The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month?

2021/10/0418:02:03 constellation 1573

Are you ready to start a season of abundance? We will experience it until the sun enters Scorpio on October 23. The Libra season once again ushered in the themes of balance, negotiation, harmony and social relations. But what about wealth?

The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month? - DayDayNews

Libra is the wind sign sign, which means they are thinking, smart, sociable and creative. Libra is represented by the symbol of balance, shining with the balance and justice that this constellation strives to pursue. You see, Libra is a negotiator, able to see the positions of both sides under any circumstances, and sing the opposite when necessary.

The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month? - DayDayNews

The owner of this constellation is the luxurious Venus, which is traditionally associated with love and beauty. But Venus is also related to wealth. Think of Venus as a planet looking for beautiful things, focusing on moving music, unbelievable fashion, seductive art, and delicious desserts. This means that Venus must also ensure that we have enough funds to enjoy this decadent enjoyment.

But for Libra, "balance" is a must. You can't walk in the fear of negative and unbalanced thoughts, and maintain awareness of yourself. Calm self-care is more important than ever.

If you lack this keyword, you will find yourself in a sea of ​​confusion and frustration. This season reminds us: Without the feeling of balance and harmony, nothing great can last. If you don't give yourself time to rest, relax and play, busy work can easily become chaos.

on the other hand,If you only have time for entertainment, then it’s not so fun-if you don’t work towards your goals and dreams, leisure is more like torture.

Continuous negative emotions can easily overwhelm our senses, and blind optimism seems to make us feel superior to the reality full of good and evil. The key is to find balance in any situation.

Especially when it comes to money, this balance is a must. Find a balance between indifference and addiction to wealth. Find harmony between what we already have and what we want in the future. Try to be grateful for your blessings before diving into your new desires.

Keeping balance is the lucky code of this season

Time express has already traveled here. The figures on this year’s account may have made you less calm, but “balance” is Libra The cornerstone of nature is also necessary for the planetary magic this season. Therefore, what we have to do now is to find all the imbalances and chaos in the current work and life, and find a way to restore order and harmony, which is the key to increasing wealth and energy.

The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month? - DayDayNews


. Since your ruling planet Mars is in Libra, during most of the seasons in Libra, tensions may come from relationships and economics and physicality.Harmony is a particularly obvious theme for you.

Yoga and meditation practice can be particularly beneficial focus to calm the mind, because they will naturally lead you to the balance required for wealth. Adjust your status and look forward to new cooperation and new resources. This is your opportunity to develop your career.


You and Libra will share a ruler, a lot of bonuses, and blessings. Now you and Libra will share a ruling star, a lot of blessings. You may have a strong desire to participate in more play instead of hard work, so it is important to try to motivate yourself.

Believe in the energy that the universe brings to you, step on the ground and steadily come out of the trough, repair your soul, there will be good cooperation, good friendship, pay attention to maintaining peace in communication with your partner and work ; Maintaining physical exercise, especially outdoor sports, is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make your spirit full of passion and ambition.


Your mind is now full of ideas, but you need to keep in touch with your intuition to understand which ideas are worth keeping. It may be difficult for you to believe in yourself or make quick decisions, but your mind is far stronger and more capable than you currently think.

spend a lot of time feeling and expanding the connection with the intuitive center,Your instincts will lead you to abundance. The growth of working wealth is obviously better than partial wealth, and wealth management funds must be cautious.

The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month? - DayDayNews

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2 You will be more attracted to your creativity this month, so you must be more attracted to art than ever before. His imagination provides himself with many opportunities for expression. You may find that putting yourself in a beautiful environment is the most inspirational activity you can do right now. Don't tangle, don't regret, don't be trapped by yourself, just create it.

Create a beautiful environment at home, immerse yourself in this beauty, and see what inspiration it will produce. Creativity can help build the life of your dreams, and the benefits of fixed assets should satisfy you.


Leo people are already enjoying the good things in life, so you are ready for the good times in life when the season comes. . But remember, balance is the key now, so be sure to share your time between easy and hard work. But don’t lie flat and cut with your emotions. I know you’ve been tired before.

During this time, the basic exercises are perfect for you, it can help you create balance,Lead to abundance and new opportunities that are coming.


If you think I’ll tell you that you’re going to work hard, you’re right. Keep your balance. It means taking a step away from your career and paying more attention to the things in life that make you feel passionate and really want to participate. I know that too many anticlimaxes this year make you very anxious, but relax and let everything happen to your heart's content. Believe me, there will be a turning point after October.

I am idle, have fun, skip a day of class, and take a day off in advance? Involve your inner child, which will make your life brighter and richer immediately. Move, turn, and see the sun, you will be much better, and inspiration will follow.


Happy birthday, dear Libra!

This is your day in the sun, and your mood may become more relaxed and optimistic. For Libra, even if you prefer to find compromise or avoid conflict, the balance now seems to stand up for yourself. After all, wealth comes in and out, and your desire to make money is as strong as to spend it.

Share your thoughts and voices, and maybe ask to know the salary increase you deserve is your ticket to becoming rich now. We know you like to get along, but sometimes a little confrontation is necessary to set boundaries and make progress.


Although it’s the season of Libra, Venus may be experiencing some strong emotions in your sign-Scorpio. In order to find the harmonious energy needed to attract wealth, don't make stew pot , find an outlet to vent these strong feelings, do it if you have an idea.

Attract attention through your creativity, writing, drawing, exploring the world and your emotions. If you express yourself in a healthy way, you can better focus on performance.


Sagittarius, your constellation ruler originally represents luck, so if you can control this kind of energy scale in the seasons, Libra. However, you may prefer to play games instead of focusing on productivity, so now try to find some small ways to motivate yourself.

Reward yourself by processing your to-do list,Or make work fun by playing your favorite music album. For you, the key is to find a balance between good times and focus.

The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month? - DayDayNews


strong self. It is difficult for you to express your emotions, and the accumulated frustration will prevent you from showing your greatest and richest life.

Pick up some paint and canvas and let your heart overflow on the paper. When you are free, without the burden of these hidden feelings, abundance will begin to flow into your world.


Now, the energy of Libra is bringing some big and clever ideas to your mind, and the one you use for inspiration is to use this kind of inspiration. Turn these ideas into life. You may even find yourself inventing the next big application or creating a new art form!

Aquarius people are very good at expressing themselves and very smart. Sharing your thoughts is the best way to bring new opportunities to life. Let your thoughts fly!


Your intuition is sharper than ever,This means that attracting wealth and abundance is as easy as listening to your instincts. This requires emotional and spiritual balance to help you distinguish between intuition and anxiety or fear, so self-care is a must now.

Incorporating meditation and awareness into your daily work can bring harmony to the inner world and thereby bring abundance to your outer reality. You will be very busy from now until the end of the year, and the harvest will be huge. Everything is worth it.

The month of Libra, ruled by Venus, is coming. What is the fortune of the constellations in this month? - DayDayNews

In addition to the visible numbers, maintaining balance also allows us to see the beauty of every moment and appreciate the wealth and abundance inherent in life. Libra will give you one A pair of moderate rose-colored glasses reminds us of how colorful and wonderful the world is—whether you are enjoying a five-star meal, having ramen with your loved one or watching a cheesy movie.


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