Full body photos test the expressiveness of the model, so when taking photos, you must avoid monotonous postures. So how do you take a good full body photo? Here are 7 poses for photography experts. Play with these poses to make you look taller and slimmer even when taking photos

Full body photos test the expressiveness of the model, so when taking photos, you must avoid monotonous postures. So how to take a good full body photo? Here are 7 poses for photography experts. Play with these poses to make you look taller and slimmer even when taking photos, and teach you how to take beautiful and rich full-body photos.

1. Put one hand on your hip and stretch one leg forward.

Don’t stand still and take pictures. Use one hand on your hip and one leg to the side and forward. Place your legs staggered. Remember not to look at the camera is the key to taking pictures. Take pictures like this. The sweet and cool girl is you.

2. Handbags with raised legs

If you have good-looking props in your hands, such as bags, drinks, and cameras, then you must make good use of these props. Refer to the model in the picture below. Holding the bag with both hands, one of the legs will naturally be raised. The feet are very expressive and full of vitality and girlishness.

3. Girls with figure-shaped legs

Girls with thick legs or legs that are not very good-looking cannot stand straight when taking full-body photos. Their feet are misplaced and spread apart, and their legs stand in a figure-eight shape. There is no need to worry about taking pictures of the belly. Use the posture to cover the belly with both hands. You can easily look slimmer and photogenic.

4. Bend your legs and lower your head to look cool.

Stand still with one foot as the center of gravity, and bend the other foot to lean back. This can well cover the muscle lines of the legs, and the posture of the upper body is also richer, like the model in the picture. Generally, lowering your head and raising your hand to hold the brim of your hat makes taking photos mysterious and cool at the same time.

5, stand on tiptoes + say hello

Take a full-body photo. The interactive posture is also recommended for everyone to try. First, adjust the body to a natural range, stand on tiptoe and extend to the side and front, and then match it with a gesture of reaching out to say hello, with both hands and feet It is far away from the body and trunk, and visually looks much slimmer.

6. Stand with crossed legs to modify the shape of the legs

The reason why many girls dare not take full-body photos is mostly because their legs are thick or the leg shape is not very good-looking. Standing with crossed legs can effectively avoid small defects in the lower body.

Standing with legs crossed, taking photos is not only ladylike and elegant, but also can modify the shape of the legs, making the legs appear straighter and thinner. With the movement of the feet touching the ground, the legs are longer.

7, legs extended to the side

If you don’t want to take a monotonous full-body photo, you can place the model on the diagonal of the picture when taking the photo. This effect can be achieved by rotating the lens or changing the pose. Refer to the model in the picture below, tilt Body, one leg extended backwards, hands hanging naturally, looking slim and energetic when taking photos.

Summary: If you also want to look taller and slimmer when taking photos, you might as well play with the above 7 postures, learn these postures well, take more photos and practice, and teach you to easily take beautiful and rich full-body photos.