This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i

2024/06/0918:48:33 car 1356

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you can read it patiently and come back to me after reading it.

The mission of the birth of automobiles

Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It is this desire that drives humans to invent various means of transportation. The essence of these means of transportation is to allow us to go further, faster and safer at the same time. Cars have been evolving from their invention to today, and the direction of evolution has always been faster, safer, more comfortable, and more reliable. But there has never been a period of evolution that wanted people to spend more time in the car. This goes against the original intention we said at the beginning. The car should never be the destination, but the transportation to the destination. tool. If the design and product positioning of any car always wants users to spend more time in the car and claims to make the car an extension of home, then it must be covering up the shortcomings of its original capabilities. It cannot do that. To ensure that the cars produced by themselves can do their job well. This is not to say that cars should not be used as an extension of home in the dimension of comfort. There is no problem in this direction. However, outside of the dimension of comfort, it is wrong for cars to be used as an extension of home. This is just like working from home, which seems to save travel time. But it actually takes up all your time for eating, sleeping, washing, etc. Cars should not be aware of their presence all the time, and should not require users to spend more learning time and costs. To put it simply, cars should not take over the spotlight. In the relationship with cars, people are the master.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

About the metaphor of smart cars and smart phones

Some people say that today’s cars with more electronic configurations and app software applications are just like the Nokia and smart phones back then. This is actually a cognitive issue. misunderstanding. First of all, mobile phones are electronic communication devices and cars are means of transportation. The two are essentially different. From the evolution of traditional mobile phones to smart phones, the essential functions of mobile phones have not changed, so this is an evolution in the same direction. The function of smartphones in the past was to make phone calls. The purpose of making calls was to communicate between people. Nowadays, the function of smartphones is more to carry social software and traffic platforms. Social software is essentially a communication between people. Communication and traffic platforms are also communication between people and the outside world. Therefore, the essence of mobile phones has not changed. It is to facilitate communication between people. The direction is the same. Intelligence broadens the path of development and moves forward. , so it is inevitable that smartphones will replace traditional mobile phones.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

The essence of a car is a means of transportation. As I said at the beginning, it is a means of transportation that was born to satisfy human beings' strong curiosity, desire to communicate face-to-face with fellow humans, and to have more contact with the real world. The so-called smart car does not develop in the direction of being a means of transportation, but opens up other technology trees, , so that the vehicle can carry what electronic products should carry. However, the usage scenarios are often still limited. This is different from smartphones. Smartphones do not require blind operation, but cars require drivers to drive. When we use smartphones, we will not run at a speed of 120km/h, let alone lower our heads to operate the smartphone, because It affects thinking and concentration. It is illegal to talk on the phone while driving.

Another example is the big screen in the middle. If you want to watch a video, you can’t do it while driving, and neither can the co-pilot. But this makes people embarrassed. The main purpose of the vehicle is to drive, and while driving, these It doesn't work, so why should we buy something? Its main added value is reflected when I use its secondary functions. Because besides driving, why should we be in the car? Besides driving, every minute spent in the car is a waste of life. Some people say that in addition to driving, you have to wait in the car to pick up the children, wait for charging, etc. However, aren't these helpless actions? What we need to do is to minimize the occurrence of these helpless scenes, rather than beautify these helpless actions. Therefore, the so-called scenario-based applications described to us by businessmen are not of much help to our driving.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

About pan-screen

Some people say that the aircraft that represent the crown of industrial technology are glass cockpits and pan-screen. First of all, the application scenarios of aircraft and cars are very different. Secondly, for aircraft pilots, status monitoring is the most important. There are too many subsystems such as pitch angle, heading, fuel volume, air pressure, electrical system, navigation system, hydraulic system , engine monitoring, etc., so the data The graphical method is the simplest and most direct. There is no need to operate blindly when using the touch screen during level flight. The most tense stage of direct driving: takeoff/landing, control sticks, rudders, throttles, flaps , and landing gear are all physical sticks, all of which are operated blindly. As for the fighter that is always in a state of tension, there is a thing called a helmet sight, HUD, the operations used in combat are all on the steering column, and there is also a coolie hat for blind operation. Therefore, the main functions of the aircraft are operated blindly. The glass cockpit is only a requirement for monitoring the aircraft body and external perception status, and the graphical representation is more intuitive. I am not opposed to the use of screens in the car. What I am opposed to is having the car screen carry too many so-called smart applications with few application scenarios. I am opposed to integrating buttons and knobs that can be basically operated blindly into the screen, and to entering multi-level menus. So the airplane example is a good one, so don’t use it again in the future.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

About voice control

Some people say that voice control is very useful. I am actually not someone who is anti-technological progress. Voice control is indeed useful sometimes, such as setting navigation and turning on seat massage, but you let me The man in the car pointed at the window and said: Open this. Then the car window slowly lowered, and I had to match the image of wide-eyed eyes and mouth open in an O shape. Frankly speaking, this feature is great for people with disabilities who have lost their fingers. If this is an welfare car , it can fully reflect the concern for people with reduced mobility. However, as long as the fingers have normal functions, it is faster and more convenient to press it. I have not seen any smart washlet that adds voice operations: Skin Swallow! Yes, move forward. Then the toilet kept flushing and filling, from rectum to cecum, until I shouted stop. It is also necessary to add Cantonese and Sichuan dialect voice packages. Toilet manufacturers do not do this because buttons can easily and quickly solve my needs. Adding voice control will not make this toilet more premium. If car manufacturers want us to use our mouths more and use our hands less when we have nothing to do, and evolve in this direction, our hands will degenerate and become Cthulhu creatures, our mouths will be very big, and our tongues will be divided into two forks. Everyone can Vomiting lotus flowers from the mouth. Voice control is fine if necessary, but not necessary for other ducks. If someone says that he only likes to chat with cars, you'd better be cautious, as his relatives and friends may not be too kind to him. The

voice control system spreads what could be done in one second using blind operations into a longer time, and requires our attention. We must use the voice wake-up word according to the logic of the program and wait. Vehicle execution. It's like you have to make a 15-page PPT for something that can be clearly explained in 3 sentences, and the first 5 pages are just background presentation.

About the rear screen

If a manufacturer tells you that his car allows children to do homework and play games in the back seat, then this manufacturer must have a grudge against your child. He will brake hard and poke his eyes with the tip of his nose. If a child sits in the back seat for a long time and looks at the screen instead of the scenery outside, 800-degree myopia is just around the corner. From a conspiracy theory perspective, this is a big game. Dads, if you drive a car with a daddy label and go to the school gate every day to pick up your children, it means that you are the person with the least valuable time in the family. Your label is that you are the most useless person in the family. If your significant other is sitting in the passenger seat and prefers to scroll through the car screen instead of communicating with you, it is recommended to check the family relationship. Most people will get motion sickness when scrolling through the screen. What kind of family relationship would make the other person prefer to get motion sickness?

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

So why?

Unlike smartphones that replace traditional mobile phones, the essential development direction of automobiles has not been driven forward by so-called intelligence, but has taken a different approach. Every configuration that can increase the product premium is intended to make the car more expensive and make consumers pay more for features they rarely use. These features are more of just gimmicks, just to increase the product premium. , just to increase profits. Adding more screens and reducing physical buttons is also to reduce costs. The UI interface carried by the screen can also be updated at any time to keep the product fresh. Physical parts need to be molded, verified for reliability, and the pricing power is in the hands of the supplier. There are many uncontrollable factors, he said. After all, it is to reduce costs while also taking more money out of your pocket. It's okay to take money from consumers' pockets, but it's not this way. Gentlemen love money and get it wisely. This is more like cheating. I have always believed that it is wrong for domestic automobile brands to take such a route on their way up, because at the end you will find that the ceiling is there and there is no way to go, and you have to go back and walk the basic road again.

About extended-range power

In the process of development of automobiles, there is no absolute good or bad about what kind of power is used, only whether it is suitable. The essence of extended-range power is that the internal combustion engine is not good, and it is too poor as a driving power. So just let the internal combustion engine generate electricity, and then let the electricity drive the electric motor to drive the vehicle. Assuming that the internal combustion engine is really so bad, why are the main models of the world's major brands all with internal combustion engines? Are they collectively blind, or have we Chinese collectively made up for it? Calcium. Therefore, it is not the internal combustion engine that is inferior, but the brand's own internal combustion engine that uses a range-extended powertrain. It cannot be driven directly, so it has to generate electricity. After the range extender generates electricity, the benefits are obvious. The development, matching, and adjustment of the engine and transmission can be bypassed. The working conditions of the internal combustion engine are suddenly narrowed, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Internal combustion engines convert fossil fuels into electrical energy, which essentially does not reduce emissions. This is why extended-range vehicles in Beijing cannot enjoy the benefits of new energy vehicle indicators and traffic restriction policies. Electrically driven vehicles with range extenders not only require oil and filter maintenance like fuel vehicles, but they also need to pay attention to oil prices. At the same time, there is also the shortcoming that the electric train's range is reduced in the northern region in winter. Because it carries two sets of systems, the vehicle is heavy and the suspension chassis needs to be supported. The curb weight of several extended-range vehicles is between 2.3 tons and 2.52 tons. For reference, the curb weight of the Volkswagen Touareg is 2 tons. In order to solve the support problem, some cars have to choose air suspension, which virtually increases the cost, and the later maintenance of the air suspension is expensive. In the power feeding state, the internal combustion engine works crazily, with high fuel consumption and low efficiency. It combines the shortcomings of both fuel vehicles and pure electric vehicles, and these are all problems of extended-range power.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

The fundamental reason why extended-range power is used is that the manufacturer's basic automobile machinery traveling mechanism has low technical reserves, and it needs to find its own advantageous resources to develop in order to occupy the market and obtain profits. The powertrain of the range extender and electric motor can bypass many technical patents and save a lot of research and development cycles. Chinese consumers and European and American consumers have different demands for chassis and control. Therefore, even if the chassis is relatively heavy and brings poor extreme control performance, it will not affect the daily driving experience of most consumers. On the contrary, the instant high torque output brought by the electric motor will make people feel good in the early stages of use. For automobile products over 300,000 yuan, the replacement cycle of Chinese consumers is relatively short, so the threshold can be relaxed in terms of quality stability and reliability. Even if product quality problems occur later, the first owner has changed, and second-hand car users have to protect their rights. It became very difficult.

Extended-range power is not without its merits. The most suitable use scenario for extended-range power is to match it in an economical small car, and it is very important not to carry a large-capacity battery, which can reduce the overall quality.

About autonomous driving

Autonomous driving often represents a typical feature and trend of automobile intelligence. However, when autonomous driving is truly realized, the most difficult part is the road, not the vehicle itself, but the scene in which the vehicle is driven. As long as there are uncontrollable factors involved in the autonomous driving scene, it is unsafe, such as pedestrians, bicycles, and other vehicles that do not perform autonomous driving. As long as there are uncontrollable factors in the traffic order, autonomous driving will be a false proposition in terms of safety. Traditional cars can also implement sensor-based driving assistance functions. Therefore, at the level of autonomous driving, there is no essential improvement between so-called smart cars and traditional cars with adaptive cruise capabilities.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

About lidar

The chip computing power consumed by the three-coordinate lattice cloud established by lidar. If the image data of the visual camera is combined with the image data, the computing power consumed will be excess. 200% of the resources are used to achieve Ability beyond basic 10%. This is why the driving assistance solution of Tesla so far is still implemented through visual sensor image recognition. As a commercial company, this is by far the most economical solution. If you can’t do something, don’t do it. Invest more in costs. Lidar brings farther, more accurate, and faster environmental data input to vehicles. There is no problem in itself. The problem is that the central computer needs to process these inputs. The processing process is actually comparison with the original storage. Compare the information and then make corresponding execution operations. What is not in the database does not know how to operate, so a large amount of data input is required. The so-called intelligent learning is just to integrate and optimize the input new data with the original data to prevent the comparison data from being too large. The so-called intelligent algorithm is just the accumulation of programs. It is just an algorithm and not intelligent. The limits of what electronic computing can handle are reaction operations based on sensor feedback data, while the greatest characteristic of humans is their predictive operations based on experience. The response time starting lines of the two are different. Maybe one day the quantum computer can solve this problem. At this stage, the intelligence of smart cars will not exceed the intelligence limit that your personal computer and mobile phone can achieve. Add up Sensor-type stacking still increases costs to obtain product premiums.

This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

Stacking multiple lidars as the main sensors of autonomous vehicles is just a transitional stage on the road to autonomous driving. The core of autonomous driving is the wireless communication protocol between the vehicle and the road. The vehicle's sensors are only auxiliary. If lidar is really needed, in the future A self-driving vehicle only needs one.

In view of the supporting level of infrastructure construction in the next 10 years, in addition to commercial operations for autonomous driving, the most suitable scenarios for private cars are long-distance cruising, automatic unmanned parking and summoning on certain sections of the highway. On the car side, as long as these two items are As long as things are done well, other scenarios must be deeply involved by the road end. These two functions can also be realized by traditional cars, so where are the evolutions of smart cars?

About intelligent applications

There are two main types of intelligent applications for vehicles. Applications based on extracting and reprocessing information from the vehicle itself, such as extracting vehicle driving input data, energy consumption data, etc. These data can also be read by traditional cars. The only difference is that rich apps are not used to graphically and apply these data. This is not innovation and progress, it is just a little cleverness. The other type is the car-side application of mobile phones and other electronic devices. There is nothing new in this. It is just a business strategy to seize one end. Software operators must do something. In addition to adding some cost to the so-called graphical intelligent voice assistant, the level of intelligence is probably the same as Siri. When you use your mobile phone, how much time do you use Siri? Use it occasionally.

The last thing I want to say is that I am deeply disgusted with the cameras in the car that shoot at the driver and passengers. It is called intelligent recognition, but in fact it collects user data, monitors conversations and actions, collects faces, and analyzes user behavior. Spying on user privacy, and these cameras will also detect my every move while driving, open windows for ventilation, and turn on the air conditioner on my own initiative, reminding me at any time to concentrate on driving and not to wander off. I want to adjust the air volume of an air conditioner. The air conditioning air volume adjustment is integrated into the screen. I had to stare at the screen to enter the secondary menu. You told me not to do this, but you forced me to do it, so I fell into an endless loop and was condemned by the car machine. In deep self-blame.

I have stared at our cameras too much. I am not willing to sell my privacy for such a useless function. There are already enough cameras on the road. I sell my privacy in order to obtain safety and protection. This It is based on trust in public power. The credibility of automobile manufacturers and their ability to protect data security are far from reaching this level.


I am not a naysayer for new era cars, nor am I a fan of traditional cars. I only hope that on the road of evolutionary development of cars, more consideration will be given to people’s actual use experience and needs, and that they will no longer be imposed for the sake of commercial profits. Some of the cool features we don’t need are the forced film floor mats and floor coverings in the cyber era. Don’t use exaggerated and crazy marketing words to gain eyeballs and traffic. Sometimes it’s not worthless to have a little face. Maintain awe of technology, work hard on the development and verification of new technologies, and accumulate more valuable scientific and technological patents. Don’t hand over half-finished products to consumers who trust you, don’t use gimmicks one after another to package so-called smart cars, don’t expect OTA to fix pre-order bugs, don’t get investors and shareholders to buy a batch of cars first to generate initial sales. As a matter of fact, do not backlog deliveries to make the delivery quantity of a certain month look good. Consumers are not playing with it, but should hold it in their hands and take good care of it. The

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This article is quite long and contains a lot of nonsense. I hope you will read it patiently and come back to me after reading it. The Mission of the Birth of the Car: Human beings have always had a strong curiosity and desire to communicate with fellow humans and the world. It i - DayDayNews

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