Susan Miller Leo Horoscope for July Dear reader, July is going to be an encouraging and sweet month. You'll find you can get a lot done as the asteroids sing in harmony as they orbit the sky. This month gets better and better as you move through July. July has a light, breezy qua

2024/05/2009:02:36 constellation 1472

Susan MillerLeo July Fortune

Susan Miller Leo Horoscope for July Dear reader, July is going to be an encouraging and sweet month. You'll find you can get a lot done as the asteroids sing in harmony as they orbit the sky. This month gets better and better as you move through July. July has a light, breezy qua - DayDayNews

Dear readers, July is going to be an encouraging and sweet month. You'll find you can get a lot done as the asteroids sing in harmony as they orbit the sky. This month gets better and better as you move through July. July has a light, breezy quality to it, and I hope you'll find ways to make the most of it after reading my predictions.

You are entering a very exciting time in your career, and as time goes on by 2023, the opportunities will get bigger and better. Dear Leo, you are on a track and you seem to be unstoppable. Whatever you’re doing at work, keep at it – it’s working!

The month will start as quietly as a fog covering a fishing village, gently, with only the sound of water lapping at the shore, the screams of seagulls and the distant moans of fog horns. The new moon of June 28 is in Cancer, 7 degrees, in the most intimate part of your chart, your twelfth house. That's the house of planning, so do creative work when you're alone - for yourself or for your work - away from people who interrupt your concentration and waste your time with idle chatter. You need time to think, play, experiment and create in a soft, private environment. The new moon in Cancer on June 28 encourages you to step back from the busy world and see what you can create. Even if you're not working on a creative project, having time to yourself now is the best way to recharge.

The twelfth house is also one of the healing houses and is associated with dreams and your subconscious mind. You can now daydream productively—imagine things you wish to achieve. If you continue to work as planned, your goals will be achieved.

This part of your chart governs the subconscious mind, and it is also the area of ​​the chart that governs professional healing. If you have any thoughts that are causing you anxiety, early July would be the perfect time to seek help and get the tools you need to deal with your situation. If you have become dependent on a substance, it may also be beneficial to go to rehab now.

Meanwhile, from July 5 to August 20, Mars will enter your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements, giving you plenty of time to take your career to the next level. Mars hasn't been in this area of ​​your chart for two years, so you may want to take this time seriously and make the most of it. Ancient astrologers identified Mars as the warrior planet, so you get the idea.

Mars will show you how to compete to win and give you the drive, determination, courage and drive you need to overcome any obstacles that may arise. Your concentration will be strong and focused. It won't be difficult for you to get your guest's attention and get your foot in the door to present your ideas, but of course, you have to be methodical and know exactly what you want to achieve when you enter the meeting. If you want a promotion, ask for it because this will be the time of year when you're most likely to get one.

Now let’s look at the Full Moon on July 13th at 21 degrees Capricorn. It will illuminate your sixth house , so you will complete an important work assignment, meet a deadline, and work hard to get it done and get out the door. (Allow any full moon to be affected for more than five days.) This full moon will be conjunct Pluto, so there will be something important happening with the project you are completing. It may involve finances. Both Capricorn and Pluto are associated with big deals, for example, you might be working on budgeting and appropriating money for your company.

The new moon of July 28 will be sparkling with all kinds of sparks, and lucky Jupiter will be perfectly positioned to shower you with his golden light.

The Sixth House also covers the day-to-day experiences of work and home - the people you work with (teammates) and the people you hire to help you do your job, from an assistant at work to a nanny, gardener or housekeeper at home, for example. You may need to add someone to your team, and if so, it seems likely that you'll make that decision during the full moon on July 13th.The sixth house also rules the tools you use, so you might get a new electronic device, which is always fun. Get started now - you'll have Mercury retrograde all September.

It seems like you're going to be working hard, so pay attention to your overall health and make sure you keep your resistance up so you don't let yourself down. The new moon of June 28, which I wrote about earlier in this report, because it will be strong in the coming weeks, also involves health issues. I wrote that the 12th house relates to the subconscious mind and mental health. Now, at the full moon, 180 degrees away in the opposite house, your sixth house will be lit, which dictates the precautions you can take to stay healthy, in addition to work projects and work environments. For example, you might decide to renew your gym membership after the main project is completed and shipped.

You and I talked about Mars earlier in this report, and Mars will create an interesting development at the end of the month. Mars will be conjunct Uranus on Monday, August 1st, and although with such a strong aspect, you can feel it earlier, certainly on July 29th to July 31st. Uranus is the planet of surprise, so almost anything can happen to your career and reputation, and because of Uranus, you never know. Uranus tends to push events to one end of the spectrum or the other, but regardless, I think you'll like this news. That's why I say that.

Meanwhile, in a separate aspect, July 29-31, lucky Jupiter will send a trine (meaning divine harmony) to the Sun. This aspect will bring a lot of good news and luck and will be doubly important to you because the Sun is your ruler. (When the Sun is involved in an aspect like this, everyone in every sign will feel the aspect and benefit from it, but the aspect will be more important in your chart because, as a Leo, you are ruled by the Sun.) This is a lovely aspect that will be particularly helpful to you, so how will you benefit from it? I have some ideas.

Jupiter is in your ninth house of foreigners and places, so foreign travel will shine. You will benefit greatly from long distance travel as well as international relationships and trade (such as importing and exporting). If you work for a company based overseas, that company will be lucky for you.

There are other areas that may benefit. Publishing and broadcasting opportunities are on the rise, so if you're a journalist, maybe you already write for one or more overseas publications and will receive an offer for a new publication at the end of July. Or your book might be published at the end of July. Anything to do with the law will also be favored, and Jupiter's positive connection to the Sun can also help you in your efforts to obtain an advanced degree from college or university. Of course, you won’t hit all of them—but from July 31 to August 1, you should stand out.

There is a lot to do as the end of the month approaches. In addition to having Jupiter trine the Sun on July 31 (just discussed), you also have your lovely New Moon in Leo at 5 degrees a few days ago. With all the sparkles sparkling on this dazzling new moon, you'll have lucky Jupiter perfectly positioned to shed those golden rays on you. The new moon in your own sign is your annual birthday gift from the loving universe, and I'm glad you have it at your disposal. Typically, I will tell you the area of ​​your chart where the New Moon occurs and the opportunities associated with that house that will allow you to move forward. However, when the New Moon appears in your solar first house of personality—in this case, Leo—you can direct its energy into any area of ​​your life that you want to produce growth, opportunity, progress, or joy.

Jupiter is in your travel house (your ninth house of foreigners and places), so you may be taking an exciting trip that will require your passport. This sounds great. After the new moon arrives at the end of the month, you are likely to travel. Your job may also require you to travel abroad, and if so, you'll still enjoy being in a new environment and surrounded by a different culture.It seems like your company wants you to stay in luxury accommodation.

It is through travel that you have the best romantic times, so if you travel for personal reasons, it seems you will go with your partner. Venus will enter Leo next month from August 11 to September 4. If you travel in late July and return in August, you’ll still have plenty of fun nights to look forward to. Mars will be in Taurus, your prestigious ninth house, until August 20, so if you want to take a vacation in August, go after August 20 - before you'll be too busy with what's going on at the office Excited and not wanting to leave.

When Mars leaves Taurus and goes to Gemini, Mars will enter your eleventh house, giving you a very social period, with lots of time with friends and also time for romance. At work, your network will become more important from this point on, so you're moving from a formal time (this month, from July 5 to August 20, thanks to Mars in Taurus) to a more informal one and a personal way of doing business.

In your free time, when Venus enters Leo from August 11 to September 4, and Mars enters Gemini on August 20 for a long journey in Gemini, Venus and Mars will be in signs that are highly compatible with each other. — and with your Leo Sun. You will feel comfortable with the romantic possibilities. As I pointed out before, Jupiter will be in your distant house of travel, Aries, a fire sign, , just like your fire sign Leo, the Sun. Dear Leo, you have very exciting prospects for your career and personal life.


The recent New Moon in Cancer on June 28 may be tugging at you, leaving you longing for a little quiet time to yourself. This may not be easy to achieve if you are a parent of young children, so if you are, take a few extra hours to take care of yourself.

You are now one month before your birthday, which ancient astrologers considered an ideal time to rest, reflect and plan for the year ahead. If you do make time for yourself, you will rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit by retreating from the hustle and bustle of daily life. You won't miss a thing, either, because for you, dear Leo, the start of July is slow and quiet, like a fluffy white kitten emerging from the mist of a thick fog.

Once action planet Mars enters your solar tenth house of professional fame and honors from July 5 to August 20, you will have a major opportunity to advance your career in July and August. Mars moves to this part of your chart for six years every two years, and for a few weeks you should be sitting at your desk, not on vacation. You now have the opportunity to make a name for yourself and advance your career, and it will be easier than usual for you to get the attention of superiors and provide them with your ideas. If you want to interview for a new position, now is the perfect time in 2022.

Your good luck may be related to import-export, foreign persons or media (publishing, broadcasting and digital world) and resolving disagreements through legal action (such as applying for a copyright, patent or trademark, or appealing to the courts). It may also relate to your efforts to obtain an advanced degree from a university or college.

Thanks to the Full Moon in Capricorn, a large and obviously important work project is about to be completed in five days on July 13th. A flickering connection between the full moon and Uranus, the planet of surprise, in your prestigious professional zone, suggests that the project is likely to earn you astonishing applause and praise for a job well done. Pluto opposes the full moon, so a demanding boss or client may put some pressure on you, but it looks like you'll handle it all with aplomb. When Uranus contributes his energy, you'll receive unexpected news—you might even get a job offer from someone who admires your skills and enterprising spirit. If you are self-employed, you may bring in a new client with a reputation.

html The new moon in Leo on July 28th will be your most important moment, which will open a door of opportunity for the wishes you long to realize. When the New Moon falls in any sign other than your own, I always tell you that's an area of ​​life that will bring you the greatest choices. This month, however, the new moon falls in your own sign, Leo, which means you get to choose the areas you want to improve or grow. Take the initiative and the universe will respond.

Shortly after the new moon in Leo, Mars and Uranus will join together on August 1, stirring up a surprise in your career that will be one that you cannot anticipate, control, or plan for. It's hard to say where things will go when it comes to Uranus, but you're in such good aspect on the same day—Jupiter will be in contact with your ruler the Sun in the sky—that I bet you'll love what you hear.

You may be excited about this change, but you may feel a little anxious or upset about what you hear, as Mercury will clash with Mars and Saturn which may bring competition from professional competitors or Concerns about costs. Stay calm and alert, because you have that great trump card – Jupiter in Aries. On July 31, the Sun and Jupiter replace any quarreling planets in a heavenly harmonious trine. Lucky Jupiter will support your every move, which is no small advantage. If your birthday falls on or within five days of July 28, you'll get double the luck, just when you want it!

Susan Miller's July Fortune for Sagittarius

Susan Miller Leo Horoscope for July Dear reader, July is going to be an encouraging and sweet month. You'll find you can get a lot done as the asteroids sing in harmony as they orbit the sky. This month gets better and better as you move through July. July has a light, breezy qua - DayDayNews

Dear reader, July is going to be an encouraging and sweet month. You'll find you can accomplish a lot as the asteroids sing in harmony around the sky. As you move through July, the days get better and better. July has a light, breezy quality, and I hope you'll find ways to take advantage of it after reading my predictions.

There will be a strong emphasis on money management in July, although as a Sagittarius you will prefer to spend your free time on other activities, such as reading, exercising, traveling, listening to music, discussing interesting concepts from great philosophical thinkers, or having discussions with friends. A lively political debate, but you might find yourself at home doing the math on your calculator.

List your ten favorite activities, and none of them involve money management. Alas, before we can exchange a poem for a loaf of bread or a painting for a carton of milk, sooner or later we have to learn to manage our money.

As you enter July, you'll know what I mean - the new moon actually falls two days before July starts, on June 28th, and will affect you for the next few weeks. The new moon will inspire you to review your financial situation and find ways to save more money, as well as ways to make more money. Is there any way to increase your credit limit? If there is such an app - you might like it. Do you want to cancel some recurring purchases on your credit card that you have made in the past, such as some streaming services that you rarely use? If so, this is the time to do it this month.

If you have a retirement portfolio planned, you may want to talk to your investment advisor to see if you can get a slightly better return on your investments or ask him to help protect you against the market volatility that may occur in late October and early November. You may also want to review your insurance needs, such as health insurance, auto insurance, or renters or homeowners insurance. It's always a good idea to occasionally ask your insurance agent what's covered and what's not, because your insurance needs may change as your life progresses.

The friendly new moon in Cancer on June 28-29 appears in your eighth house of other people's money. It can affect you for weeks. If you are self-employed, you may be able to negotiate higher fees from clients for the services you provide, or if you work for someone else, such as in sales, you may get a better commission rate or receive lower quotas protocol. If you wrote a book, you might now ask your agent to negotiate better royalties or get a higher cash advance. If you're changing jobs, you may get better benefits from your new employer than from your previous company.If you feel you paid too much tax, talk to your accountant - you may be able to get a refund. The new moon opens a door that was previously locked.

If you are in the process of divorce and trying to divide assets, or divide property at the end of a business partnership, this would be a good time to initiate negotiations. I think the discussion now should be polite, but you have to try not to let the negotiation drag on. When Mars enters your opposite sign of Gemini on August 20 and remains there for an extended period of time, negotiations may become contentious, hostile, or impossible to achieve a reasonable outcome. In fact, by then, it may become difficult or even impossible to reach an agreement.

From August 20, 2022 to March 25, 2023, Mars will be in Gemini, but in the middle of this period - October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023, Mars will be retrograde. When going retrograde, you'll feel like you're walking through glue and your progress will slow to a crawl.

The new moon in Leo will come on July 28. This is an important moment in your life, and everything in your life will be improved. Nowadays, traveling to distant places seems very possible. This lovely new moon will be your best of the year.

I guess I should let the other boot drop as well. I should let you know that Mars' little brother Mercury is a schoolboy and will also be retrograde. Mercury will be retrograde from September 9 to October 2, and then from December 29 to January 18, 2023. You know what I mean - you need to end the negotiations as soon as possible, before mid-August, because I am not sure that the stalled negotiations will lead to anything further. Of course, I can't see all the unique elements in your chart, but from what I can tell, if you're trying to negotiate the division of assets at the end of a business or marriage, you're going to need to use a clear, realistic approach.

When a chart places too much emphasis on money, problems related to identity theft may occur. One woman who wrote me on social media said she was a victim of identity theft, one of several she had experienced. (I don't know the details of her zodiac sign). Identity theft is scary, so be sure to double-check your credit card statements for any unauthorized charges. I feel like this is the month she can work with the authorities, solve the problem, and restore her good name.

A long time ago, my credit card, as well as other companies involved with credit, such as my cell phone provider, were severely compromised. The process took 18 months to resolve, during which time I was on the phone every morning with the FBI agent assigned to my case. I discovered the problem surprisingly quickly, which helped resolve it. I work closely with American Express ( American Express), American Telephone and Telegraph () and other large companies where a series of my accounts were compromised and we also coordinate in real time with the FBI (FBI) action. It was a very time-consuming process that took me two hours a day, but I persevered and got it done.

If you are targeted by a thief like me, you have to make up your mind to clear your name, because if you don't, you will have to continue to bear higher financial costs as long as the thief can still attack in secret. If you have a mistake on your record, your credit rating will drop, you'll face higher interest rates, and worse yet, you may not be able to buy a house or apartment in the future. In my case, criminals were operating sophisticated drug and money laundering operations across the United States, and they were operating across state lines—that's why the FBI got involved. They made the mistake of targeting me. I am an organized, detail-oriented person, and I worked tirelessly to create a digital record of their criminal activities. With the assistance of the authorities, I eventually succeeded in getting the thief prosecuted and sent to jail.

The new moon in the eighth house, like you, dear Sagittarius, this month, will help you get the justice you want. After all, Sagittarius rules truth and justice! Mars will be in perfect angle to Saturn, bringing long-term stability to your finances, so you can create long-term solutions.

The full moon on July 13 at 21 degrees Capricorn will illuminate your second house of wages and other earned income. If you're planning on getting a raise, you'll probably get a response accordingly. If the situation is simple, money negotiations will come to fruition quickly; if the negotiations are complex, you may be in a plateau period during which you resolve some issues, but find that these successive negotiations drag on for months. This full moon will be conjunct Pluto, so you may be more insistent and feel that what you ask for is what you deserve. However, don’t go overboard and ask for too much, or you might backfire. Light contact negotiations are best.

It is also possible that during the full moon, you will buy something that you have wanted and saved for a long time, and now you can finally get it in your hands.

My favorite part about the July 13th Full Moon is that it falls in Capricorn and will receive shining light (a divinely harmonious aspect) from a trine to Uranus in Taurus, the planet responsible for unexpected developments. planet. Within five days of July 13, you seem to be in for an unexpected turn in your finances. You can't guess what Uranus will do - that's his nature - and usually things can go either way. Still, I maintain that with the trine between Uranus and the full moon, and the sweet sextile between Uranus and the Sun, sudden financial news is likely to make you happy.

Now let's turn to Mars and see what this little ball of energy will do. For almost the entire month, from July 5 to August 20, Mars will transit Taurus, your sixth house of work projects. This is a sure sign that your office life is going to be busy, and you probably have a long list of things to do at home too.

Your pace has been pretty steady throughout July, except for Mars aligning with Uranus, which will trigger a surprising event around July 31st to August 1st (plus or minus one week allowed). Someone or something in a project at the office or at home will surprise you. Again, I thought you might like this aspect because it comes at such a good time of the month and generally the other planets get along well with each other.

The large amount of work that comes with it may limit the number of trips you can make. Eventually, however, you break free and travel. See what problems arise and be flexible about them. I feel like you'll not only manage the surprise, but also make things work in your favor, as both Mars and Uranus form a sweet angle to Venus in your financial sector. I see you making money in late July from a project or responsibility that pops up. If you're a freelancer, you might get a new client who gives you a critical assignment, or if you work for someone else, you might get overtime pay because you're someone who's willing to stick around to make sure things get done right .

Stay healthy - you may be asked to work long hours for much of July, so remember to take breaks to adjust. I believe you can take a few days off, especially in the last two days of the month (July 30-31), if not into August. I'll go into more detail later.

On July 22, the Sun will enter your ninth house of travel—your favorite activity, dear Sagittarius. For now, you will be able to avoid financial problems because those will be completed at this time.

The following day, July 23, Mercury trines Jupiter, so the news to come should be fantastic - and at the same time, it's a great day to set out on a trip. Jupiter is your ruler, so this aspect is more important to you than other planets. You are lucky to have Jupiter in your fifth house of true love, fun, leisure, sports, and time with your children. This house encourages your natural creativity, as well as pregnancy and pregnancy. Dear Sagittarius, it's clearly time to have some fun. If you're dating, traveling is the best way for you to fan the flames of love.

The new moon at 6 degrees Leo will arrive five days later on July 28. This is an important moment in your life, and everything in your life will improve. Now it seems likely that travel to faraway places will be possible in the coming weeks.This lovely new moon will be your best of the year. Jupiter will be setting off fireworks, lovingly joining the Sun and new moon at 9 degrees Leo. Leo is a fire sign like you, so you couldn't ask for anything better! Leo loves warmth and sunshine, so you won't be going to a cold place - your place will be sunny.

If your birthday falls on November 28, plus or minus five days, you will get a double dose of joy from the new moon on July 28. Apart from travel, other highlights include anything to do with international relations, good luck to foreigners and places abroad, immigration issues, those involving green cards (residency), visas and passports, media (publishing, broadcasting), which can also help you get senior College or university degree. Despite these odds, I think you'll choose to travel. This is the best weekend you'll ever have.

Over the weekend of July 30-31, there will be a precise exchange of beams between the powerful Sun in Leo and Jupiter in the fire sign Aries - and you will be the beneficiary. It's like this weekend was tailor-made for you. With Jupiter's presence, you'll want to explore new places, and of course, Jupiter brings a desire for luxury and indulgence. See if you like it too. Breakfast in bed? Or have dinner on the terrace of an outdoor restaurant without having to cook at home. How about a long walk on the beach? That's quite a luxury too. It's time to relax and enjoy love, life, warmth and fun. This last weekend will be a super perfect day for 24K pure gold, sparkling in the sun and blinding people’s eyes.


You revel in dealing with the world of concepts and ideas, but you are often afraid of dealing with the details of money matters. Alas, no matter what our zodiac sign is, we all have to deal with financial issues from time to time. This is what you should be doing this month.

The recent New Moon on June 28 stimulates your financial eighth house of taxes and refunds, mortgages, student loans, bank loans, commissions and royalties, divorce and other court settlements, bonuses, credit card statements, etc. . This is where the opportunities lie—one of these areas might give you an income or the means to achieve your dreams, like buying a home. If you work in a sales department and are on a commissioned basis, this new moon may help you increase your sales beyond your quota.

This new moon on June 28 will inspire you to review your recurring and new expenses, giving you motivation to review your retirement investments with your advisor. You may also need to adjust your insurance needs, and if so, do it now. This area also rules wills and estates, and inheritances, so you may be dealing with one of these topics. If you are in college, you may submit applications for scholarships or financial aid. Your timing is good—Saturn, the planet of stability, will give you a solid foundation for future choices.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 13th will end financial talks and actions within 5 days. Thanks to the excellent electron beam from Uranus leading up to this full moon, you may hear about a windfall heading your way that you never expected. Uranus, the planet of surprises, is in your sixth house of daily work assignments, so it seems like you've done an admirable job in your recent assignments, and you may now be capturing a new, lucrative one. as a result. With Jupiter in Aries these days, your imagination is strong and your creativity reaches new heights.

Two months ago, on May 10, your ruling planet Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, entered Aries, your fifth house of true love, for about 12 months. The position of Jupiter is always a reliable indicator of where your luck and happiness will come from. If you are single, this will be a great year for you to find true love. Although your office life is busy these days, if you have a partner, you will squeeze out precious time with your one and only. Additionally, the first few months of this year into next year will be a great time to make plans for your children.

On July 28, Jupiter will play an important role in the new moon in Leo at the end of the month.As a Sagittarius, you love to travel, and the farther the distance, the happier you are. The new moon will occur on July 28 and will illuminate your 9th house of foreigners and foreign lands. Get your passport ready, because you may very well have the opportunity to plan a very exciting trip to the wild poetry and deep blue lands of the distance.

If leaving home isn't possible (it seems like both family and work keep you busy), then use the last few days of July and early August to take college-level courses, maybe on your laptop Take distance learning. Alternatively, you could join a book club and enjoy talking about how the author organized the plot and developed the characters. Your brain will be eager to learn new things, and you'll get a lot out of your efforts.

If you work in the publishing or broadcasting industry, the new moon of July 28 is likely to give you an interesting assignment that you will be so happy to immerse yourself in that you lose track of time and place—which you will enjoy Work.

This is a good, strong month, filled with an emphasis on finances, finding ways to save money, reducing waste, and also developing ways to make more money. You might buy something you've always wanted, perhaps because the full moon on July 13 will drop a windfall at your feet. Even though the office and home are busy, you can still spend time with the people you love and, if single, meet some new and lovable people. Best of all, you can travel late this month to early August, which might make you super happy.

Editor: Anne Text proofreading: Li Yiqing#真知新综合#

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