Tu Youyou and Qi Fazhen, which celebrity's name comes from the "Book of Songs"? Ant Manor today's answer

2021/10/1303:12:02 constellation 2368

Each of us has our own name, and the names our elders give us before and after we were born will often accompany us throughout our lives. The so-called "people are as they are", the quality of the name will also affect the fortune of a person to a certain extent, so adults must be very cautious when naming their children. With the improvement of the overall cultural level of the people, people are now more and more particular about choosing names.

Tu Youyou and Qi Fazhen, which celebrity's name comes from the

my country is an ancient civilization, so we have a lot of Chinese classics. Throughout the ages, many elders like to find words suitable for children's names from ancient Chinese classics. Because this can not only give the children a good name with profound meaning, but also reflect the cultural connotation of the parents. Among the many ancient classics, " The Book of Songs " is the one that everyone uses the most names, and the names of many celebrities are the words in the "Book of Songs".

Tu Youyou and Qi Fazhen, which celebrity's name comes from the

Ant Manor Title: Which of the following celebrities is named from the Book of Songs?

Options: A, Tu Youyou B, Qi Fazhen.

my country’s Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou academician, her name comes from "The Book of Songs·Xiaoya·Luming": "Yoyou Deer Ming, Artemisia of the Food Field", meaning: a group of deer are there and screaming, While eating wormwood. Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize for researching and extracting artemisinin, and in the translation and annotation of "The Book of Songs", "artemisia" is interpreted as a kind of grass, also called qinghao, Mingmingzhi China seems to be destined.

Tu Youyou and Qi Fazhen, which celebrity's name comes from the

The Chinese nation has been an upward and hopeful nation since ancient times.When we choose names, we must have connotations and positive meanings. This is the Chinese tradition of naming names. The ancient Chinese classics have profound meanings and refined language, and naming children is very elegant, implicit and connotative.

Tu Youyou and Qi Fazhen, which celebrity's name comes from the

There are many Chinese classics, in addition to the "Book of Songs", there are also " Chuci ", Han Confucian Classics , _span11 Songs, etc. In recent years, the popular saying "Men Chu Ci, Female Poetry" has been popular in naming children.


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