"Judging from the current two weeks, the overall passenger flow situation is not bad. Our supply volume has gradually stabilized, and the current stock can basically meet the needs of current customers." Ms. Yu Gang, sales manager of Heling Lexus 4S store on Qilianshan South Road

"Judging from the current two weeks, the overall passenger flow situation is not bad. Our supply volume has gradually stabilized, and the current stock can basically meet the needs of current customers." Ms. Yu, sales manager of Heling Lexus 4S store on Qilianshan South Road, Putuo District Just after receiving a customer, he turned around and started to deal with the needs of the next car owner. Recently, many 4S stores located in Changzheng Town have welcomed the return of customers, and many customer traffic has exceeded the pre-epidemic level. Since the beginning of June, Porsche Center Shanghai Putuo has experienced an increase in passenger flow, and its popularity continues unabated. The average passenger flow on weekends reaches about 35 batches.

With the support of Shanghai’s policies to promote automobile consumption, many car companies have launched car purchase discounts to further enhance consumer confidence in the market. "The ES series of our brand has always been our best-selling model, and the overall order volume has recovered faster than other models." Ms. Yu, the sales manager of Heling Lexus 4S store, said, "The purchase tax is now halved. We have two This model is in line with this support policy, and many customers have the idea of ​​​​upgrading their models. Our models and prices are generally relatively in line with the needs of this group of people.”

Lexus 4S store has limited weekend DIY activities

In addition to the government’s series of promotions for car consumption. In accordance with the policy, some brands have also provided considerate services based on the concentrated demand derived from the epidemic. Ruyite Automobile Commercial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. provides customers with free round-trip towing services.

html The lockdown in April and May has certainly caused a lot of disruption to car orders, deliveries and logistics, resulting in sales in recent months not fully reflecting the current order and delivery situation. However, the shift to online marketing during the epidemic has brought The benefits are remarkable.

According to reports, during the epidemic, many car brands used some new media to operate means to attract traffic and spread. Maintain customers and attract new fans through diversified forms such as live broadcast and short video communication. “During the epidemic, we carried out online advertising, live streaming, etc. to maintain the normal operation and production value of the company, not only to attract more customers into the store, but also to provide better services to customers through innovation. "Mr. Zhu, the sales manager of the Putuo Porsche Center 4S store, said that they are building an " private domain traffic pool" by deploying major new media platforms. "Generally speaking, it has achieved certain results. During the epidemic, the transactions usually concluded online can There are about 40 transactions. "

Porsche Center 4S store in Putuo has seen a rebound in customer flow

During the market recovery period, many car brands have mentioned and thanked the government for its support in epidemic prevention measures. "Changzheng Town and the park have provided us with great convenience in terms of daily epidemic prevention inspections and daily nucleic acid testing of employees. In terms of meals for our employees, the canteen in the park will provide them for us and deliver them to the stores, and the prices are also very low. Affordable." Mr. Zhu said.

Reporter: Zhang Chengyan

Editor: Wang Yusi