Yesterday, I wrote an article about Gemini. After I finished it, several friends sent me private messages, "Guangguan, do you have any relatives or friends who are particularly close to Gemini? Why do you seem to be whitewashing and covering up every time you write about Gemini?"

2024/05/2411:12:33 constellation 1685

wrote an article about Gemini yesterday. After finishing it, several friends sent me private messages, "Guangguan, do you have any relatives or friends who are particularly close to Gemini? Why do you seem to be whitewashing and covering up every time you write about Gemini?" "

It's really not the case. When I write about each constellation, I will simply consider their ability to bear it, otherwise I will lose fans... ha~~

I don't often write about these causal relationships. In fact, this causality exists in We cannot see all the corners of the world.

Take the emotional direction of Gemini as an example. There is also a cycle of cause and effect. Today I will talk about a few typical examples.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about Gemini. After I finished it, several friends sent me private messages,


In the past few years, I have encountered some special situations when reading the chart. I concluded that the two constellations of Gemini, , Aquarius, and are the most common in my chart.

In fact, in addition to star chart , when I was talking to fan friends before, I also met Gemini fan friends who were like crazy.

is very scary. Maybe you have never experienced it. Once I was chatting with a Gemini friend at night, and she drank sleeping pills on the spot. It really scared me so much that I broke out in cold sweat.

I also have a Gemini friend who refuses to give up when she encounters domestic violence. She has a lot of scars and bruises on her arms and legs. She sent me photos of the injuries. I remember that there was a piece of flesh on her right arm near the elbow that seemed to have burst open. Same.

I told her at that time that you must find legal channels to solve the problem. She said that it had been solved but it could not be solved.

In fact, if this kind of thing happens to the rest of us, we will be helpless.

Now that you are married and have a contractual relationship, you must take into account things such as children, family, and morality.

And at this time, we have no way to escape those things. To escape again shows the lack of human nature.

When you are in love, if someone hurts you, or you don’t want to fall in love with someone, you can escape, or you can just break up.

But what about getting married, having children, the child’s childhood, the child’s growth, and the child’s future?

Yesterday, I wrote an article about Gemini. After I finished it, several friends sent me private messages,


As long as you consider these issues, as long as you are still a humane person, you will not be able to escape.

Therefore, some things with rules in themselves are extremely difficult for those who are free, casual, or have the habit of escaping.

There is no way to escape. Faced with it, you will have no strength for a while. If you drag it on, things will become more and more serious, and even vicious habits will form.

Gemini people can easily get stuck in rules.

If he meets a cheerful and open-minded person, it will be okay.

If you encounter someone who is good at pretending or has violent tendencies, and his true nature is revealed after marriage, Gemini will have to face it.

Moreover, it is difficult for Gemini to trust people, and the emotional level cannot go deep. Often, what goes deep is long-term familiar habits, or one-sided trust.

So what should you do if something bad happens after the relationship is contracted?

She is used to it. She has no choice but to deal with it. She is used to it when she leaves and avoids being dragged over.

Being unable to free yourself is Gemini’s biggest nightmare.

The day it takes to split, the day it takes to go crazy, the lost self may increase by one point.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about Gemini. After I finished it, several friends sent me private messages,


In fact, this kind of thing not only appears around our lives, but also in the entertainment industry about Gemini. Interested friends can check it out for themselves.

Having said that, let’s go back to the starting point. Many friends may accuse Gemini of being irresponsible when they are in love. They disappear after a fresh start. There is no responsibility and everything is left to their own personalities.

It is undeniable that in this love environment where they can be themselves, it is easy for Gemini to be happy and it is easy to avoid trouble, but what about getting married?

When it comes to marriage, the chances of Gemini being given up are not low, regardless of whether they are a Gemini man or a Gemini woman.

Because within the rules of marriage, Gemini needs to become a different person, because the role definition has been changed.

has become responsible, has become less free and self-conscious, has become stable, and is no longer erratic. But think about how difficult this is for Gemini.

To change, you need the other person to be able to get used to Gemini. The other person is normal and can radiate love and warmth. Gemini will naturally change because of habits, or cater to them.

But what if you meet the wrong person and get married out of nowhere?

At this point, there is no way to escape like before.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about Gemini. After I finished it, several friends sent me private messages,


The probability itself is like a mystery. The premise for us to ensure the probability is that we have a certain degree of advance awareness beforehand, so that we can know it in advance.

But this is too tiring for Gemini, who is changeable and unfixed.

This is exactly what I want to say. I hope that Gemini friends can stabilize their tempers a little when falling in love and ensure that the cause and effect of feelings and love are not so changeable.

When it comes to marriage, you can be a little later or a little slower, but you must make a decision after you find out a person's true character.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about Gemini. After I finished it, several friends sent me private messages,

When the period of relying on feelings has passed, you need to be cautious when judging some things based on feelings.

When the period of being able to be yourself has passed, you must first be prepared to no longer be yourself, otherwise ups and downs and setbacks will definitely temper you.

Cause and effect is invisible to us, but it must exist. If you ignore it, it will definitely appear to you at an unexpected moment.

This is just a matter of time.


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