The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called "future technology pioneer" was just "merely superficial", Yingku "refuted it" with a bunch of smart technology configurations "Yes

2024/06/2922:28:33 car 1914

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

Veteran drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku helps you solve it

When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku’s so-called “future technology pioneer” was just “merely superficial”, Yingku used a bunch of smart technology configurations "Rebutted".

At the end of last month, at the GAC Technology Day, GAC Research Institute released the new ADiGO smart driving interconnected ecosystem, which includes ADiGO SPACE and ADiGO PILOT, focusing on the two core scenarios of smart cockpit and smart driving respectively. . The first model equipped with this interconnected ecosystem is the Shadow Cool.

Smart cockpit aside, I am more interested in its capabilities in smart driving. After all, it is not easy for a petrol truck to do smart driving, especially since the price of the Shadowcool will be within 150,000, so However, the costs are limited and the challenges are even greater.

Like many cars of the same class and positioning, Yingku also provides L2 driving assistance systems, including forward collision warning (FCW), active braking assist (AEB), lane keeping assist (LKA), and adaptive There are 15 driving assistance systems including cruise (ACC), intelligent speed limit cruise (iACC), and traffic jam assist (TJA).

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

It can be said that in terms of driving assistance functions, Yingku is already equipped to the teeth. However, the number of functions is not the basis of an intelligent driving assistance system. The key lies in whether it is easy to use. Unfortunately, we cannot experience it this time. What we experienced this time was the other side of Yingku in the field of intelligent driving - automatic parking.

I have always felt that in the field of low-level driving assistance, automatic parking is more difficult to do well than the so-called L2 level driving assistance.

Because the control logic of low-level assisted driving is very simple, it is to keep the car in the center of the lane line, brake when there is someone blocking the road, and accelerate when there is no one ahead. But parking is different. Not only do you have to detect the parking space to determine whether it can be parked in, but you also have to frequently shift into gear, move forward and backward, and avoid hitting surrounding obstacles.

This is why many people can drive the car well, but cannot park the car well. If a person can park perfectly - taking into account the vehicles next to him while also being able to facilitate himself, then his driving skills are generally good. This principle actually also applies to the field of intelligent driving assistance.

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

Yingku also supports a 1000-meter long memory parking function, that is, the path you have walked once can be recorded. Next time, it can complete the parking task when no one is in the car, perfectly solving the user's problems. The last mile.

It is undeniable that in front of experienced drivers, 90% of the automatic parking functions currently on the market are rubbish. The speed is not fast enough and the experience is not good enough. Especially for fuel vehicles, after all, the engine's throttle is not very controllable, and it is very difficult to control. It is easy to use a heavy foot on the accelerator, resulting in a large foot on the brakes, resulting in extremely uncomfortable body pitch.

Therefore, from the beginning, I did not expect much good experience from Yingku's automatic parking. It did not exceed my expectations. There is indeed room for improvement in the experience. However, Yingku’s automatic parking does not intend to completely replace drivers, but only wants to help drivers solve some difficult problems.

For example, the corner parking space we experienced this time. Parking spaces such as

are very difficult for intelligent driving. On the one hand, it is difficult to operate: first turn the front of the car over, and then put the butt of the car in. If you don’t have three or four, it will be difficult to put it in; on the other hand, it is difficult to monitor: many automatic parking vehicles need to walk through the parking space to know whether they can park. , there is obviously no way to go in front of the corner parking space. A parking space like

would give veteran drivers a headache when they see it, but Yingku still conquered it.

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

We calculated that it took Yingku about two minutes from finding the parking space to completely parking the car, which is not a fast result. I later tried it myself and it took less than one minute. The results weren't great, but at least Shadow Cool got there. You know, for most drivers, such a parking space is not a question of whether it is easy to park, but whether it is possible to park.

Whether an intelligent system will be accepted by consumers mainly depends on two points: First, whether it can allow users to complete a task more efficiently. This is something that 99% of the automatic parking systems on the market cannot do; secondly, can it help users complete some tasks that they don’t want to do personally, such as bomb disposal, demining, and, for example, Yingku this time? Challenging corner parking.

If you look at it from the second perspective, Yingku’s automatic parking is of great use to most consumers.

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

Spend a small amount of money to do big things

More importantly, this system will not increase the cost of purchasing a car too much for consumers.

When chatting with the engineers of GAC Trumpchi , we learned that even though Yingku’s parking assist has many functions-1000m memory parking, low-speed rear automatic braking assist, tracking reversing assist, and integrated parking and remote parking, but there are only 17 sensors that support these functions: a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, four fish-eye cameras distributed at the four corners of the vehicle, and ultrasonic radars for 6 in the front and 6 in the rear. The cost is not included. high.

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

Many people started to feel sad when they saw this: "There are already many models on the market equipped with millimeter wave radar and lidar . If you are a product that focuses on intelligent driving, that is the most expensive one. A 2-megapixel front-facing camera is a bit too 'shabby', isn't it? "

Compared with ultrasonic radar, millimeter wave radar and lidar are indeed more advanced. However, can these more advanced hardware really allow you to let the system take over your vehicle? Obviously not! At least I can't find a definite reason from the many vehicles equipped with lidar that I have experienced.

Vehicles using these hardware still cannot be more efficient and perfect than human drivers in the field of driving assistance, let alone automatic parking. A report shows that the success rate of automatic parking for ordinary cars is less than 5%, while that of and Tesla is 13%. Even at the highest level in the industry, it does not exceed 80%.

In other words, you pay more money, but the results you get are no better than this low-cost solution. Isn't that a waste of money? Regardless of the market, everyone always loves one thing, and that is "spending less money to do more things." Trumpchi Shadow Cool has obviously achieved this.

Of course, some people are superstitious: hardware that is a little ahead of its time can be upgraded through OTA to keep your vehicle looking new.

But don’t forget that in the era of intelligence, the iteration speed of technological hardware is super fast. Let’s give a simple example: Tesla will launch HW 4.0 soon. It is said that its future driving assistance system will be based on this chip. In other words, owners of old HW 3.0 cars will not be able to enjoy the full version of FSD in the future. .

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

Shadowcool is even more capable of dealing with conventional parking spaces such as side and diagonal parking spaces.

To be honest, with the current computing power and hardware level, there is no way for driving assistance to completely replace human drivers. Therefore, even though many car companies have spent a lot of manpower and material resources to develop driving assistance and install the most advanced driving assistance on their vehicles. Hardware, but for consumers, the sense of gain is still very low.

Yingku understands this well and adopts a low-cost solution to develop driving assistance systems, but uses a high-standard solution to create a smart cockpit with excellent experience, spending all its money on what can best improve users On the cutting edge of experience - among so many A-class SUVs, you can count them on five fingers using the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, and the Shadow Cool is one of them.

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

Easy to use, it depends on the attentiveness

If you want to use a low-cost solution to create an excellent car experience, there is no other way but attentiveness.

“In order to maximize the experience of Yingku’s automatic parking function, we visited more than a thousand parking lots in Guangzhou, challenged many weird parking spaces, and also found many experienced drivers such as corner parking. The person in charge of GAC Trumpchi’s intelligent driving field told us after the experience, “Even the best peers on the market have a low success rate for automatic parking. We still want to do something. "

The problem that old drivers have a headache when they see it, Yingku will help you solve it. When everyone thought that Trumpchi Yingku's so-called

The automobile market has entered an era of red sea competition. Major car companies have also started an "arms race" early. I won't tell you whether they have various configurations or not. I will give them to you first. Satisfied, it seems to be very sincere. Just like the Ideal L9, it comes with 100 "flagship configurations" for you, except for a few tread patterns on the tires.

is not about configuration, but whether it is easy to use. Smart driving and smart cockpit are just a few words on the configuration list. There is nothing to compare, but the feeling of using them is completely different.

Judging from this day’s experience, the technological configuration of Shadow Cool is worthy of its title of “Future Technology Pioneer”. In particular, what we experienced this time were all fuel versions, and we did not experience the hybrid version. I believe that with the support of the motor, the hybrid version will have a smoother and more comfortable experience.

No matter what, it is not easy for Yingku to make the oil truck as intelligent as a tram, and it is worth looking forward to. (Text | Nobita)

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