Weekly fortune analysis July 4-10 Love all things in the world Static Fish said that astrology will open up the celestial phenomena next week, and there will be a wonderful feeling. The phases between the planets are intertwined. The script is so rich, it should be a more excitin

2024/05/1614:45:34 constellation 1882

Weekly fortune analysis

July 4-10

Love all things in the world

Static fish said astrology

Weekly fortune analysis July 4-10 Love all things in the world Static Fish said that astrology will open up the celestial phenomena next week, and there will be a wonderful feeling. The phases between the planets are intertwined. The script is so rich, it should be a more excitin - DayDayNews

Open the celestial phenomena next week, there will be a wonderful feeling between the various planets The phases are intertwined vertically and horizontally, and the script is so richly written that it should be relatively Have a wonderful week!

Key astronomical phenomena


The pace of the moon

Monday and Tuesday When the moon is in Virgo, we can easily feel trapped, have a poor mental state, and be more sensitive inside, and our friends are prone to encounter interpersonal problems.

Especially friends who are Virgo, Pisces, Aries , Leo .

Wednesday to Friday , when the moon is in Libra , we may be in a tense and uncomfortable state because we care too much about other people's opinions and ideas. The moon is linked with Pluto and Mars, forming an irregular activation T-square. We tend to appear domineering and strong, our emotions are easy to be extreme, and we get ourselves into disputes.

Especially friends of Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo.

However, because Venus is in good aspect, you will get satisfactory feedback in terms of relationships. especially Aquarius and Pisces.

Saturday and Sunday, when the moon comes to Scorpio, the energy of the sinking moon makes us more emotional. In addition, the moon opposes Uranus. It can be said that there are many surprises in the two days of the weekend. There are sudden emotions and sudden separations. People are confused. On Sunday, when the moon squares Saturn, anxiety and stress will come to your doorstep. It is very important to learn to release your stress on Sunday. When the celestial phenomena are not good, lying flat is one way, and testing endurance is another way. .

Especially friends who are Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus!

Weekly fortune analysis July 4-10 Love all things in the world Static Fish said that astrology will open up the celestial phenomena next week, and there will be a wonderful feeling. The phases between the planets are intertwined. The script is so rich, it should be a more excitin - DayDayNews

Astronomical analysis


Mars becomes warm and swallows

html No. 15: Mars enters Taurus and Mars falls in Taurus, affecting the development of positive energy, so our lazy state will continue. Although mobility is low, endurance is strong Not bad, so it's easy to show up If you delay completing a task until the deadline, there will be no overdue behavior.

Mercury changes a lot

html On the 15th, Mercury enters Cancer. Mercury in Cancer will give us the energy to miss the past, and it is easy to get entangled in past stories. Our memory will become very good, but we are not very good at communication. Compared with analyzing objective events, we would be more willing to analyze the power of the spirit.

Water and Fire are in the sextile. Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Taurus bring mental energy and rigorous thinking ability. They are quite reliable and trustworthy, and they will also be very advantageous in copy editing and sales.

html No. 19: Mercury and Jupiter square Mercury and Cancer square Jupiter and Aries. Under the influence of this celestial phenomenon, we will have many ideas, but they are too grand and cannot be implemented. It is also easy to promise too many things that are beyond our ability. At the same time, we must pay attention to Signing of the agreement.

We may be prone to casual thoughts in this aspect,

The fun of the sun

html No. 110: Sun and sky are in sex. The sun in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus are in sex. The intuition becomes stronger and more dramatic, and the inspiration is very good.

No matter what, we still have to continue to work hard in life! Please continue to work hard!

The following will analyze the key issues in life that may be affected by the celestial phenomena next week. Please remind yourself to be mentally prepared and not to follow the script.

Please use your subjective initiative and say "get out" to things you don't want to happen!

If there are no fields written, it proves that there is no need to worry and everything will go smoothly as usual!

Please refer to the sun rising sign



Advantages: Aries will have more stable interpersonal relationships this week, are more flexible in verbal thinking, and are easy to like. Some Aries are very interested in outings. Going upstream to catch fish and ice watermelons is a good choice this season. In the second half of the week, Aries' cooperation fortune is relatively strong and they can get help from friends. The relationship with your family will be closer on weekends, especially after Mercury changes signs to Cancer, you will have more contact and chat with your family, and you will get spiritual satisfaction. Mars changes signs in Taurus, and Aries may have good projects coming their way.

Disadvantages: Aries will continue to be in the same state as last week in the first half of the week. In the second half of the week, they will encounter some problems and setbacks in their careers. Perhaps their work style is too tough and cooperation fails, or some Aries are forced to perform tasks that are inconsistent with their work. Boss leads confrontation. When you encounter trouble, you can try to ask for help from a colleague of the opposite sex whom you trust, which will be more conducive to solving the problem. You may feel the pressure from your team over the weekend. When Mars changes signs in Taurus, Aries' desire to shop will increase.

Love: Aries in love will have a happy and relaxed week and get along well with each other. However, they are prone to argue with their lovers in the middle of the week. They may be too strong and cause antagonism between the two people, or they may not have enough companionship. . Married Aries are likely to have troubles with marriage and family in the middle of the week. Two people are prone to quarrel, possibly over work direction or money expenses.

Single Aries have average love fortune this week, but they make people feel very safe and trustworthy. There may be situations where family members arrange blind dates.


Advantages: Taurus may make money this week, or their values ā€‹ā€‹may be recognized by others. In the second half of the week, your performance in the workplace will be more positive, and you will be easily recognized and affirmed at work. Weekends are more suitable for outings, especially for married Taurus. After Mars enters Taurus, the charm of Taurus will be greatly increased, the mobility will be increased, and the endurance will be stronger. After Mercury enters Cancer, Taurus will have a warmer relationship with acquaintances around them, have positive thinking, and have enhanced memory.

Disadvantages: Taurus may encounter some pitfalls at work, which may be due to misfortune or being punished for misrepresenting some information, and it is easy to fall into the obsession of a certain wrong message. If some Taurus want to contact their brothers and sisters in the first half of the week, the result may not be as you want. This week will not be friendly to Taurus who are involved in lawsuits, so you must be mentally prepared.

Love: Taurus in love will have a good time communicating with their lovers this week, and even if there are some disagreements, things will get better soon. Married Taurus will have a good relationship with their partners this week, but they may have some emotions that need to be tolerated and understood on the weekend, their possessiveness will increase, and some misunderstandings need to be resolved urgently during this period. Single Taurus will have a good relationship fortune in the second half of the week. Some of your concepts and ideas may attract people of the same type as you. If you attend more gatherings, you may get unexpected gains.


Advantages: Geminis who are doing literary and artistic creation this week have strong artistic inspiration and are easy to produce good works.If you can unite everyone well and give people a convincing impression, some Geminis will have investment opportunities, and their sales performance will be better. Geminis will be busier on weekends and care about their quality of life, so they are suitable to tidy up their housework. When Mars enters Taurus, Gemini's secret operations and behind-the-scenes work will go more smoothly. Mercury enters Cancer, and Geminis will have more investment opportunities.

Disadvantages: Geminis involved in international trade , international affairs, insurance, financial management, etc. will not have good fortune in the second half of the week, and there will still be difficulties in work and need to be paid special attention to. Geminis who want to plan activities or charity organizations are prone to impulsivity and carelessness, and will be more worried. Geminis will experience losses in stock funds this week in terms of financial fortune, and Geminis who travel far away are prone to delays on weekends.

Love: The relationship between a Gemini and his lover will be sweeter and more interesting, communication will be smooth, and they will be happier together. Married Geminis may look at each other through filters and may not be able to get true feelings and responses, but this does not hinder the future development of the two people. Single Geminis will have good love luck this week. If you attend more gatherings with friends, you may meet the person you like.


Advantages: Cancer is still more suitable for behind-the-scenes work in the first half of this week, and the secret exchange of information is stronger. On weekends, Cancer will be in a better mood and have more fun! After Mars enters Taurus, Cancers will have more gatherings, during which they can enhance their reputation and competitiveness. After Mercury enters Cancer, Cancer will appear very smart, their memory will be enhanced, and their learning ability will be UPUPUP!

Disadvantage: Cancer will encounter certain difficulties in career due to the influence of Sun and Jupiter. Especially when cooperating with others, it is easy to encounter overly heavy tasks or you have unrealistic expectations about the task itself. Fantasy and evaluation bias, some Cancers may encounter situations in the second half of the week where the other party is strong or they are too strong, making it difficult for both parties to cooperate.

Love: Cancers in love will be more charming this week. They will be consistent in their values ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹with their lovers and enjoy the beauty of love. However, you may be a little emotional on the weekends and need to be taken care of. Married Cancers are prone to quarrels with each other. Some bad emotions come out of the blue, or they may upset the other person by preaching nonsense. This week you have a strong desire to control, and you may play a role in pretending to be aggrieved by being weak. Single Cancer's love fortune is relatively strong in the first half of this week, and weekends are suitable for keeping a low profile at home.


Advantages: Leo still has a good performance in team organization this week. Leos who are suitable for event planning and live broadcast delivery can use their own advantages. In the second half of the week, Leo will have a better relationship with his family, and may receive secret support from the family, or borrow from the family's social resources. After Mars enters Taurus, Leo's career fortune will be enhanced, they will have a good sense of competition, and more opportunities will come. After Mercury enters Cancer, Leo's work behind the scenes becomes smoother and it is easy to get gossip.

Disadvantage: Leo is still a little busy in his career in the first half of the week. There may be many tasks for you to complete in your daily work, and some of them may require you to take the blame for others. Some Leos who want to sign a contract are also prone to encounter some unexpected situations this week, causing the signing to fail or making mistakes due to carelessness. Mars in Taurus may make you more worried, ambitious, and strong at work, leading to disputes with colleagues. Leos are prone to physical problems this week, such as tooth, cervical pain or arthritis, so they need to pay more attention.

Love: A Leo in love will show his infinite charm in front of his lover and make the other party surrender to you, but be careful not to pretend to be fat. Married Leos are prone to quarrels with each other over trivial matters in life in the second half of the week. They are more confrontational. You may be a bit domineering and strong in your words, and your thoughts are more selfish.Single Leo's love fortune this week is not very good, and they still have to wait for opportunities. Even if there is someone they like, they will mostly observe secretly.


Advantages: Virgos still have relatively good opportunities and luck in career, especially after Mercury enters Cancer, Virgos who do training, planning, consulting, etc. have stronger fortunes and can get support from the team. After Mars enters Taurus, Virgos are more curious and willing to collect information from "far away". The second half of the week is suitable for Virgos to engage in more social activities to enhance their influence.

Disadvantages: Virgoā€™s gambling fortune is not good this week, and their fortune is not ideal either. Some Virgos may have to face some rumors. In terms of cooperation, Virgos may make mistakes in the first half of the week due to inaccurate information. Some Virgos are prone to disagreements with leaders and seniors in the second half of the week, and feel depressed. You need to pay more attention to your physical health, especially Virgos who travel far.

Love: Virgos in love get along relatively harmoniously in the first half of the week, but in the second half of the week they tend to feel anxious and stressed, and may even become jealous of their friends. Married Virgos generally have a relatively smooth expression and harmonious relationship with their lovers, but there are times when they value friends over sex. Some Virgos may enjoy the other person's love too much and ignore the due contribution. Single Virgos will have ups and downs in love fortune this week, so it is not suitable for weekend dates, but this week is still suitable for participating in more social activities.


Advantages: Libra's career fortune this week is still relatively online, especially after Mercury enters Cancer, Libra will have more tasks to communicate with people at work, and will perform better in technology, business, and literature. After Mars enters Taurus, Libra's business fortune will be strengthened again. Actively using the social resources around you can help yourself! Libras have stronger visions in the second half of the week, and some Libras may have promotion opportunities.

Disadvantages: Libras should be careful in the first half of the week that they may take on a lot of things that are beyond their capabilities, and they may promise but fail to do so, especially when it comes to cooperation terms, so be cautious. In the second half of the week, it is easy to have conflicts with leaders and bosses, and there may be laziness among colleagues. Libras will suffer certain losses in terms of financial luck over the weekend, and others need to pay attention to the way they get along with their family members. They may be prone to disagreements, may be reminded of some fearful things, or may be suppressed and controlled.

Love: Libras who are in love may still have some disputes to resolve in the second half of the week. There are some issues with discordant values. Neither party is willing to give in, and the intimate relationship is not good. Some Libras disagree over money issues. Married Libras will be willing to take each other to some social occasions, and are willing to show each other's sweetness and make people enviable, but they may encounter more headaches on weekends. Single Libras will have ups and downs in their love fortune this week. It is easy for you to meet the person you like, or become the object of others' pursuit, but there is no clear result this week.


Advantages: Scorpios are quite suitable for sorting out social resources this week. With some help, some Scorpios will have some financial luck. After Mars enters Taurus, Scorpio's cooperation fortune will be enhanced, good cooperation will come to you, and you will have more contractual spirit. After Mercury enters Cancer, Scorpio's learning ability is enhanced, and there may be opportunities for further training, or news from distant friends.

Disadvantages: Scorpios still have some stumbling blocks in their careers in the first half of the week. There are some variables. They often obey orders from their superiors. They may also always have unfinished things in their daily work. Donā€™t take on too much that is beyond your capabilities. things. Scorpios may encounter obstacles in their travels this week, and some Scorpios may have headaches. On weekends, Scorpios will be relatively silent, with large inner emotional fluctuations, and their relationships with family members need to be adjusted.

Love: Scorpios in love are more romantic this week and enjoy the sweetness with their lovers, but there are still people who have ambiguous situations and are hesitant about relationships. Married Scorpios will be relatively harmonious and relaxed in getting along with their partners this week, but in the second half of the week when faced with trivial family matters, Scorpios may be a little impatient, stubborn and unwilling to listen to advice. Single Scorpios will have good love luck this week, and you may meet someone in your career partner who meets the conditions of your dreams.


Advantages: Sagittarius still has good luck in cooperation this week, and it is easy to get everyone's recognition in public relations and speeches. After Mars enters Taurus, Sagittarius will be more energetic. If they pay attention to their health in life, they will be more healthy or love fitness more. After Mercury enters Cancer, Sagittarius's business fortune will be enhanced, and they are suitable for integrating social resources around them, with the possibility of making money.

Disadvantages: Sagittarius may still have some temporary situations at work that need to be resolved in the first half of the week, but fortunately these are all paving the way for your future promotion. In the second half of the week, you may be more likely to encounter financial problems at work, such as insufficient budget or Some leaders have unclear intentions, and those Sagittarius involved in event planning may not go well on the weekend. Some Sagittarius still need to pay attention to safety issues when traveling!

Love: Sagittarius in love is willing to have in-depth communication with his lover, strengthen emotional connection, discuss unified future goals, and has a strong sense of belief. Married Sagittarius interacts sweetly with their lover, the relationship heats up, the relationship is more interesting, and the communication is more in-depth. However, some Sagittarius couples may have trouble managing family finances. Single Sagittarius has good luck in love and has relatively prosperous love blossoms, but some people may get stuck in rotten love blossoms and have headaches.


Advantages: Capricorn's career is relatively smooth in the first half of the week. They can use the network resources around them to benefit themselves, and their cooperation fortune is relatively strong, especially after Mercury enters Cancer. Capricorns are more suitable to learn and improve their skills this week. It is better to do simple and repetitive skill training. After Mars enters Taurus, Capricorns' creative inspiration increases and they are more willing to show their talents.

Disadvantage: Capricorns will have poor financial luck this week and may lose money. They may also have a strong desire to spend money, especially in the second half of the week. Some Capricorns have some unrealistic behaviors in maintaining family relationships. For example, they are domineering and do not listen to advice, or they have too beautiful imaginations and may feel that there is more work at home.

Love: Capricorns in love still have problems to solve with each other. Some people will encounter secret love affairs and ambiguous actions. Married Capricorns may have some disputes with their partner about housework or finances in the first half of the week, but overall you care about each other. In the second half of the week, it is easy for confrontation and disputes to arise, and you have power to pull. Single Capricorns have average love fortune this week and have some complicated feelings.


Advantages: Aquariusā€™ inspiration and creativity are still very strong this week, with many ideas and surprising imagination. After Mars enters Taurus, Aquarius will care more about their family, and will have better luck in home decoration, decoration and catering. Some Aquarius will be happy to cook to show off their talents. After Mercury enters Cancer, Aquarius will think more at work and care more about their health.

Disadvantages: Aquarius may find it difficult to improve themselves in the second half of this week, or their workplace relationships may be tense.

Some Aquarius people will easily fall into past memories this week, and their learning ability will be limited. In terms of family life, there may be tense tensions.

Love: Aquarius in love has a good relationship with their lover, and they will plan for the future. Doing more things in home life may make each other feel more secure.Married Aquarius may be upset by the complicated things in life. Your partner is someone who can make you feel comfortable. Two people will be more passionate when getting along, but Aquarius may have disputes to resolve in the second half of the week. Single Aquarius will have good fortune this week. They can dress themselves up well, show their charm in front of others, and have the opportunity to get out of singles.


Advantages: Pisces can still easily get care and help from family members this week, and feel the love from family members. After Mars enters Taurus, Pisces will become more interested in outings and will be willing to have fun, and some Pisces will become stronger in sales. After Mercury enters Cancer, Pisces' love fortune will be enhanced, and they will also be more likely to have whimsical ideas to make those around them happy.

Disadvantages: Pisces may still have communication problems or transportation difficulties in their careers in the first half of the week. They will be more tiring in their workplace life, and some Pisces may suffer financial losses. Pisces will appear lazy in the second half of the week, feel more anxious, and spend more on leisure and entertainment.

Love: The tone of Pisces in love is still sweet and romantic in the first half of the week. In the second half of the week, it is easy to have some unpleasant situations in the intimate relationship with the other party. It may be that one of the parties is too strong and controlling, and is relatively depressed. Married Pisces get along well with their partner. You value each other very much and are willing to do some romantic rituals to enhance the relationship between the two of you. Single Pisces will have ups and downs in their love fortune this week, and their love fortune will be stronger in the first half of the week.


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