In this article, I will comment on 7 sets of lotus photos. You can imitate, learn from, and learn from the advantages. You should pay attention to avoid the shortcomings in the photos.

This article will comment on 7 sets of lotus photos. You can imitate, learn from, and learn from the advantages. You should pay attention to avoid the shortcomings of the photos.

Lotus photo review one. Is it okay to center the composition of

? There is nothing wrong with the centered composition, but don’t shoot the lotus with such a centered composition like the picture below.

In the lotus photo above, although the background has been completely blurred, the texture of the subject is very clear, and there seems to be nothing wrong with the centered composition, but the mistake is that was taken from bottom to top. This angle makes the flower The buttocks are particularly obvious, but the lotus flower is not in full bloom. If we use a centered composition, it can be as shown in the picture below, at the same height as the lotus being photographed, or slightly higher than the lotus, so that the blooming lotus can be better displayed in the picture.

Lotus photo review two.

The lotus photo below is worth learning. Do you know where to learn?

The lotus photo above looks very simple, with a blurred background and a clear subject. Among the clear subjects, the contrast between primary and secondary is obvious. There is only one lotus, standing proudly, and a lotus leaf dotted around the body. beside. When the main lotus flower is similar in shape to the accompanying lotus leaf, and both are presented in the form of lines in the picture, the photo will look more simple. Only by finding lotus flowers like the one above and photographing them can the photo be made more beautiful. , even more unique. As for the lotus in the picture below, although has no shortcomings, it is also similar to the ones taken by many other friends.

Lotus photo review three.

In addition to using lotus leaves to embellish lotus photos, what else can you use?

You can also use raindrops to shoot after the rain. The raindrops remaining on the lotus leaves and petals will be crystal clear when photographed under the sunlight. The water droplets closer to the lens will be photographed into beautiful light spots. . It is also a tilted lotus. The lotus photo above, , looks much better than the one below. Although there are raindrops in the picture below, there is no backlighting. The raindrops can only be in a gray state, dotted on the lotus petals, without reflecting the crystal effect. So when you take pictures of raindrops and lotus flowers, it’s best to take them with backlight like the picture above.

Lotus photo review four.

Some lotus flowers are shorter and have tall lotus leaves. When taking photos of lotus flowers hiding under the lotus leaves, be careful not to make the mistake shown in the picture.

There is nothing wrong with the lotus flowers and lotus leaves in the picture above, but in the lower left corner of the background, has a gray lotus leaf, which clutters the background. As for the background like the picture below, if the color is relatively uniform, the photo will look much cleaner. Therefore, you should also pay attention to avoiding debris when shooting.

Lotus photo review five.

Do all colors need to be avoided? is not, see the comparison of the two pictures below.

The background of the lotus photo above is all green lotus leaves, but it looks a bit dull. Why is this so? Because of the lack of light and dark contrast in the picture, lacks color contrast. Although there is a contrast between lotus flowers and green leaves, if the background is all gray like the picture below, and has some lotus leaves as embellishments, wouldn’t it look better? If you want to make your photos unique, you can try this method.

Lotus photo comments six.

The photo below , what is your first impression?

My first impression of the above picture is that it is very messy, because the texture of the petals is very clear and scattered in the picture, making the photo look messy and complicated. And if you want to take pictures of residual lotus, you can look for lotus flowers like the picture below. A few simple petals can make the photo look more simple and less cluttered.

Lotus photo review seven.

In addition to taking pictures of lotus flowers, can also take pictures of some lotus bones like the picture below.

The picture above has advantages for us to learn from. The main body and flower bones are tilted to the left, the companion body and flower bones below are also tilted to the left, and the lotus leaf at the back is also tilted to the left. The postures of the three are unified, making the photo look better Up, more rhythmic. There is something in the picture below that is worth learning. Do you know what it is? Welcome to leave messages and communicate in the comments.

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