You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you, "We don't even date dogs of such and such zodiac sign..." It's a good thing to listen to your friends' advice when it comes to love, bu

2024/05/1910:46:33 constellation 1929

You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you, "We don't even date dogs of such and such zodiac sign..."

It's a good thing to listen to your friends' advice when it comes to falling in love. , but what I’m afraid of is that you only listen to other people’s suggestions and ignore your own true feelings.

Secondly, people of each zodiac sign have different growth stages and maturity levels, although groups of a zodiac sign have common characteristics.

So when it comes to falling in love with a certain zodiac sign, the first thing you should consider is how you feel about him and how you really feel.

The second question is your clear self-judgment and clear judgment of his character and character.

When you meet the following constellations, you should pay more attention to observation and judgment, because their true nature is revealed relatively late in the relationship.

You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you,


Falling in love has no goals, no results, or no purpose? This is not the logic of a Virgo falling in love.

Simply liking and appreciating cannot make Virgo's emotions come true.

In other words, Virgo’s love and relationship must be supported by actual life indicators.

Therefore, when you fall in love or have a relationship with a Virgo, the feeling you get is not necessarily the kind of love you imagine.

The same is true, because Virgos are always considering some practical things (an inevitable trend after passion).

Therefore, there are limits and standards for their devotion to you in love and relationships.

They will pay you what they think they can pay, and they will not blindly lose the rules. To put it simply: they will not let go of their truth.

The stage when Virgo lets go of his true self is when "everything has settled."

For example, if you confirm your relationship, the relationship can be stable, and there are practical and good directions in all aspects, or you may get married or have children.

Before this, their reality was shrinking, and they would think that there was no need to do that before anything was certain.

You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you,


Of course, not all Virgos are normal. Some Virgos don't talk about these and only talk about enjoyment and personal purposes.

Let’s take things like falling in love as an example. You can do whatever you like, so why can you let it go? Because they don't consider the results or goals at all.

So from the perspective of normal love relationships, Virgo's choices are rational:

They will choose someone who has development potential in real life, who has real life security, and who has a future in life.

In addition, it is a core logic. Virgo people attach great importance to service and are also good at summarizing and planning the development direction of specific life.

These points are all based on a rational and practical perspective, so from a perceptual perspective, from an emotional perspective:

they do not sufficiently participate in the emotional logic of Virgo.

This logic is already obvious. Since there is not so much emotional existence and not so much emotional involvement, from an emotional perspective, Virgo's hurtfulness cannot be that serious.

You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you,


You can understand it this way, Virgo is good to you when he is with you, because he feels safe in himself and in your actual life. It can also be said that you have a future in terms of life development.

Virgo gives up on you at the same point. He doesn't feel safe with you, that is, he has no hope in terms of actual life development, and you have no future in terms of life, work, and future.

Do you think this kind of thing is hurtful? It definitely hurts.

But Virgo’s judgments are often based on realistic observations and summaries, so although it hurts, you have to admit:

Their judgments about your future and the future of your life with him are, for now, quite accurate. .

In addition to these general directions, there are also some small points. These points are the most criticized areas of Virgo.

It's like a Virgo didn't consider so much reality before he got together with you, and then the two of you came together.

But in real life, you have to accept Virgo's pickiness and uncertainty about you, such as you can't do it here and you can't do it there.

These things will definitely happen.

You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you,


You may want to know why. In fact, the reason is not complicated. To put it bluntly, he just feels that you are not good at something, have wrong ideas, wrong methods, etc., which affects the originally good results of some things.

But you can imagine another thing. We often get together, and you are constantly being denied, picked on, and criticized. Can you bear it? Even if you know some of what he said is right.

When you live in an atmosphere where you are often criticized and criticized, will you have a normal mood and mentality?

So most people will have some resentment after getting along with a Virgo, " I am not good here, I am not good there, you are good at everything, why is your face so big? "

This is what one of our fan friends sent me. The original words of the private message.

From a Virgo's own perspective, if you don't accept good suggestions or good guidance, you have different outlooks and feel that there is no future in getting along with you.

Small problems have not been improved, but you still want to make big and good changes? You are hopeless.

Then I feel disappointed and boring again and again, and I may want to say goodbye to you.

You tell your friend or bestie that you have recently fallen in love with someone of a certain zodiac sign, but your friend and bestie tell you,

Virgo people’s control is actually not that strong, they are just too stuck by their own standards.

They need positive, uplifting people to give them strength and hope.

Although the degree of hurting others is not serious when talking about feelings, when it comes to the specific details of life, they can easily hurt the other person and be criticized.

Although they are people-pleasing and think good things, they conflict with human nature.

Therefore, when getting along with a Virgo, it is very important to adjust the way you speak and behave.

If Virgos can notice this problem themselves, the chance of being criticized will be greatly reduced.

If people who get along with Virgos can also notice this problem, then some small details may not cause big problems.

Virgo people are very realistic. Reality is based on the specific life development and future perspective. They are obsessive about their own standards. On the contrary, feelings are not so heavy. They need to stabilize reality first before they can have feelings.

I don’t know what you think about this matter.


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