If you could only own one car in your lifetime, what would you choose? This question may be difficult to answer, but the editor believes that for most people, space is definitely the first factor. Especially for modern people who are living in a fast-paced life, cars not only sho

If you could only own one car in your lifetime, what would you choose? This question may be difficult to answer, but the editor believes that for most people, space is definitely the first factor. Especially for modern people living in a fast-paced life, cars not only shoulder the important responsibility of providing a comfortable travel experience, but also serve as a " third space " for workers to relax their minds, and they are also an important partner for family travel. For such a diverse range of roles, it is of course more appropriate to choose an SUV model with larger space and more comfort.

The Pentium T55 is such a perfect car for contemporary workers. It not only has superior space, but also has excellent comfort, and the price is also very friendly. At the same time, the Bestune T55 is also the official designated car of "Run". It accompanies the running men's team to overcome various challenges in the show. I believe it can also provide a lot of help in your life. Next, let’s learn about this “New National Yueji SUV” with the editor!

Healthy Cockpit, Breathe Together

As we all know, the car cockpit is a relatively closed environment, but it also provides a natural breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to breed. Therefore, how to protect the health of passengers has become a major opportunity and challenge for major car companies. Pentium T55 creates a fresh interior environment for you, making every breath feel like being in a forest oxygen bar.

Pentium T55 is a vehicle VOC project. The entire vehicle uses high-quality non-toxic environmentally friendly composite materials. All VOC environmental protection indicators in the vehicle are far below national requirements, creating a healthy and low-odor interior environment and bringing users the ultimate quality. enjoyment. At the same time, Pentium T55 is equipped with a healthy black technology "super filter element". Through five core technologies and an eight-layer filtration structure, it can effectively block harmful gases such as formaldehyde , TVOC, PM2.5, etc., and its antibacterial performance reaches 99%, helping you to Bring nature into the car and enjoy the fresh air like Northern Europe.

Ultimate tranquility, the soul habitat of migrant workers

In a modern society surrounded by noise, "quiet" seems to have become a scarce resource, and tranquility has also become a symbol of high-end. Especially after a day of hard work, migrant workers just want to be alone after getting in the car. Pentium T55 has a library-level NVH experience, and its ultra-quiet space creates a soul habitat for you.

The quieter the environment, the more you can hear the voice of your own soul. The entire vehicle of the Bestune T55 is personally designed by global NVH masters. It adopts a three-layer sound insulation design and a large number of noise reduction materials to systematically block the noise transmission path. The air tightness has been optimized in more than 100 places in the entire vehicle, and the quietness is excellent. The noise at idle speed is only 38 decibels, and the front row noise at 60 kilometers per hour is less than 60 decibels, reaching the top level in the same class. Imagine getting into your car after get off work, putting on your favorite music, temporarily putting aside your work and worries, and enjoying the driving process easily and comfortably. What could be more pleasant and relaxing than this?

is very family-oriented, with a comfortable and large space.

As I get older, the responsibilities of the workers become more and more heavy. When buying a car, you must not only consider your daily commuting, but also take care of your home scenes. Especially when the holidays are coming and you want to have a wonderful outing with your family, not having enough space is not an option.

Although the Pentium T55 is a compact SUV, the space inside the car is not tight at all. The car is 4437mm long, 1850mm wide, 1625mm high, and has a large 2650mm wheelbase. Not only is there ample space for the driver and passenger, but the legroom for rear passengers is also very generous, even for larger people sitting in it. question. Although the trunks of SUVs are generally not large, the rear seats of the Pentium T55 can be folded down, which makes up for this shortcoming. Large luggage can also be easily put down when traveling with family and friends, completely saying goodbye to space worries. .

written at the end

As the "third space" of life, a car is far more than just a means of transportation. Just like the Pentium T55, in addition to expanding the living radius, it is also a considerate life partner, protecting your work and life with leapfrog space capabilities, healthy cockpit and quiet space. At the same time, FAW Besturn is dedicated to saving users money. For only 80,000 yuan, you can own a Besturn T55 and enjoy the leapfrog experience of "entry-level and high-end configurations".

In order to further lower the threshold for car ownership, FAW Bestune has increased its welfare benefits and launched two car purchase policies: easy car purchase and brand new car purchase. The 2022 Pentium T55 only requires a down payment of 888 yuan. Not only is the monthly payment extremely low, but there are also a variety of financial solutions for you to choose from. If it is a replacement purchase, you can also enjoy a subsidy of up to 8,000 yuan. A good car, good benefits, an SUV worth 80,000 yuan, it’s a good idea to buy the Pentium T55! Have you felt the sincerity of FAW Pentium? Hurry to the 4S store for a test drive and drive the Pentium T55 home!