Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle

2024/07/0206:04:32 car 1378

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car . He commutes long distances to and from work every day, covering more than 100 kilometers of highway in a day.

It was obvious that the mid-level car he wanted to buy was not fuel-efficient or large space, as city dwellers wanted. Instead, it focused more on driving quality. It is recommended to buy American models first, so I took a look at Buick Regal , Chevrolet Malibu XL and Ford Mondeo .

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle - DayDayNews

looked at Junwei first. The biggest advantage of this car is that it has a great discount. The salesperson said that there are three configurations on sale, a 1.5T one, a 2.0T one, and a GS version. The 1.5T smart model has a guide price of RMB 196,800, with a discount of RMB 46,000. After the test drive, it was said that sales can be negotiated. After the launch, the purchase tax will be halved, plus insurance and loan fees of RMB 2,000, etc., it will be almost RMB 165,000.

sounds like a good deal. This price is equivalent to buying a Civic mid-range model, which is the same as the entry-level Citroen Versailles C5 X.

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle - DayDayNews

But this car also has several problems: First, the model is too old. This Regal has been on the market for 5 years. Although it has undergone a minor facelift this year, it has basically remained unchanged. The car looks relatively small, and a mid-size car looks about the same size as a current compact car. The interior and overall design are still the same as they were a few years ago. The rear space, especially the headroom, is relatively tight, and the steering wheel is still made of plastic. The

drives more like a family car for transportation. The 9AT gearbox is not aggressive in low-speed shifting, and some car owners reported that the shifting was frustrating, but the gentle driving during the test drive was relatively smooth. The steering is not heavy, but strangely, the steering force does not change much when moving the car at low speeds and driving at high speeds. The brakes have a short stroke, so it takes some getting used to.

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle - DayDayNews

In fact, this generation of Regal is different from the old Regal in terms of positioning. It is more suitable for home use. A few years ago, Regal could still win with refinement. From today's perspective, it is indeed far behind in the intelligent era.

Malibu XL is right next to Buick . I also checked it out, but the power is the same as Regal. The two brothers just changed the standard car. The rear row of Malibu XL is larger, and the discount is similar to that of Regal. However, the starting price of Malibu XL is lower, and the 2.0T model can also reach around 150,000.

To be honest, if you focus on practicality, the 2.0T model of Malibu XL will be better than the Regal, and the price will be more affordable, provided that you like the way it looks.

last looked at Mondeo .

There is actually no discount on this car. Some netizens said that if you can talk about it, that is your ability.

There is no car in the entry-level fashion store, but the 159,800 fashion model has enough configurations. It does not have a 27-inch screen, but it will be better from a practical point of view. The wheels are one inch smaller, there is no driver assistance system, and the seats are made of fabric.

took a test drive and found that the test car was a top-of-the-line model. The 27-inch large screen was actually of little use. Of course, it was shocking when I first saw it. In actual driving, you wouldn’t reach out to touch the screen on the passenger seat. The

drives better than the 1.5T Regal, at least the ride quality is better. The steering feel is also lighter, the car seems more solid after speeding up, and the suspension vibration filtering feedback is relatively advanced after passing the speed bump. Anyway, I prefer the feeling of a big car, so it feels right.

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle - DayDayNews

The last choice is the fashion model, because from the perspective of use, the entry-level Mondeo is the most cost-effective. Many netizens have said that I don’t want a big screen, as long as the power is consistent and the basic configuration is online. The salesman said that we have to wait for the car, and the quota is small. I placed a deposit of 2,000 yuan and waited for about 2 months. There was no discount. They said that they would give explosion-proof film or something.

In addition, some netizens said that Mondeo does not have low-end configurations. In fact, it does exist, but the quota is small and you have to wait to place an order. The low-end configurations of all models are the same. Can you go and check out the lowest configuration of Accord and ?

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle - DayDayNews

Then why choose the Mondeo with no discount, and not the Regal with a discount of nearly 50,000? To put it bluntly, it is better to be new than old. The Mondeo is obviously larger in size and space than the Regal, and its power is better than the 1.5T Regal. In terms of price, compared with low-end models, the actual landing price will not be much different.

Recently, an old man wanted to buy a mid-size car. He commuted long distances to and from get off work every day, and drove more than 100 kilometers on the highway in one day. Obviously, the mid-size car he wants to buy does not require fuel economy or large space, as city dwelle - DayDayNews

Mondeo is a new car, and the Regal platform technology is too old. Especially after the withdrawal of and Opel , the Regal has completely lost its soul. I don’t even know what the next generation of Regal will look like. Mondeo is more designed for the domestic market, which is something Regal cannot do anyway.

Generally speaking, although the Mondeo will be a little more expensive than the Regal if you buy it now, it will be better intelligent, the design is new, the space is much larger, and the power is stronger. I think there is no reason to choose the upcoming Regal. What do you think?

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