Why, there is only one reason. China's new energy sources have begun to frighten these automotive powers. First, the legislative proposal to ban the sale of fuel vehicles was proposed by the European Union in July last year. At that time, major car companies responded one after a

What great news? Japan, Germany, and Italy have recently firmly opposed the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles? Why, there is only one reason. China's new energy sources have begun to frighten these automotive powers.

What I’m going to say next is very interesting. First, the legislative proposal to ban the sale of fuel vehicles was put forward by the EU in July last year. At that time, major car companies responded one after another. For example, Audi announced that it would switch to pure electric vehicles starting in 2026, as did Volkswagen and Volvo. .

However, time came recently, when the European Union passed this bill. The German Finance Minister immediately jumped out: This is a wrong decision and Germany will not agree to this bill. Former Italian Deputy Prime Minister Salvini expressed more directly that this bill is a gift to China.

Similarly, after Japan previously proposed a policy plan for "decarbonizing fuel vehicles in the 2030s," the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, led by Akio Toyoda, also firmly opposed it. In just one year, they did not expect that China's new energy would develop so rapidly.

Especially recently, CATL released the Kirin battery, which can be said to have completely shattered the advantages of fuel vehicles. What we currently have concerns about new energy is the cruising range and charging time. Kirin batteries can directly extend the range of electric vehicles to 1,000 kilometers and can be quickly charged in 10 minutes. Such strong performance will dispel the concerns of many consumers. It is precisely this technology that China has mastered and is currently the only one in the world.

If the sale of fuel vehicles is really banned, then, given China's absolute leadership in new energy technology, these automotive powers will face huge challenges. It is very likely that China's exchange of market for technology will happen to these automotive powers in turn. Do you think they would agree after being a car boss for a century?

CCTV's " World Finance " column stated that without the support of the two important member states of Germany and Italy, the EU's process of banning the sale of fuel vehicles is likely to slow down. Even so, the speed of China's new energy development will not be affected at all.

When the Kirin battery has a range of 1,000 kilometers, the key disadvantage of range anxiety will no longer exist. Other huge advantages of electric vehicles will become a catalyst, and the automotive industry will accelerate into the next stage. For example, the cost of electric vehicles is only that of gasoline vehicles. One-third to one-eighth, smart cockpit, autonomous driving, etc. Soon, electric vehicles will surpass traditional fuel vehicles with a crushing advantage.

And all this allows us to see once again the incomparable correctness of the national vision. In 2018, China introduced the first wholly-owned foreign car company in history, Tesla, which not only provided it with a low-interest loan of nearly 20 billion, but also acquired land in Shanghai at an extremely low price. At that time, many people did not understand that today, China's new energy can achieve such achievements, which has a lot to do with it. It’s not just the catfish effect, it’s also driving the new energy industry chain.

From January to May 2022, the cumulative sales of domestic new energy vehicles reached 2.003 million units, a year-on-year increase of 105.2%, and this trend is still accelerating. In the next step, domestic new energy will counterattack Europe. Volkswagen, Toyota , which were once in great power, will suddenly lose their glory.

As a result, the Germans, Italians and Japanese who had previously actively promoted " carbon neutrality and " suddenly panicked and began to oppose the "burning ban" in various ways. However, no matter what, they face only one answer, and that is: the objection is invalid.