Does anyone know? The number of people who own cars in our country only accounts for 20% of the country, so many manufacturers are making efforts in the automotive industry because there is still a very broad space for development. However, some friends think that most families s

Does everyone know about

? The number of people who own cars in our country only accounts for 20% of the country, so many manufacturers are making efforts in the automotive industry because there is still a very broad space for development. However, some friends think that most families should have cars now, so the future development of cars will definitely show a downward trend, but this is not the case.

Recently, my country's Bureau of Statistics released the latest automobile statistics. According to the data, only 41.67% of households in my country own cars, so there are still a large number of households that do not have private cars. According to data, 81.2% of households in our country use cars with a price of less than 200,000 yuan, so there is a very large room for updates and iterations in our country in the future, and car quality upgrades will be the main theme of the future.

Many friends on the Internet claim how many luxury cars they own, but according to the latest survey data, only 0.27% of households have a car price of more than 1 million. It can be seen that a million-level luxury car is still the dream of most people.

There is a saying in the market that the cities with the most luxury cars are in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. However, according to numerical data, Zhejiang is the province with the most million-level luxury cars, followed by Guangdong and Jiangsu in third place. The province with the fewest million-dollar luxury car purchases is in Shanxi, and the data in Beijing and Shanghai are relatively average.

Judging from the car price distribution ratio, China’s price range of 200,000 to 500,000 yuan has very great development prospects in the future. I think this explains why the ideal L9 and NIO ES series are priced.

Many manufacturers now have two extremes. For example, the Hongguang MINI EV developed by Wuling Motors is quite cheap. The launch of these new cars will greatly increase the number of car owners and indeed lower the threshold for car purchase. Moreover, this type of new car has no purchase tax, is easy to charge, and has very low maintenance costs. To be honest, this part of new cars basically does not have much profit. If the cost rises, it is easy to suffer losses. This is why Changan has once again stopped selling the Benben E-star model.

On the other hand, independent brands continue to make efforts in the mid-to-high-end field, which is why the prices of new energy vehicles have continued to rise in recent times. Nowadays, there are a large number of fuel vehicles priced below RMB 200,000 that are in urgent need of upgrades. New energy vehicles that are more intelligent, personalized, and comfortable are beginning to come on the market. These new vehicles not only have good profit margins, but are also easy to use with high quality and good performance. Service increases customer stickiness, which is the focus of the future development of my country's automobiles!

So the question is, if you don’t have a car at home and want to buy a car, should you buy a low-priced electric car, a fuel car with a price of more than 200,000, or a new energy car?