Yan Jun, First Commercial Vehicle Network Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a "barometer" of real estate and infrastructure construction in various regions, which also indirectly illustrates the huge influence of policy factors on the d

2024/05/1915:46:32 car 1450

First Commercial Vehicle Network Yan Jun

Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a "barometer" of real estate and infrastructure construction in various regions, and also indirectly illustrates the impact of policy factors on the dump truck market. Huge influence. This year, as the downward pressure on the economy increases, the number of new infrastructure projects decreases, and the market competition for dump trucks has also entered a new stage.

Faced with such a market environment, there is still a heavy truck dealer in Hefei that achieved a counterattack in its market share in three years, and ranked first in the local dump truck market in the first half of this year. Recently, the First Commercial Vehicle Network interviewed Shen Li, general manager of Hefei Shengtong Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hefei Shengtong"), which specializes in FAW Jiefang dump trucks. As a late-stage dump truck brand, how did it grow up step by step? What experiences can we learn from during its development?

Yan Jun, First Commercial Vehicle Network Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a

Accurately grasp the demand and use time to accumulate user

demand to create the market. The same is true for dump trucks. Therefore, if you want to achieve breakthroughs in the market and products, you first need to accurately understand the deep-seated needs of users. Unlike FAW Jiefang's long-term performance of ranking first in the industry for tractors and trucks, Jiefang still has a lot of room for improvement in the dump truck and special-purpose vehicle markets, and its breakthrough lies in its accurate study and judgment of market demand.

“In the past, in the dump truck and special-purpose vehicle markets, users had a limited range of choices for models in different scenarios and horsepower ranges. However, as the People’s Liberation Army has increased investment in recent years and actively tapped the potential needs of engineering users, the product layout has also gradually Improvement, market share is steadily increasing," Shen Li said.

Yan Jun, First Commercial Vehicle Network Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a

Shen Li, general manager of Hefei Shengtong Auto Sales Co., Ltd.

According to Shen Li, Hefei Shengtong joined the network in 2019 and is the only dealer in Hefei that specializes in Changchun Jiefang dump trucks. Although it has only been established for three years, as a senior marketer who has been in the industry for nearly eight years, he knows that in order to run a good store, in addition to the product's satisfaction of user needs, the accumulation of customer resources is equally critical. The editor of

learned that the Jiefang Changchun dump truck business in Hefei was previously represented by Anhui Hechang Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Anhui Hechang"), and Shen Li was responsible for this business in Anhui Hechang. Therefore, Shen Li not only accumulated a lot of work experience, but also gradually mastered the customer resources that can be used independently in the future.

It only took three years to become the first in regional sales

"In the first five months of this year, Changchun Jiefang's dump truck products ranked first in sales in Hefei. As of June 20, this sales ranking has not changed. "From Shen Li's affirmative statement, we can see that he is confident in the future market performance of Changchun Jiefang dump trucks, and the market share has climbed from less than 10% to 19% in the first five months of this year, and Hefei rose. It only took three years.

"From a macro perspective, the sales volume of the dump truck market has shown a triangular line development in the past three years. From the second half of 2019 to 2021, due to factors such as infrastructure construction and National Five destocking, the dump truck sector has experienced a short-term peak. . For example, as far as 8×4 dump trucks are concerned, the sales volume in Hefei in 2020 (referring to registered sales, the same below) will reach about 1,700 units, while the sales volume in 2021 will be around 3,300 units. However, since the second half of last year, the number of dump trucks has increased. The market entered a trough period that lasted until the first half of this year," Shen Li said.

Yan Jun, First Commercial Vehicle Network Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a

As the dump truck market has cooled down, sales have fallen sharply, and competition among brands has also continued to intensify. However, facing the fierce market environment, Shen Li said that the market share of Changchun Jiefang dump trucks in Hefei is increasing year by year. Starting in 2019, its market share in the Hefei region was less than 10%. By last year, its regional market share reached 15.2%, ranking among the top three in the Hefei region. From January to May this year, its market share reached 19%. Under the leadership of Shen Li, Hefei Shengtong completed a turnaround in three years and won the sales crown in the dump truck market segment in Hefei.

On the one hand, there is a declining industry environment, and on the other hand, there is intensifying market competition. Facing double pressure, why can Changchun Jiefang dump trucks, as a late-stage development company, achieve a rapid increase in market share in the Hefei area?

Products + services + finance multi-pronged three-dimensional marketing

"The first major advantage of Changchun Jiefang dump trucks is fuel saving. Now that oil prices are rising, how to better control operating costs and reduce vehicle fuel consumption is naturally important One of the ways. Therefore, whether it is individual owners or fleet customers, attention to the fuel-saving performance of vehicles is unprecedentedly high." Through precise insights into market demand, Shen Li believes that Changchun Jiefang dump truck products have pinpointed the pain points of user needs. .

Yan Jun, First Commercial Vehicle Network Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a

"Take the 460-horsepower Changchun Jiefang 8×4 dump truck as an example. Based on the average annual mileage of users in Hefei of 35,000 kilometers, the Changchun Jiefang dump truck product can save 0.2 yuan/km in fuel costs compared with competing products. It's 7,000 yuan." Shen Li said that such fuel saving data should not be underestimated. Calculated based on a medium-sized fleet with 50 vehicles, the fuel cost saved per year can reach hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Secondly, Shen Li believes that Changchun Jiefang dump truck products can open up the market, and the secret to achieving increased sales is reliable after-sales service. Because dump trucks with large loads, such as 8×4, are often indispensable means of transportation in engineering construction earthmoving . Only by achieving high attendance and reliable operation can the construction period not be delayed and the user's operating income guaranteed. .

"To this end, we have launched a '24-hour' nanny service. When users report for repairs, we must respond within 5 minutes and arrive at the scene within 2 hours in Hefei to solve the problems faced by users." For Hefei Sheng Generally speaking, car sales are not the only performance evaluation criterion. After-sales service capabilities will also be included, ensuring that users experience high-quality after-sales service.

Yan Jun, First Commercial Vehicle Network Due to specific application scenarios, dump truck sales are often regarded as a

"Finally, the flexible financial service policies launched by Jiefang have helped more users join us. For example, affected by adverse factors such as the epidemic, some customers have reported increased operating pressure and increased risk of loan overdue. Jiefang manufacturers, on the one hand, passed Measures such as releasing deposits have alleviated the financial pressure on dealers; on the other hand, financial preferential policies such as 'car loan interest-free buffer' and 'manufacturer discount' have been used to help users tide over difficulties. "

In Shen Li's view, liberating dealerships is the key. The loyalty of merchants is higher than that of the industry, which enables better continuity of many of the manufacturer's policies and ensures the maximization of user rights. It is precisely with the support of Changchun Jiefang in terms of products, services and finance that has contributed to Hefei Shengtong's strong performance in the local market.


Since August last year, although the sales volume of the Hefei dump truck market has entered a downward channel, according to Shen Li's analysis and judgment, the Hefei dump truck market may heat up in the second half of this year. Especially after the 12 trillion economic stimulus package announced in May this year is gradually implemented, Hefei Shengtong's market share may further increase. It wants to stabilize the market share at 17% in 2022 and strive to reach the goal of 20% next year. or “not that far away.”

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