According to reports, according to data released by the China Automobile Dealers Association, China's auto dealer inventory warning index was 49.5% in June this year, a year-on-year decrease of 6.6% and a month-on-month decrease of 7.3%. Among them, the North District index is 50

According to reports, according to data released by China Automobile Dealers Association, China's auto dealer inventory warning index was 49.5% in June this year, a year-on-year decrease of 6.6% and a month-on-month decrease of 7.3%. Among them, the North District index is 50.8%, the East District index is 43.7%, the West District index is 56.6%, and the South District index is 57.6%.

The inventory warning index is below the boom and bust line, which is really good news for the current automobile market.

With various favorable conditions, especially the national and local governments’ successive introduction of a series of relevant policies to promote automobile consumption, including financial subsidies, reduction of purchase taxes, and relaxation of car purchase restrictions, the domestic automobile market has shown a “good” trend. situation.

In addition, June is at the half-year task assessment point. It is estimated that dealers in various places also took a shower in order to complete the task, and the motivation to replenish their inventory is very strong.

With the support of policies, dealers have also begun to regain confidence and increase sales. The operating conditions will improve and pick up in the short term in the future.

I have to mention here the 60 billion car purchase tax reduction policy. On May 31, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued the "Announcement on Reducing the Purchase Tax on Certain Passenger Cars" (referred to as: "Announcement"), stating that in order to promote automobile consumption and support the development of the automobile industry, the purchase date of vehicles in 2022 will be reduced. Passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less between June 1 and December 31, 2022, and the price of the vehicle (excluding value-added tax) does not exceed 300,000 yuan, will be levied a vehicle purchase tax at a half rate. This is also the follow-up implementation details of the “phased reduction of 60 billion yuan in partial passenger car purchase tax” proposed by the State Council’s executive meeting.

Faced with such support policies, consumers are also willing to "get on board" under favorable policies. Data shows that the effects of the purchase tax policy have initially appeared. Currently, 33.8% of dealers have increased their discounts on new cars, 32.4% of dealers have increased customer traffic year-on-year, and 58.4% of dealers have increased their new car sales in June compared with May. .

However, experts also suggest that due to various influences, the future market is still very uncertain. Therefore, everyone should rationally estimate market demand based on actual conditions, reasonably control inventory, and not relax their vigilance.