MPV interior modification PK, popular M7 interior modification appreciation In recent years, the MPV modification market has become more and more popular. You must know that in the modification industry, pursuing style has always been the mainstream trend, but for large-volume mo

MPV interior modification PK, popular M7 interior modification appreciation

In recent years, the MPV modification market has become more and more popular. You must know that in the modification industry, adopting a stylish style has always been the mainstream trend, but for large-volume models such as MPV , it is not necessarily necessary to adopt only exaggerated modification methods. Modifications for comfort also exist. Especially the Fengxing M7, a highly malleable model, has the basis for modification according to individual needs, giving more modification enthusiasts a lot of room to play. Today I will take you to learn about the modification case of M7.

The spacious interior space is the advantage of Fengxing M7, and the modification of the cabin interior is the biggest focus of this car. Thanks to the body size of 5170/1920/1930mm and the wheelbase of 3198mm, this data is enough to lead the business MPV of the same class. The square body not only achieves very good space utilization, but also creates unlimited possibilities for subsequent interior modifications.

First of all, the second-row seat upgrade " Alpha " aviation seats are a must-have for car enthusiasts. In addition to adjustable headrests, they also have heating, ventilation, buttons, leg rests, etc. There are all kinds of adjustment functions, perfect for all kinds of travel. Based on the space layout and design of the seven-seater, it is a good choice to install an "electric sofa bed" in the third row. It is electrically adjustable and highly flexible. When the seat and backrest are folded flat, they become almost a flat surface and can be transformed into a mobile rest space at any time. For users who focus on business reception, Fengxing M7 makes reasonable use of its super space plasticity to achieve "modification" to meet more operating scenarios.

Secondly, the spacious space of MPV determines the basis for its modification and the diversity it can present. According to different needs, MPV can be modified in different directions. Therefore, many car owners will also focus on modifications to the overall interior of the cabin, which can not only enhance the beauty and atmosphere of the interior of the car, but also increase the owner's taste and comfort. If you are looking to enhance the sense of ritual, you can choose items such as welcome steps, business tables, and floor coverings to make travel more convenient; if you are looking to improve the style and taste of business receptions, you can upgrade the atmosphere configuration in the car, such as Vehicle interior color matching, decorative ceiling lights, ambient lights, etc.

Of course, good power can bring higher driving comfort to an MPV. It is worth mentioning that the powertrain system of Fengxing M7 is excellent enough, and there is no need to make unnecessary modifications. Fengxing M7 adopts the "2.0T+8AT" new generation golden power combination, with peak power up to 165kW, peak torque up to 385N·m, and acceleration from the start is very powerful. It can not only provide good driving comfort, but also achieve better driving stability, and both driving and riding comfort can be achieved. It can be described as a conscientious configuration.

Judging from the modification cases shared by car enthusiasts, Fengxing M7 is indeed a good embryo suitable for modification. The large space and excellent power performance provide more possibilities for modification, making Fengxing M7 even better.