Two days ago, Yifeng conducted a 24-hour endurance test with the Asia Dragon Twin Engine and won the Guinness World Record. The racing circle made a sound of "I don't understand". I think that many people's reaction was a bit excessive. Of course, it is possible that the current

Two days ago, Yifeng conducted an Asia Dragon Twin 24-hour endurance test and won the Guinness World Record. The racing circle made a sound of "I don't understand". The author feels that many people's reaction is actually a bit excessive. , of course, it may not be comprehensively considered in conjunction with the current media and public opinion environment, so it is impossible to understand Yifeng's 24-hour endurance test.

As the old saying goes: It’s not what you spend money on!

The author feels that the Guinness World Record of the Asia Dragon Double Engine 24-hour endurance test is just a casual one. What Yifeng really wants to say is: Look, look, the Asia Dragon Double Engine has a high endurance test for 24 hours. When driving, there are no problems such as "EV limitation", and the driver does not have to worry about "whether or not to force battery maintenance". You can just get started and drive well.

The 24-hour high-end endurance test shows on the one hand that the motor of Asia Dragon Twin Engine is stable, reliable and performs well. If any new force is not convinced, it might as well start a competition with the same model and try it.

On the other hand, it also shows that Asia Dragon Shuangqing’s power battery and charge and discharge management system are good. Drivers or consumers do not have to consider issues such as "whether the power is enough" or "whether to force battery maintenance". It only takes a few minutes to fill up, and Asia Dragon Shuangqing will be able to provide you with good service without causing any hassle on your journey.

may also have this meaning. The stability of Toyota dual engine system nickel metal hydride battery has been tested for a long time. I believe consumers who have used it will not question it, but at present Asia Dragon dual engine The system is now equipped with lithium-ion battery .

Yifeng just wants to show it, or he also wants to test whether the lithium-ion battery is stable or unstable. Under high-intensity and high-load conditions, is the lithium-ion battery "unsafe"?

After this test, everyone may know that at least under the high intensity and high load of this 24-hour high-end endurance test, the lithium-ion battery of Toyota Shuangqing has no problems for the time being.

Although electric vehicles/plug-in hybrid vehicles are indeed gaining momentum now, safety cases related to power batteries still appear from time to time. Although there are manufacturer warranties or insurance claims, for ordinary people, it is also a cost to spend time dealing with these trivial matters. You'll get a perfect attendance bonus for being late at work!

The author believes that Yifeng may want to tell the public through this test:

Do you want stability when choosing a car? Take a look at Toyota Twin Engine. Not only is its fuel economy relatively guaranteed, but its stability and reliability are also relatively guaranteed.

​As a mature car brand, even the marketing cannot be so straightforward, nor can it directly show the shortcomings of competing products, but it should be no problem to show off your muscles through the 24-hour high-end endurance test. After all, “Competitive products are for understanding, not for attacking.”

I don’t know if this is the author’s understanding of this Asian Dragon Double Engine 24-hour endurance test? Welcome corrections from industry insiders!

Note: The pictures in the text are from the Internet and have been deleted! The impromptu writing has not been reviewed yet, so please forgive me if there are any errors or omissions!