[Aries] Translator: @c4ndy With a slow start, you'll find yourself grappling with what comes next and how to deal with your prickly companions who want to dictate terms. The answer is to hide and not face it. Avoidance will be the fastest way to escape a desperate situation. It w

2024/05/2404:51:33 constellation 1100

[Aries] Translator: @c4ndy With a slow start, you'll find yourself grappling with what comes next and how to deal with your prickly companions who want to dictate terms. The answer is to hide and not face it. Avoidance will be the fastest way to escape a desperate situation. It w - DayDayNews

【Aries】Translator: @c4ndy

With a slow start, you'll find yourself grappling with what comes next and how to deal with your prickly companions who want to dictate terms. The answer is to hide and not face it. Avoidance will be the fastest way to escape a desperate situation. It would help if you could put it aside for three weeks and go home to relax with loved ones or take a step back from too much running around.

You will be motivated to get your finances in better shape to meet excess expenses. Before cash flows out of your fingertips, try to build in security. Thoughtful consideration and appreciation from colleagues at work and nearby will keep your morale high. Still, having open and honest communication with someone close to you will be more engaging than trying to fit a period of competition into your busy schedule.

html By the 20th, you will return home feeling crowded and unsure of how to detach yourself from a tense encounter. Think strategically, if not outright cunningly, and you'll be back to sunshine and rose-tinted days with social invitations over the next few days. The last few days of the month will be interesting and enjoyable.

【Taurus】Translator: @SpaceBle

Some things are meaningless, such as forcing others to agree with your point of view. But doing so will only lead to a deadlock and make you irritated. If you have travel plans, please be patient. On July 5, lively Mars enters Taurus, giving you the courage and motivation to keep moving forward in the coming weeks, but it won't always be smooth and clever: because you think that if you can get through the confusion and indecision, you will set off a great cause. Making waves is not a big deal.

After mid-July, you will reward yourself with gifts and overspend, which makes you very happy. There will be some heated discussions taking place during this period, so you'll need to stand firm on your convictions - don't let yourself be too judgmental.

After July 18, your mood changes, your partner appreciates you, and you have more opportunities to discuss family matters with loved ones. Overall, the slowdown is a relief. You will rest at home and feel relaxed.

【Gemini】Translator: @ pink rice cooker

A future project may have to hit the pause button on the first day until you solve the annoying dilemma or manage to get the people who are blocking you to make way for you. You need to accept some behind-the-scenes manipulation, as direct action will accomplish nothing. With the help of others and the east wind, they may be in a better and more appropriate position to do what they need to do.

You may feel unsettled and impatient after Mars leaves your sight for a few weeks, but it will give you a chance to revisit some plans and refine the details. After the Sun and Mercury enter Cancer, money will be your biggest concern, and you will not only be eager to improve your situation, but also feel free to spend it. It helps to stay grounded and don't go on a shopping spree.

Some anchors will continue to drag until around the 20th, as the adage goes: accept what you can't change and change what you can. The busy ten days at the end of the month will suit your flamboyant butterfly temperament. You will be jumping around, talking and laughing, and be in high spirits.

【Cancer】Translator: @Estherdora

The Sun will be transiting your sign for three weeks this month, keeping your spirits high as you plot and plan good resolutions for the coming year. Your energy and confidence will soar, but you'll still need to fight to keep up with a close partner. You'll know exactly when it's right for you and he or she will move in the opposite direction, so there will be moments of impasse when neither of you will give in. Try to agree to disagree, or give yourself permission to go a different path for a while. It's not that you'll be inclined to let go, as your possessiveness will come to the fore.

You won't start to be sociable until after the middle of the month, and you'll make up for lost time in the final days of the month. Indulging in luxuries and gifts will put a happy smile on your face, although it might also be a good idea to save a little money just to be on the safe side.

【Leo】Translator: @美利利的好 sister

At some point, it will be important not to overstretch yourself. The situation may be unpleasant, but you can't always move mountains and there's no point in trying. Be patient and the tide will turn. In the first three weeks anyway, with the Sun moving through your previous sign, you need to take a step back, relax and take the opportunity to recharge. Let someone else take on the stress while you have the opportunity to put recent events into perspective and plan for next steps.

That’s not to say you’ll be completely idle, as Mars transiting your Midheaven from the 5th will get your engine revving, but you’ll need to strive for a balanced schedule with time to relax and rejuvenate, as well as push The development of certain ambitions. You'll have strong opinions about the best way to handle certain situations, which may not be universally agreed upon, so try to be flexible even if you don't.

html After the 323rd, the sun will boost your morale, energy and confidence, and you'll be able to move forward and get back to your shining best.

【Virgo】Translator: @ZakiaZakia

There is no point in dwelling on a problem that you cannot solve. Give it a day or so this month and you will find that problems disappear and new horizons open up. You're forward-looking and keen to keep up with your friends and team-mates. You'll play your part in group activities and ensure everyone works together as a team. Following your dreams will be your motto as you put all your energy into executing your plans for the coming months. You will be determined to implement your ideas and keen to promote them. Try to find common ground while reserving differences, which will make the discussion more conducive. Don't force everyone to obey your orders.

Fortunately, Venus is in your midheaven until the 18th, making you more charismatic when it comes to giving orders, so you'll smooth out any wrinkles and impress the right people. After mid-month, you will gradually start to take it easy and give yourself a few weeks to rest and relax. You will put some commitments on hold and share the stress with others. Don’t feel like a failure by doing less. See it as an opportunity to reinvigorate your energy and ideas.

【Libra】Translator: @堀小盈

Changes you originally planned at home may encounter delays or difficulties, so you'd better be firm and flexible. There are some problems you can change through persistence and determination. Other times, you need to wait for the right moment, or accept imperfect results in a short period of time. You need to put your efforts into pushing for an agreement, both financially and emotionally. An agreement cannot be reached without compromise on both sides, and it may take weeks, so you need to be persistent and patient.

Fortunately, you will also see the progress of other ideals, and with praise and recognition, you will feel that you are on the crest of the wave. There's no point in being a withering violet, so find the courage to push yourself into the spotlight. Your social life will be challenging as you mingle with interesting circles and explore new activities and arenas.

html In the last few days of March, you will be very popular.

【Scorpio】Translator: @元元大竹shoot

You have been on an uphill climb lately, and starting this month, you have only a few days to find more support from your close partners. They may get angry and argue with you, but if you keep your focus on their goals, you'll make rapid progress together, and it'll be better than doing so much on your own.

Your daily schedule at work or in the neighborhood will be busy and talkative. There will be many things to keep you occupied and nothing will be boring. Your love life will be intense and secretive, and you won't show your feelings openly, even to those closest to you. Try not to be too negative or too dogmatic in the discussion. Travel will be on your bucket list, and even if you can't explore further afield, you'll broaden your horizons in other ways.

htmlAfter mid-March, your social life will become lively and challenging in a positive sense. From the 23rd you will enter your peak period of the year, and for a few weeks you will be more visible and find others admiring you. You'll shine with the attention, but keep working hard.

[Sagittarius] Translator: @美利利的好 sister

You will have an unusually practical mood, with a firm light shining in your eyes, because you know that handling a cash problem or situation is the most important. You can’t just hit it off, find a quick fix and move on, but you need to bite the bullet and be both firm and flexible. You'll need to compromise to get a solution that everyone agrees is fair, so collaboration and negotiation will be crucial. In an atypical secret mentality, you persevere until you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Fortunately, a close partner will be affectionate and helpful in boosting your morale. Social partners will also unite. On the 20th, you'll make one last big push before turning your mind to more recreational interests. Restrictions will lift with the intensity of the past few weeks, and you will be keen to broaden your horizons and find adventure.

【Capricorn】Translator: @ Stop looking for her and leave

When you feel challenged or under pressure, you will adapt to changes because you will consciously leave yourself a way out and retain your resilience. You've recently been pushing a boulder in your home uphill, but that won't be necessary after the 5th of this month. You may feel that your enthusiasm and energy suddenly soar, and you will suddenly speed up.

Your partner may complain that you come across as bossy, but you'll insist that everyone needs to be on their toes and follow your lead. If you have a bit of a playful mindset, be careful because you may be moving at breakneck speed. Fortunately, you will have the support of a close partner and a supportive mood at home. You'll put together a plan to expand your home environment to give yourself some sense of space.

Financial and emotional matters will demand your attention later in the month, so you need to stay calm and realistic. If you insist on acting your way you may not get everything you want, but with a slight change of stance you can strike a new deal.

【Aquarius】Translator: @日月鹿

If you can put aside the big environmental issues first and focus on what is necessary, you will make progress, albeit a small one. Keeping up with your fitness routine is crucial because you'll be overwhelmed with chores and you'll have to make sure those around you are well taken care of. If progress on some of your favorite projects is slow, be patient and accept that you can't move forward. Everything will happen in due time, but you can use this stage to backtrack and revise plans.

Putting your energy into home decluttering can make you impatient, although your family may not always enjoy being herded into place in your decluttering activities. If tensions arise within the family, see what you can do to resolve them calmly. Fortunately, your social life will be relaxed and enjoyable to keep your spirits high.

htmlAfter mid-March, greater support from close partners will ease your stress. Collaboration is one way forward. Your optimistic attitude will rub off on them and make them happy.

【Pisces】Translator: @AppleTTT

Shine in the spotlight and make your loved ones happy in a series of social invitations. Enjoying life will be your priority, why not? This is when you can give yourself permission to put yourself first. There will be a day or two of grumbling at the beginning of the month, but then you'll be moving full speed ahead, brushing aside obstacles and acting decisively.

In your daily life, you won't be able to be diplomatic all the time, but you will keep everyone alert and efficient.Your sense of humor will help relieve tension when you're being too direct. At home, you'll plan to tidy up the rooms and invite close family and friends over for cozy gatherings. A hope for the future may take time to come true, and if you can accept that and take a winding path to your goals, you won't feel uneasy when being pushed one way or the other. html In the last few days of March, you need to work hard to clear out chores and get yourself into optimal physical condition.

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