[Aries] Translator: @阿美的星湖 wonderful Aries, the theme of family continues. Hug your kids, dig a garden, go for a nature walk to help you and your family feel safe, take a nap, and eat nutritiously. Communication is affectionate and easy - as are short trips and visits.

2024/05/1919:17:33 constellation 1748

[Aries] Translator: @阿美的星湖 wonderful Aries, the theme of family continues. Hug your kids, dig a garden, go for a nature walk to help you and your family feel safe, take a nap, and eat nutritiously. Communication is affectionate and easy - as are short trips and visits. - DayDayNews

[ Aries ] Translator: @阿明的星湖 wonderful

Aries, the theme of family continues. Hug your kids, dig a garden, go for a nature walk to help you and your family feel safe, take a nap, and eat nutritiously. Communication is affectionate and easy - as are short trips and visits. Saturn continues to make you want to advance in status and chase money, power and status, but you will be slow to realize any other (social) desires - until March 2023. Your personal good fortune will continue for more than 10 months. Now through August 20, more money will flow to you. Don’t spend all your money and don’t go into debt confidently.

Tackle housework Sunday through Tuesday afternoon (3 p.m. PDT). Eat well and dress well. You will achieve considerable results. Relationships, opportunities, public dealings and possible opposition arise Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. Harmony and friction intertwined. Best time for romance or agreement: late Tuesday, or late Wednesday. The depth and mystery of life begin to rise Friday and Saturday – and so will your intuition. Investments, debts, desires, research, medical procedures can all be planned, but good and bad luck are intertwined, so choose your goals carefully – the best time is Friday morning.

【Taurus】Translator: @ Guyan Yun Ji

This week’s focus is on handling chores, planning travel, making new connections, handling paperwork, communicating and staying curious. Civil servants and managers will support you until May 2023, so this period is suitable for dealing with tax issues or applying for government subsidies. The capital flow will be good before July 17, maybe you can afford some luxuries?

There will be the urge for romance, creativity and adventure from Sunday morning to Tuesday noon, and beauty and joy will surround you. This is very lucky. Single Taurus will likely have a good feeling of finding the right partner. (You will feel a little lucky in the year ahead, but it may also attract people with bad intentions and less lucky people, so be careful when signing contracts and choosing partners.)

Processed Tuesday afternoon to Thursday Chores, paying attention to food and clothing, Wednesday is very good. Friday and Saturday are filled with relationships, opportunities, relocation-related topics, and possibly dealing with public transactions. Friday morning and dinner time are also times of blessing and misfortune. Friends or groups will help you succeed. You must have a social strategy and don't engage in confrontation.

[Gemini] Translator: @minki Something about something

Gemini, the focus is on money, income, buying and selling, property (but not investments) - and machinery - and casual sex. You are still physically and emotionally attractive. Until August 20, watch out for belligerent people and "dark alleys." At the same time, government or administrative staff may help you realize a wish (perhaps related to a social issue). Over the next 10-plus months, your social prospects are bright - make friends, join groups - who may help you for years, or even ten.

Return to home Sunday/Monday – embrace the kids, garden, set up a pension or academic fund, etc. Best times: Sunday (good) and Monday after breakfast until midnight. Romance beckons Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. (And beauty, appointments, adventure, sports, gambling, cute kids.) Luck is mixed, so proceed with caution and be alert for clues, especially from someone you love deeply. Best time: Wednesday evening (Pacific Daylight Savings Time ) -- later is better. Friday/Saturday, it’s time to work. Good luck and obstacles mix, so don't start big tasks and don't buy machines. Implement safety policies.

【Cancer】Translator: @meanleader

Cancer, this is the best time of the year for your energy, influence, charisma and efficiency! Get out there, connect with others, care about others, and start important projects. This week is a bit messy, though, so your progress may feel like wading through knee-deep water with weeds forcing you to slow down. Before August 20, your leader/boss/superior may do something to make your wish come true.(Maybe a promotion?) In any case, your superiors now favor you - take advantage of this advantage! (Administrative management and civil servant-type matters are also very lucky now. Until July 17, you can get help if you need it).

Generally speaking, from now to May 2023, your career luck will be very strong. Don't waste your time, Cancer. You may want to have a "fast-food love" with a Gemini, but I don't recommend it.

Sunday to Tuesday afternoon is filled with paperwork, errands, short trips, contracts, communications and curiosity. Best days: Sunday daytime in Europe, Monday daytime in North America. Stay home with kids, nourish, garden, bushwalk, and sleep Tuesday night through Thursday. Best time: Late Wednesday night. Good luck in love Friday/Saturday – pursue things related to beauty, pleasure, sports, cute children, creativity, and speculative impulses. But luck is average, so be cautious. You may meet someone towards the end of Saturday, but that person is probably not single.

[Leo] Translator: @hidden wind pulls branches

Lions, sleep a little longer. Recuperate, think and plan for your future. Avoid race conditions. You may have to deal with government administration or large organizations, both from a management perspective, for several weeks. Now, a friend or bestie of the opposite sex will lift your spirits with a cheerful, agile, and intelligent state of mind. You can exchange secrets with anyone.

Your interests in law, academia, international, media, culture and romance remain philanthropic and will bring you great success over the next 10 months if you continue to persist. From Tuesday to August 20, important people or bosses will be grumpy and impatient. Be social!

Chase money Sunday to mid-afternoon Tuesday. Make deals, ask for a raise, pursue casual sex. Your luck is mixed, so be careful with your positioning. Best time: Monday morning to evening. Errands, conversations, emails, travel, visits and paperwork fill midweek (Tuesday afternoon to Thursday). Luck is still mixed. Re-review all messages before sending. Go have some fun with friends later on Wednesday! Home and loved ones concern you Friday/Saturday – work at home, but also take frequent breaks.

【Virgo】Translator: @ZakiaZakia

Your dream may come true, Virgo, and it may very well happen in July. You will be welcomed by everyone, happy and optimistic, release your charm, and be willing to socialize. Before July 17, your boss will also favor you. You can ask others to do something for you and give others a favor at the same time. Before August 20, be sure to strictly avoid legal disputes. At the same time, if you study hard, you may gain great insights in finance, investment, or even any field you study. (Over the next ten months, you’ll be very lucky in investing, medical beauty, sex and intimacy, and studying the subject itself.) Your energy and charisma are at their peak Sunday to Tuesday afternoon . Go out for a walk, do something, start a project, convince others. Midweek (Tuesday evening to Thursday), buy/sell, pay/collect bills. This period has mixed fortunes, with Wednesday being the best time to take action. Intimacy for fun may occur. Friday/Saturday are filled with chores, communications, paperwork, short trips. Again, the results you get in these areas may be good or bad. Well, just enjoy life as much as you can.

【Libra】Translator: @阿gui_G

Libra people, be ambitious this July. Opportunities will arise - you can see them in writing, on bulletin boards, and hear about them from others. From roughly the 5th to the 18th, there will be discussions with higher-ups, followed immediately (by August 10th) by the favor and generosity of these bosses and other important figures. Don't waste this time! While marriage and other practical partnerships are lucky until next May, you may have already decided on "the one."In July and August this year, this relationship may turn into a deeply sexual relationship, which may bring mixed financial situations.

Rest in the afternoon from Sunday to Tuesday, lie down and meditate. Plan, handle government and/or "headquarters," complete neglected household chores. Some charity and spiritual exploration would be nice. Your energy and charisma bounce back Tuesday night through Thursday. You will succeed, but you may have to overcome some obstacles, as well as rejection from others. Wednesday is best. Pursue money Friday/Saturday – but be careful and diplomatic, as luck can be mixed. Best time: Friday morning.

【Scorpio】Translator: @肉包好吃w

Scorpio, your wise and thoughtful influence remains. Far travel, legal, academic, publishing or cultural matters, and love will be your focus. Until May, your career has been lucky and outward-looking, but this week it's less stressful. But between now and August 20, this “tension” shifts to themes of intimacy, moving, opportunities, and public dealings.

Because others may lose their temper (or even brew an "attack") because of careless words or impulsive gestures, you need to be very tactful (especially in traffic). If you are single, before July 19, you will be articulate in dealing with intimate relationships.

Sunday to early Tuesday afternoon you will be optimistic, happy, sociable and flirtatious. Monday afternoon through Tuesday would be your best time. Stay away from conflict Tuesday afternoon through Thursday. Rest, think, plan, ask for advice, be generous and spiritual. The surroundings are not that nice, so proceed with caution. Wednesdays are the best! Your energy and vitality return Friday/Saturday. This is usually a good time to start a project, or to persuade others to support you, but be aware that these two days may still not go so smoothly. Friday morning (Friday afternoon China time) would be the best time.

【Sagittarius】Translator: @ Orange的 sheepgoat princess

You are still surrounded by secrets, Sagittarius, and unknown information that can be obtained through research or investigation. This may result in financial behavior (investments), affectionate behavior, medical procedures, or lifestyle changes. Your intuition is the best, maybe better than logic. The brief but strong romantic winds of May/June are now subdued, but this will not weaken the huge romantic "wave" coming next May. This week and next, someone will respond positively and sweetly to your approach. Until August 17, your domestic chores will become busy and stressful, but they may also become more creative and charming.

You will be ambitious Sunday to Tuesday afternoon, and your efforts will have good results. Midweek (Tuesday afternoon to Thursday) you focus on social activities because of your popular, optimistic and charming side. However, there will still be obstacles, so be cautious in actual activities. Love may explode late Wednesday night. You can see your love future Wednesday morning (dawn). Retreat Friday/Saturday to lie down, rest, think and plan your future actions. Indulge your tiredness: most actions now are "waste". For advice, contact your counselor and charities.

[Capricorn] Translator: @北士的Post-it

Relationships are everything, Capricorn. However, this is a month of bonds, opportunities, public affairs, and possibly a move that may be a bit glitchy, so stay alert and careful. Peers are keen to chat. Work goes smoothly and my colleagues are friendly and happy. From now until August, your desire for love increases, and you will have the courage and purpose to pursue someone. Home, real estate and security concerns are all lucky until May. Pay attention here and look for advantages - there will be them here!

A sweet, wise mood surrounds you Sunday to noon Tuesday. Meditation or travel, culture, religion, law, further education and love. (This love is diverse, it may be human nature, or it may be for a certain person.) Tuesday night to Thursday brings fighting spirit and status. There are potholes, so be careful. Wednesday is the best time to take action. Wishes come true Friday/Saturday – a social, popular, hopeful period. Practical problems encounter confusion about failures and open questions. (That is, some tangles.) But you are in a good mood. Go enjoy life.

【Aquarius】Translator: @ Time is short but my heart is long

Dear Aquarius , Work, work, work - this is your soul in the coming weeks. But all this work will be diluted by a beautiful love - Libra or Gemini may play an important role in this. A chatty person will make your housework less boring. There will be many short trips over the next ten months, either driven by curiosity or in search of a new place to settle. From Tuesday to August 20, you may become irritable at home - be gentle and don't become a "domestic dictator."

Sunday to Tuesday afternoon brings secrets, hidden ambitions and desires – including sex, power, money and more. You're not going to have much luck at this point though, so proceed with caution and don't make large investments. Best during the day on Monday. A mood of maturity and wisdom washes over you Tuesday night through Thursday. Love appears - or someone falls in love with you. Think deeply about: travel, higher education, law, culture, philosophy of life. Again, obstacles and opportunities intersect: proceed with caution. Stay ambitious Friday/Saturday—obstacles are definitely increasing this time, but in some ways they can become stepping stones for you. Don't make enemies and don't offend others.

[Pisces] Translator: @山师夫1019

Romance, creative enthusiasm, adventure, joy, beauty, and cute children will fill your days in the coming weeks. This week, your ability to speak well will connect you with an important and warm bond. Your family life is filled with friendship, tranquility, and natural beauty. The money tide is temporarily subsided, but there is plenty of money waiting for you in the next 10 months. It could be a raise, or work compensation. Before August 20, there is a flurry of messages, emails, errands, paperwork and conversations, most here about money or possessions. Don't lose or misplace documents, paperwork and information.

From Sunday to around 3 pm on Tuesday, interpersonal problems will be highlighted. It's not an easy time, but it ends in a comfortable place where you feel loved and accepted. Midweek (Tuesday afternoon to Thursday) brings undercurrents, potential strength, heightened intuition, and financial, sexual or power temptations – beware, mixed fortunes. Wednesday was very good. Friday/Saturday brings a soft, wise, loving vibe. Obstacles and obstacles exist, so if love doesn't work, save it for another time. Eventually, you can take a step back and understand more about yourself, love, and the world. By Saturday night, you'll be satisfied.

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