Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Network [Intrusion and Deletion]. Cancer Cancers will be more persistent in their careers this week. Thanks to Jupiter staying in the career house, you will have a better sense of direction. Cancers should take advantage of this opportunity to gain m

2024/05/2413:40:33 constellation 1871

Text/Yitu Constellation

Picture/Network [Intrusion and Deletion].


Cancer will be more persistent in their careers this week. Thanks to Jupiter staying in the career palace, you will have a better sense of direction. Cancers should Take advantage of this opportunity to make more demands on your career. There will be many opportunities in the short term, but you must adjust your execution and adaptability. As Mercury enters your life house on Tuesday, you will pay more attention to the impact of communication in your life and career. Perhaps as an emotionally sensitive water sign , you are all sentimental, but please put away your emotions at this stage. , to prevent villains from taking advantage of your bad mood to show off your problems.

In terms of relationships, as Saturn is still retrograde in the house of illness, Cancers are prone to debt problems, which may also affect their relationship stability. Therefore, it is recommended that Cancers learn to stop losses in time. If you cannot convince yourself, please listen. Advice from a partner. Single Cancers may be interested in new friends, so it is recommended that you integrate into new circles in the near future and not be limited to the original circle. For Cancers who have a partner, it is the best time to propose marriage, because after Mercury enters the life palace, it brings you good communication skills. Suitable for maintaining friendly relationships and fighting for the right opportunities for yourself.

Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Network [Intrusion and Deletion]. Cancer Cancers will be more persistent in their careers this week. Thanks to Jupiter staying in the career house, you will have a better sense of direction. Cancers should take advantage of this opportunity to gain m - DayDayNews


The relationship between Leo and partners will be relatively unstable this week. Perhaps due to the influence of Saturn retrograde, you will always hit a wall in the cooperative relationship, which makes you show impatience in the near future. Especially as Mars enters the career house on Tuesday, Saturn and Mars will form a square aspect, which will make your impatience more serious. However, you are actually in the rising period, so it is recommended that Leos can endure bad emotions and adjust more. Happy, maybe for you, only by learning to persevere can you see the final results. In addition, as Mercury enters the Secret Palace on Tuesday, some Leos may fall into thinking. Perhaps for you, you need to pay more attention to personal emotional issues and learn to actively express your feelings.

In terms of relationships, Saturn is still retrograde in the palace, which will affect your judgment of your partner. If you are unable to make some decisions, please respect the other person's choice, or think in another person's shoes. And as Mercury also enters the house of secrets, it is suitable for the stage of dealing with the past and letting go of the past, reminding you to communicate in a way that is acceptable to each other. Single Leos have good love luck and can get closer to the one they love. Leos who have a partner need to get into the other person's heart and learn to understand the other person's needs.

Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Network [Intrusion and Deletion]. Cancer Cancers will be more persistent in their careers this week. Thanks to Jupiter staying in the career house, you will have a better sense of direction. Cancers should take advantage of this opportunity to gain m - DayDayNews


Virgos will still be under more pressure at work this week. Maybe you are entrusted with important tasks, and more likely you are suppressed in the workplace, so your situation may be more challenging and you need to maintain more A tough mentality to deal with related matters will be a process of learning and growth, but many Virgos may change their work content or direction because they are too tired, and may even have plans to resign or change jobs. Opportunities and crises coexist. It is recommended that Virgos be prepared for two sets of plans for everything. In addition, as Mars enters the migration house on Tuesday, your longing for the outside world will become stronger. After Mercury enters the interpersonal house, you will also have the opportunity to contact the outside world. It is recommended that you improve your expression skills and maintain interpersonal relationships with the outside world, but still Be aware of personal emotional issues and avoid overstepping other people's boundaries.

In terms of relationships, Virgo's interpersonal relationships have been good recently. You are willing to integrate into new circles and be exposed to new lives. But we must avoid bringing unpleasant work emotions into our lives, and learn to relax when encountering problems, so as to reduce unnecessary burdens on each other. Single Virgos should consider the conditions of both parties and avoid idealistic thinking. Virgos with a partner need to increase their sense of humor and also pay attention to the pressures brought by life.

Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Network [Intrusion and Deletion]. Cancer Cancers will be more persistent in their careers this week. Thanks to Jupiter staying in the career house, you will have a better sense of direction. Cancers should take advantage of this opportunity to gain m - DayDayNews

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