Since the national policy of halving the vehicle purchase tax on some passenger cars was implemented on June 1, our county has responded quickly to the national policy and carried out various forms of policy publicity to increase consumer awareness. In the first month of the impl

Since the national policy of halving the vehicle purchase tax on some passenger cars was implemented on June 1, our county has responded quickly to the national policy and carried out various forms of policy publicity to increase consumer awareness. In the first month of the implementation of the new policy, the county reduced car purchase taxes by more than 1 million yuan, and the volume of automobile transactions increased significantly, which strongly boosted the recovery of the automobile consumer market.

In the past few days, I have seen in Qiandong Auto Trade City and some car 4S stores that there is an endless stream of people coming to inquire about car purchases. The sales staff also actively introduce to customers in detail the car profit margin and the halving of the national vehicle purchase tax. Consumers have benefited from preferential policies and have repeatedly praised this good policy.

"I like this car very much. It is very fashionable and very suitable for us girls to drive. I just calculated the sale and found that the purchase tax alone can be discounted by more than 10,000 yuan. For young people like us who have just entered the society It's quite suitable." Ms. Tang, a citizen, had just chosen a car and was very happy.

The vehicle purchase tax preferential policy not only brings joy to car buyers, but also brings joy to car sellers. According to the sales manager of Sinan Tongnan Automobile Trade, since June, the store's vehicle sales have reached more than 3 million yuan, and vehicle sales have increased by 10% over the same period, which has increased the development confidence of automobile companies.

"The state's implementation of the policy of halving the car purchase tax is a good bonus for our automobile industry. Every day, many consumers come to our car dealership to view cars and inquire about prices, and the number of car orders has increased significantly. It is very important to stimulate consumption. , The recovery of the automobile industry has played a big role. We sold more than 40 cars in June, and sales increased by 10% compared with the same period." Zhou Qingyang, sales manager of Guizhou Tongnan Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. introduced the recent sales situation.

Due to the impact of the epidemic and other factors, the sales volume of the automobile market has declined significantly. In order to stabilize and expand automobile consumption, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement to ban 2.0-liter vehicles with a purchase date between June 1 and December 31, 2022 and a single vehicle price (excluding value-added tax) of no more than 300,000 yuan. Passenger cars with displacements of and below are levied at half the vehicle purchase tax. After the policy was promulgated, the County Taxation Bureau quickly implemented the new car purchase tax policy, proactively built a tax-enterprise platform with car sales companies, and accurately pushed preferential tax information to alleviate difficulties in the development of the automobile industry. At the same time, we will optimize tax services, unblock diversified vehicle purchase tax processing channels, and ensure the rapid implementation of preferential vehicle purchase tax policies.

Liu Li, Director of the First Taxation Branch of the County Taxation Bureau, said: "After the introduction of the policy of halving the vehicle purchase tax, the Sinan County Taxation Bureau concentrated on carrying out tax publicity and guidance, and implemented this policy that benefits the people to the letter. The policy implementation first In September, 257 passenger cars in the county met the conditions for halving the purchase tax, and the tax was reduced by more than 1 million yuan, which increased year-on-year and month-on-month." (Liu Hanbin intern: Tang Huidan Li Siwei)

Chief Planner: Yang Xiuchu

Chief. Editor: Li Fei

Reviewer: Liu Yun

Editor: He Min