Susan Miller July in Aries As you enter July, you will experience a lovely, supportive New Moon in Cancer on June 28, 7 degrees, which will affect you for the next few weeks. If you know you have to move, or even if you're casually considering moving without a set moving date, st

2024/05/1817:12:34 constellation 1815

Susan Miller Aries in July

Susan Miller July in Aries As you enter July, you will experience a lovely, supportive New Moon in Cancer on June 28, 7 degrees, which will affect you for the next few weeks. If you know you have to move, or even if you're casually considering moving without a set moving date, st - DayDayNews

As you enter July, you will experience a lovely, supportive New Moon in Cancer on June 28, 7 degrees, which will affect you over the next few weeks. . If you know you have to move, or even if you're casually considering moving without a set moving date, start browsing Internet sites now or contract with a real estate agent to view properties. New moons are always very powerful, and only once a year does a new moon appear in a different house of your sign to help you achieve your life goals. This new moon is the only one of the year like this for home and family. It will have an impact within weeks of it happening.

If you can wait for action and don't feel rushed, you will have a new moon in Cancer on January 6 (unlike a new moon in that it ends things). In early January, you may have found your sweet spot, whether you're renting or buying a home. However, Mars will be retrograde by then, so delay it until after January 12th if you can.

If you are renting and don't expect to stay for more than a few months, it doesn't matter whether you signed on or not when Mars is retrograde. Sometimes, however, as a friend said to me, "I thought I wouldn't stay, but here it is, and three years have passed and I haven't moved." Then the pandemic hit, and in high school When infection rates were raging, she couldn't even think of moving. Life is always happening, so you may think you won't move, but the unexpected may happen. If you feel that you will lose the apartment if you don't sign immediately, then sign.

This month's new moon (technically June 28th, but this month and the weeks after will affect you) can help you find a place to move, find a contractor to work with on renovations, and know how to do special , repair workers needed, and ways to redecorate your home, such as painting rooms or choosing new furniture. If you live in the suburbs or country, you may ask a landscape artist to work on your land, design your yard or plant perennials or other flowers and shrubs to make your property look beautiful all seasons.

A new moon in the fourth house, such as the new moon on June 28, can also trigger a period of playtime, or if you have young children at home (and even think about playtime), friends and family may come to visit you and spend time with your children. Playing, usually gives you a little breathing space. You may find that you have more people in your home this month. A family member may come to visit you, or vice versa, and you can go to their place and enjoy time with their family.

You can also help parents in need by volunteering to help your parents do things around their house to make sure they don't have to climb a ladder to change ceiling fixtures when they are faced with a difficult situation. light bulb. You may think you're doing nothing at all, but your help with the little things will be greatly appreciated.

On July 10, Uranus will receive a sextile (the side of opportunity) from the powerful Sun, and your mind will be filled with ideas. This will help you come up with plans for your home, since that's where the sun is currently traveling. Uranus is the planet of genius and open-mindedness, so write down all your ideas, even if some seem a little weird at first, and then go back and see what appeals to you. Sometimes an idea that seems a little off the main line can trigger a way to twist it around and make it better and perfect for you!

Your best weekend of the month will be July 30-31, when the Sun is in Leo and Jupiter is in Aries. Love is in the air, Cupid and his little angels will be hovering in the sky for you.

Now let's start looking at what Mars is doing, because Mars is your ruling planet and what he does is important. At the beginning of the month, you have control.

From July 5 to August 20, Mars will slide into Taurus, your second house of earned income.This often adds to expenses, so you may know you have to pay a big bill for your car, a short trip you're planning, household chores, more childcare, or some other reason. Luckily, this trend won't last forever, only six and a half weeks. This higher-than-usual spending may inspire you to look for ways you can earn more. The

journey seems to be coming, but not yet. Late August or early September is more likely — and interesting. Mercury will go retrograde from September 9 to October 2, but you may be able to sneak out of town before then. I absolutely love the end of August because then Mars will be in meteorological Gemini, adding energy to your fire element Aries Sun.

The full moon on July 13 is in Capricorn at 21 degrees. It is mainly a happy-go-lucky full moon. It will bring your work into focus, and when the full moon appears at the highest point of your chart, your reputation will shine and the praise will follow. You might even get a promotion and a new title.

Plus, at this full moon on July 13, Mercury in Cancer will have a sweet conversation with surprise-minute Uranus in Taurus, so random news that arrives unexpectedly should make you very happy. Travel should go very smoothly now. It looks like you've become the best at your company or industry, so keep working - you're getting a lot of applause for your great work. Neptune will clash with Venus in Gemini, so keep your expectations for the trip realistic, you can accomplish something realistic, and when you return, you'll be happy that you had a successful trip.

From July 17 to August 11, Venus will visit Cancer for the only time this year. Venus will heat up your social life and make sure you have fun, which is great news. Mars in Taurus will blend perfectly with Venus in Cancer, and since Mars and Venus are cosmic lovers of the zodiac, you are sure to be full of temptations. On August 2, Venus and Mars will create an opportunity (sextile, 60 degrees apart) that is sure to be an important date in your timeline.

This month, Venus enters Cancer on July 17 for another reason. On the same day, not only does Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (the best aspect you can think of), but the Sun in Cancer also trines Neptune in Pisces. You should find it easy to generate ideas that are imaginative and original. Wow. Your star shines like a diamond in the sun, dear Aries.

When Venus is in Cancer, you can pick out some new clothes to wear. Designer clothes are often on sale at extremely low prices, and Venus will help you find something that's just right for you. Focus on color – you may be particularly drawn to brilliant blue.

The day you've been waiting for is the new moon on July 28, in Leo 6 degrees, which will fill your romantic life with radiating love potential. My favorite part is that Jupiter, the lucky planet, will be perfectly positioned to send a golden beam to the Sun and Moon in a tight aspect. This new moon will bring a glorious scene in the coming weeks, so if you are single, make it a point to circle not only in clubs and restaurants, but also in art galleries, museums or venues hosting outdoor concerts. place. Leo, the land of the new moon, rules cultural events. If you're in a relationship, start making plans so you can look forward to doing things together.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to enjoy this cute trend. With inflation skyrocketing, everyone is looking for ways to cut costs, and just exploring an area you've never seen before with people you like can do the trick. Going to the beach is fun—trying a new place you haven't been to before. If you live in Australia or New Zealand , then it's winter - take a walk in a beautiful place, work up an appetite, and enjoy the fresh, cool air.

If you want to have a child or adopt a child, this new moon will also help you. The 5th house will light up for you and if you want one or more children, it will help you realize your child dreams.If you're having trouble getting pregnant, see a fertility doctor earlier in the month and get tested to learn more.

After July 28, when this new moon appears, you will begin to see your creative ideas reaching new boundaries, even more than you saw in your output earlier in the month.

While every Aries sign has something to celebrate this new moon, if your birthday falls within five days of March 29, you'll get double the joy. If your natal moon or ascendant is in Aries and within 5 degrees of 6 degrees, or your natal planet is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra , or Aquarius is within 6 degrees, plus or minus 5 degree, this is also applicable.

Your best weekend of the month will be July 30-31, when the Sun is in Leo and Jupiter is in Aries. Love is in the air and Cupid and his little angels will be hovering in the sky for you. You might also want to indulge in some splurge this weekend, so dig through your desk for those gift certificates you forgot to bring and use them! The Sun and Jupiter will be in divine trine. Wow. It doesn't get any better than this! If you are invited to a party or wedding, you will shine and everyone will be attracted to see you and talk to you. That’s it for this month!


Your life starts to get better and better. It's so good that sometimes you might wonder if this cosmic favor can last. It can - and will. This trend began two months ago on May 10, when Jupiter entered Aries for the first time in 12 years, heralding the start of your shining Emerald Year. Jupiter is settling down now and starting to work his magic by bringing you influential guests. These people will tell you why you should plan to grow in your field. Things couldn't be better in your career.

If something unfortunate happens to you recently (unlikely, but if it does), know that your company has you covered. You'll turn that bad situation, like losing your job, into a great opportunity to get a better job that pays better. You have an ace up your sleeve, and that’s Jupiter in Aries.

Jupiter's help will transcend career and money and other wishes you may see happen. If you are single, you can also bring joy to your personal life by finding love in a new relationship or experiencing deep love for your spouse or children. In the coming months, every aspect of your life will benefit. Jupiter will stay in Aries until May 16, 2023 next year, with a brief break from October 30 to December 20 this year, when Jupiter will be in Pisces. Jupiter will continue to help you financially well into the future. Of all the zodiac signs, your sign, dear Aries, will have the greatest luck.

As you enter July, you will experience a new moon in Cancer before the star moon on June 28. The New Moon will begin to offer excellent opportunities to improve your home life. It can also help you find appropriate ways to help your parents if they ask you to research ways to help them make a pressing decision or two. If you need to sign a contract, Saturn will bring you the gift of long-term and stability. In the first days of July, you should choose between property or representing your parents. This will be a good time to do so. Sign a contract, or do something to help one or both of your parents.

From July 5 to August 20, your spending will rise to higher than usual levels as Mars transits Taurus. You seem to have a good reason for writing all the checks, as you may be going through a major lifestyle change. This type of shift always requires a significant outlay of cash.

Around August 1, Mars and Uranus will meet in Taurus (your financial house), so prepare for an unexpected expense. Take a deep breath – that’s how life works sometimes. More money will be available in the coming weeks to fill the depleted funds. That being said, you never know with Uranus.You could win money on a TV game show or receive a big refund from the taxman you never thought possible. These are two examples of many possibilities. Uranus is called the planet of surprises for a reason—just look what happens.

Meanwhile, a dazzling full moon in Capricorn occurs on July 13, which will bring your career to the top. You might get an exciting job offer or complete an important project that earns you a positive review. Your creativity and out-of-the-box thinking will be praised and valued. If you are a freelancer working in the creative arts, you may get a new profitable client who has a big assignment for you, possibly related to the entertainment field.

After Mars leaves Taurus on August 20, your higher-than-usual spending will slowly subside. In the meantime, keep an eye on the first week of July and the time around July 13 for unexpected good news on earnings.

The full moon of July 28 will be one of the sweetest full moons of the year, filled with romance, fun, vacation, and maybe a few giggles with the kids. If you're single, this is your long-awaited new moon, as Jupiter in Aries, working with this new moon, will increase your chances of meeting that special someone with whom you can build your future life. If you're attached, you can have more fun with your spouse or stable partner, so plan some things you can do that you both enjoy.

I'm just excited that Jupiter will be working directly with the new moon on July 28, to a precise, close degree, to bring you blessings. You'll have a great time. If you have children, they will be protected in many ways, and if you want a child, you have reason to be hopeful this month and in August. This new moon will put you in a lyrical, romantic mood for the next few weeks. You have everything working for you, so take advantage of this dazzling trend.

The best weekend of the month, July 30 to 31, is when everything goes well and Cupid's efforts will achieve their goals. You should leave this month in a very happy mood and look forward to the weeks ahead.

Editor: Anne Proofreader: Li Yiqing#真知新综合#

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