home and family sector until the 17th, softening the atmosphere around home. You are looking for new ways to coordinate or beautify your home world.

In July, you will listen to your intuition more, show your work, share your ideas, and connect with others. Your charisma is very good this month. htmlThe Full Moon on the 14th will open you up to a need for true friendship or special plans. Unacknowledged feelings arise, and these emotions may be about a relationship, or they may reignite your interest in a project that you have not yet fully pursued. This month is likely to stimulate your social life, with the theme of recognizing your needs from others. Your happiness goals are also focused, and you may discover a new dream or plan.

In late July, you will focus on your daily routine, habits, health and household chores. With Mercury and the Sun moving into your work and health sector on the 19th and 22nd, getting your life in order is the focus.

html The New Moon on the 28th urges you to take responsibility for your health, self-care, and work. A project or goal may consume a lot of your attention, or you may be working on something that will help you become more organized and feel more in control of your life.

With Uranus conjunct the North Node this month, you will be freeing yourself from old or outdated habits or ways of communicating, learning, and connecting that no longer serve you. At the same time, you will be open to new ideas, learning, personal interests, or communication methods. Essentially, you are retraining yourself to think and learn in a better way. You can make changes through your thoughts and relationships.

Jupiter goes retrograde on the 28th. The planet of abundance enters your resources house, but will return to your sign later. You'll be pacing yourself by developing existing projects rather than taking on new ones in the coming months. There may be some waning of enthusiasm or less emphasis on business, spending and money matters. However, as you enter the retrograde period, you will realize that this is an important time to balance things and judge how much time and energy you need to complete your project or plan.

During the last week of the month, feeling good about what you do and the contribution you make will slowly motivate you. You are productive because you enjoy doing things and you feel like you are taking a new step in the right direction.


Dear Aries, this month you will find better ways to manage your work and life balance, but this is also a time when you will devote more energy to your security, family and personal life. There may be a new beginning or attitude towards living arrangements, family and home-related matters.

Starting on the 5th, Mars leaves your sign and enters your resource house. You are moving forward and you want to take control of your finances. You might be a little hard on yourself when it comes to making money or being productive, and possibly others if you feel like you're not valued. You are also motivated to work harder.

You may gain more courage or desire and take some risks in your business or finances. While you should certainly be wary of impulse purchases, this is often a good time to breathe new life into an old project or consider breaking out of a routine.

html The energy in 47 months is suitable for dealing with personal and career issues. You may feel optimistic about your money and life situation, even if you are making changes you did not anticipate. The key here is to take advantage of the resources you have and make them work. Fortunately, it's easier than usual to get into a positive and determined mindset.

Chiron and Jupiter are retrograde this month and are currently transiting your sign and pointing you in the direction of healing. You may begin to realize areas of redundancy and focus on the projects you already take on rather than adding new ones to your life. If you've been overdoing it on pleasure or freedom, it's time to rethink and make adjustments to bring yourself back to reality, even just a little bit. Your healing energy turns inward, making this a good time to work on healing yourself. People have been looking to you for your good vibes, help, healing power, and advice, and it’s time to get more closely in touch with your own issues.

You may be fiercely protective of your loved ones this month. Your goal is to find solutions to long-standing problems. With Venus in your communication sector until 17, you will do well in communication and get along well with classmates, siblings, and acquaintances. You may learn something useful or enjoy new or improved transportation and communication tools, and your enjoyment of learning or pursuing personal interests will surge. The dialogue is funny, romantic, or heartwarming. People are receptive to your ideas and want to hear your opinion. Success often comes from communication or a great idea.

html The full moon on the 14th will bring a turning point in your career or life path, and may also allow you to assume a responsibility. This month reminds you of your outside obligations after focusing on your personal life. You may find yourself suddenly in the spotlight or in a management or leadership position. Instead, you might gain a meaningful understanding of your work, true calling, business, career, reputation, or your true feelings about the direction of your life.

With Venus entering your home zone on the 17th, you may be seeking refuge from demanding situations or quiet time more than usual. may be somewhat hesitant or cautious in matters of love, the pursuit of happiness, and money. Improving living conditions and arrangements or family relationships will be in focus, making this an excellent time to improve your relationships with loved ones and home comfort.

Late July is a powerful month for finding a better balance between emotional and family concerns and playful entertainment. At the same time, Mercury and the Sun enter your pleasure sector on the 19th and 22nd, and your desire for fun and expression is increasing. After the New Moon on the 28th, a new plan to enjoy and express yourself will take off.

A romantic attraction may inspire you, or you may be interested in developing and improving your creative pursuits and connections.When you finish the month, your best will shine through in what you did.

text translation compiled from CAFEASTROLOGY.COM


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