Nowadays, the short video industry is booming. As long as you have a mobile phone, you can shoot short videos to attract traffic and start a business. For newcomers who have never studied photography, how can they make short videos look good? Here I will take you through how to p

Nowadays, the short video industry is booming. As long as you have a mobile phone, you can shoot short videos to attract traffic and start a business. For newcomers who have never studied photography, how can they make short videos look good? Here I will take you through how to prepare and compose your photos.

We need to prepare the following points when shooting.

First, clean the camera. This step is simple but necessary. For a good work, if the clarity of the shooting is affected by dust or oil stains on the camera, it will be worth the loss.

Secondly, aim at the subject and hold it steady without shaking. Only a stable image will make people want to look at it. No one will want to look at a shaky image.

Third, don’t be anxious and move the device slowly to ensure clear and stable shooting.

After completing the above three points, the next step is composition, which is the most important. There are four simple composition methods. You can save them for later use if necessary.

The first is the rule of thirds composition. When shooting, open the auxiliary frame of the mobile phone camera, two vertical and two horizontal, dividing the mobile phone screen into a nine-square grid. When shooting, just place the key characters and key information on the 1/3 of the picture and the four key points of the nine-square grid to complete the composition.

The second is the symmetrical composition method. The symmetrical composition method seeks the ultimate sense of visual balance. When composing a picture, you should pay attention to symmetry up, down, left, right, or center to fully display the symmetry of the picture. It is mostly used for shooting landscapes, such as the display of the sea level, and the connection of the sea and the sky. , green mountains reflected in the lake, etc. These are all symmetrical compositions.

The third method is to rely on the distance principle of the vertical screen to complete the composition. It is also a relatively common composition method. Well, because the frame displayed by the vertical screen is far less deep and wide than the horizontal screen, when shooting in the vertical screen, if you want to show more information, you must rely on the specifications of large near and small, large at the bottom and small at the top to complete the composition, so The displayed picture information is rich enough.

The fourth type is blank and filled. White space is to show the main information through a distant view or panorama. For example, if you want to photograph a person standing on the beach, you can make the person very small, and at the same time, leave the sea around him and the sky in the distance very large, giving people room for daydream. The full coverage is actually a close-up. It is opposite to the blank space, so through close-up, you can show the appetite and characteristics of the food in terms of gourmet food.

For newbies, the most important thing is to do the details well, and then consider lighting and color adjustment. Only by learning step by step can you better master the shooting of short videos.