Colorful Forest Collection | Black Watercolor Forest: Self-driving Guide

Heishui County, Aba Prefecture has "Asia's largest colorful forest" , with an area of ​​more than 3000 square kilometers, distributed in Naizigou, , Dagu Glacier, San'ao Snow Mountain, Karon Five color forest areas such as ditch and Zhawo-sunny; black watercolor forest is rich in color and highly ornamental.

Landscape elements: Colorful forests, glaciers, snow-capped mountains, river valleys, seas, red ruins, Qiang Village, Tibetan Village, etc.

Altitude: Heishui County has an average altitude of 3544 meters, with an altitude range of 1790 meters to 5286 meters. The county town of Luhua Town has an altitude of 2350 meters.

Color forest time: Every year from mid-October to mid-November.

Pathfinding route:

1. Transportation outside the county:

The general route to the viewing forest in Heishui County is "East in and West out", but it is affected by geological disasters. The east line is currently impassable.

Line 1: West Line (currently passable)

Chengdu-Wenchuan- Lixian-Miyaluo-span8span-span8span-span8-span8 right mountain tunnel Turn)-Shujing Temple-Rangkou Township (turn right)-Heishui

This line has a unilateral length of about 380 kilometers.It takes 6 hours to pass through the G4217 Rongchang Expressway (get off the toll station at the end of the toll station), 248 National Road, and 347 National Road . Before arriving at Heishui County, along the way, pass through Yakxia National Forest Park (Naizigou Colored Forest Area) and Dagu Glacier Scenic Spot .

Route 2: Eastern Route (currently impassable)

Chengdu-Wenchuan- Maoxian (turn left)- Se'erguzhai _p2_strong6 pstrong6span_p2_5strong This line is 300 kilometers long and takes 5 hours, passing G4217 Rongchang Expressway (Wenchuan toll station off the expressway), 213 National Road, 347 National Road.

As of now, it has been affected by "September 30, G347 line 2750KM+300M in Heishui County (small place name: Xier tunnel entrance of Heishui County) high landslide" and "October 2nd Mao County G347 line K2692+000 ( Small place name: Baixi Power Station, the section from Maoxian to Heishui Road) is affected by the collapse of the road. This line is currently unavailable. Please choose this line carefully. For specific traffic conditions, please pay attention to the notice and announcement of the local transportation and road administration department.

2. Transportation near the county seat:

With Luhua Town as the center, there are five color forest areas scattered around :

(1) The county and its surrounding areas can be visited at the moment: Heishui

Yakxia National Forest Park (80 li Naizigou colored forest area) , 80 Lida ancient glacier colored forest area , Red Army Reed Conference Site, Dundude Qinglang Temple, Hamu Lake, 30 Lisanao Snow Mountain Color Forest Area (16 kilometers away from the county seat).

(2) Affected by the landslide in the Xier Tunnel section, the following scenic spots currently need to bypass for a longer distance to:

60, Kalonggou Cailin District, Zhimulin Cailin District, 40li Zhawo-Sunny Cailin District (Red Army Grand Canyon in Sunny Township), Se'er Ancient Tibetan Village.

You can travel around: Miyaluo, Gurgou Hot Spring, Bipenggou

Suggested time-consuming: 3-5 days

1. Keep warm, rain and freeze.

2. Some roads have steep slopes, narrow roads, many bends, and high altitudes with rain and fog. Please drive carefully.

3. The above information is for reference only. Please learn more about the epidemic prevention and control, traffic, weather, safety, etc. of the destination before departure.
