Hello everyone, I am a mobile photography enthusiast, and I usually focus on street photography. The first half of 2022 has passed. Looking back at the many photos I took in the past six months and selecting the wonderful moments from them is a small summary of my "One Week of Mo

Hello everyone, I am a mobile photography enthusiast, and I usually focus on street photography. The first half of 2022 has passed. Looking back at the many photos I took in the past six months and selecting the wonderful moments from them is a small summary of my "One Week of Mobile Street Photography". I hope to take more excellent works and present them to everyone in 2022. I can observe life with my eyes, experience life with my heart, record life with my mobile phone, and enjoy photography with my mobile phone. The photos were all taken with an iPhone 11 and are displayed in chronological order.

"Vision", shot at Infinitus Plaza in Guangzhou. It was a bit cloudy that day and the picture effect was not very satisfactory. I will take some pictures when I have time.

"Shooting" combines light, shadow and color. The photo has been flipped, and you can see it when you turn it upside down. Use the shadow of the basketball stand and wait for the right moment. The shadow of the basketball in the picture is crucial. With the shadow of this basketball, the picture becomes very vivid.

"Doing Business", during the Chinese New Year, market bosses are busy doing business. To document the atmosphere, you need to grasp the opportunity to take photos.

"Tunnel", the photo adopts frame composition, contrast between light and dark, and the choice of characters is the key.

"Zebra Crossing", the relationship between lines and geometry, highlighting the effect of light and shadow, and the contrast between light and dark. Don’t ignore the zebra crossings in the city. If you observe carefully, you can take good photos.

"Focus", shot from a low angle on the subway platform, be careful not to cause misunderstanding. I usually admire a lot of the works of outstanding street photography photographers at home and abroad. This one is based on their shooting techniques. I like it very much.

" picture-in-picture ", using small props to shoot and adding a little creativity will make your photos unique.

"Subway Car", the color combination and documentary atmosphere are outstanding. Taking this type of photo is not difficult, just pay attention to the horizontal and vertical directions.

"Interesting Light and Shadow" is very similar to the characters in foreign abstract paintings , especially the three passers-by above. The posture of walking back and forth is very interesting. The photo was flipped, "Oh, that's it," you might say, and the photo became a photo scam, haha!

"Black and White Light and Shadow", large light ratio, high contrast, the shooting method is the shooting method I often use in street photography.

"Street Light and Shadow", the shooting location is Renmin South Road, Old Town, Guangzhou. Color blocks, lines, frames, light and shadow are the main elements of this photo.

"Mobile phones can also shoot commercials", this camera position is familiar to Guangzhou photographers, Guangzhou Grand Theater . Using wide-angle lens , low-angle shooting still has the effect of a commercial blockbuster.

has shared here his 12 selected street photography works from the first half of the year. Some are in color and some are in black and white. I personally like them and am good at taking black and white style photos. Mobile phone photography is just a hobby. Whether the photos are good or not is for your own entertainment. You are welcome to interact and communicate in the comment area. Thank you for your appreciation.