At the beginning of July, as usual, new car-making forces quickly announced the sales or delivery status of the brand in June. In the past month, due to the addition of a large number of stimulus policies and the improvement of the overall supply situation, major brands have Ther

7 At the beginning of July, as usual, new car-making forces quickly announced the sales or delivery status of the brand in June. In the past month, due to the addition of a large number of stimulus policies and the improvement of the overall supply situation, major brands have There has been a sharp rebound and the overall situation has improved significantly.

In terms of specific sales, Xpeng Motors once again took the top spot. In June, the brand delivered a total of 15,295 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 133%, returning to the top of the list with a relatively large advantage. Sales from January to June also reached 68,983 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 124%. In terms of specific models, Xiaopeng P7 delivered 8,045 units, which is still the biggest resistance, while Xiaopeng P5 delivered 5,598 units, which was a significant improvement. Xiaopeng G3 delivered 1,652 units, which has been stable and will continue to perform in the future. Xpeng G9, which is claimed to be the best SUV under 500,000 yuan, has been launched, and sales are expected to further increase.

In second place is Nezha Automobile, which delivered 13,157 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 156%. The official claimed that it has achieved year-on-year growth for 24 consecutive months, of which Nezha V delivered 9,147 vehicles, becoming the largest main force. Nezha U also delivered 4,010 units, forming a supplement. In the first six months of this year, a total of 6,313 vehicles were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 199%. Nezha S, the much-anticipated first sedan and the most high-end model, has also been launched. pre.

In third place is Li Auto , with delivery volume in June reaching 13,024 units, a year-on-year increase of 68.9%. In the second quarter of this year, the cumulative delivery volume of Lili was 28,687 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 63.2%. The total historical sales volume of ideal ONE reached 184,491 units, ranking among the best among single models of new power brands. The second model, Lili L9, which is known as the best family flagship SUV under 5 million yuan, has just been officially launched and will be delivered at the end of August. It is highly anticipated whether Li Auto can compete for the top spot in the sales list.

Then ranked fourth was Weilai Automobile , which delivered 12,961 units in June. Although it missed the top three by a slight advantage, it created a new monthly delivery high in the history of the brand, with a year-on-year increase of 60.3%. In the second quarter of this year Ideal has sold a total of 25,059 new cars, accounting for more than 50% in June, which is enough to show the recovery trend, with a year-on-year growth of 14.4%. From January to June this year, the cumulative delivery volume in the future is 50,827 vehicles, a year-on-year growth of 21.1%. Since the establishment of the brand, the cumulative Deliveries reached 217,897 vehicles.

The Leapmotor ranked fifth with a delivery volume of 11,259 units. In the first half of this year, the cumulative sales volume was 51,994 units, still slightly surpassing the Weilai , with a year-on-year increase of 265%, showing a good trend. In addition, in terms of traditional new brands, GAC Aian sold 24,109 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 182%, and a total of 100,251 vehicles were sold in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 134%. jikrypton001 delivered 4,302 units in June, and the cumulative delivery volume has exceeded the 25,000 mark. In June, the sales figures released by major new forces were basically consistent with the trends previously estimated by major consumer associations, with a relatively obvious recovery and rebound. It is worth looking forward to what kind of performance they will have in the future.