The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y

2024/05/1910:45:32 constellation 1823

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence.

The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more you like him, the more you will involuntarily cater to him.

Then when it comes to emotions, you will underestimate yourself and overestimate the other person. If the other person pays attention to you and accepts your catering, you will be as happy as a 200-pound fat man.

If the other person ignores you, dislikes you or resists you, your sadness will intensify and spread uncontrollably.

The thing is such a logic, but people often enjoy this kind of emotion and the magical feeling brought by emotional changes.

Then when you meet people with the following zodiac signs, the magical feeling will be even more magical...

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews


There is a truth in the feelings of the world: "In fact, the person you really like is the person who really likes you."

However, this truth is not so clear to Gemini people. In other words, this truth is the same for people who do not understand emotions very well, and it is also the same for people who have no emotional experience.

Speaking of the Gemini crowd, we have to mention the key word "responsibility". This is the point that most people who have been with Geminis complain about the Gemini crowd the most.

In fact, this keyword can explain many characteristics of Gemini, it depends on whether you are willing to think about it.

For example, Gemini's thinking logic, emotional logic, and emotional logic are all related to the keyword sense of responsibility.

Let’s talk about it in detail one by one. Gemini’s thinking logic is not completely under your control. For example, if you ask Gemini to study, let him ponder and summarize the theme and key ideas of a long article.

Note that this refers to adult twins.

Can he concentrate enough to spend an hour or two thinking about it? It's quite difficult.

In fact, even if you tell him at the beginning that there is something in that article that he is particularly interested in, he will only be able to think about half of it at most.

Maybe when he was thinking about it, a song suddenly sounded in his head, and then his thoughts drifted away to the rhythm of that song.

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews


But as far as this kind of thing is concerned, for a person who can control his own thinking, he will start well and end well.

Let’s extend the emotional logic of Gemini:

attracts Gemini people because their appearance or other flashy and distinctive words and deeds catch the eyes of Gemini, and Gemini will feel appreciated or liked.

But these feelings come from curiosity, that is, external influences.

So as long as this curiosity is not broken, Gemini will still be curious about a person, but if the curiosity is broken, for example, after he comes into contact with this person.

Then his curiosity about this person, including his feelings of appreciation and liking, will slowly disappear or shift, and the attraction will no longer be enough.

From this point you can think of other things. Gemini liked one or several people when they were in elementary school. They also liked one or two people when they were in junior high school. It was the same in high school, for example, someone who could play basketball or someone who was handsome. Singing well and so on. After

is included, you will find that the characteristics of the people Gemini likes are often reflected in the outside, such as liking handsome people, good-looking smiles, beautiful people, and good figures.

I believe some of my friends must have had this experience. You have a pretty face, a good figure, and a nice talk. A Gemini man starts chasing you, but after you catch him, you will find that he has no interest in you anymore.

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews


The feeling of Gemini needs too many things to support it, such as what interests him, what attracts the outside world to him, what is interesting, etc.

Without these things, Gemini's feelings will lose support, and his concentration and initiative will weaken.

In this situation, if you talk about responsibility to him, it’s all nonsense.

Gemini cannot guide himself in a positive way. Even if he knows that some things are wrong, he cannot correct them. Even if he knows that some things are right, he cannot correct himself.

In fact, Gemini needs a sense of spontaneity:

The logic that comes with his own temperament, he does not need to correct, nor does he want to correct, he just naturally does what he wants to do and what he does not do.

Love or relationships will have a dull period. In fact, as long as you pass the stage of passionate love and interest, love and relationships will soon reach the dull stage.

Although Gemini is close to Taurus, their emotional logic is completely different.

Taurus can't let go at first, but as time goes by, they become more sultry and open-minded. Their love period is later than that of Gemini, but it also lasts longer.

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews


The Gemini with mediocre power is the most uneasy Gemini, and the Gemini people themselves are not that wild, unlike the fire sign . The key is that the Gemini people are not prickly.

They just easily fall into the whirlpool of free and self-consciousness and like to be casual.

But this is the point that makes people feel uneasy and helpless.

A Gemini in the ordinary period does not allow you to disturb her. He wants to play or do other things, so you cannot interfere too much. You cannot say anything more when he is not at home.

So you will think " I am your so and so, you can't be like that, we must pay attention to our relationship and feelings. "

Can he listen? If you don't listen, then he will forget about it because he doesn't want to hear it at all.

Geminis cannot force themselves, so can you feel at ease in this way?

For example, if Gemini tells you, "From today to next Tuesday, don't come to me or talk to me." Do you accept it or not? Can you rest assured?

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews

It is impossible for a normal person to have no emotions when encountering this kind of thing, but when getting along with Gemini, please don't focus on emotions. Just get used to him.

If he doesn't let you talk more, just say a few words, or create some opportunities to meet and chat by chance, and then don't say more, just let him know that you are still with him.

Habits become natural. When Gemini no longer doubts his emotions because of personal interests or curiosity, he will develop feelings for you.

Gemini people are like this. If you are getting along with Gemini, you should not talk about sense of responsibility until he gets used to you.

has no meaning and is empty and sad.


In fact, Gemini needs a sense of spontaneity:

The logic that comes with his own temperament, he does not need to correct, nor does he want to correct, he just naturally does what he wants to do and what he does not do.

Love or relationships will have a dull period. In fact, as long as you pass the stage of passionate love and interest, love and relationships will soon reach the dull stage.

Although Gemini is close to Taurus, their emotional logic is completely different.

Taurus can't let go at first, but as time goes by, they become more sultry and open-minded. Their love period is later than that of Gemini, but it also lasts longer.

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews


The Gemini with mediocre power is the most uneasy Gemini, and the Gemini people themselves are not that wild, unlike the fire sign . The key is that the Gemini people are not prickly.

They just easily fall into the whirlpool of free and self-consciousness and like to be casual.

But this is the point that makes people feel uneasy and helpless.

A Gemini in the ordinary period does not allow you to disturb her. He wants to play or do other things, so you cannot interfere too much. You cannot say anything more when he is not at home.

So you will think " I am your so and so, you can't be like that, we must pay attention to our relationship and feelings. "

Can he listen? If you don't listen, then he will forget about it because he doesn't want to hear it at all.

Geminis cannot force themselves, so can you feel at ease in this way?

For example, if Gemini tells you, "From today to next Tuesday, don't come to me or talk to me." Do you accept it or not? Can you rest assured?

The most common mistakes people make are overestimating themselves, overestimating others, underestimating themselves and underestimating others. From a human perspective, there is no real objective existence. The more a person attracts you, the more you will like him. The more y - DayDayNews

It is impossible for a normal person to have no emotions when encountering this kind of thing, but when getting along with Gemini, please don't focus on emotions. Just get used to him.

If he doesn't let you talk more, just say a few words, or create some opportunities to meet and chat by chance, and then don't say more, just let him know that you are still with him.

Habits become natural. When Gemini no longer doubts his emotions because of personal interests or curiosity, he will develop feelings for you.

Gemini people are like this. If you are getting along with Gemini, you should not talk about sense of responsibility until he gets used to you.

has no meaning and is empty and sad.


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