✨The following is shared by Xiaoyan from @euro, to give some inspiration and help to photographers who like to take pictures of city scenery: I live in a city with many high-rise buildings - Hong Kong. Every day when I go out, I shuttle between the streets and high-rise buildings

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Today I would like to share with you the city scenery shooting experience of an excellent photographer @euro Xiaoyan. All her films are shot with mobile phones, capturing the beauty of the city. The layered and beautiful side of the photo was captured, which is great.

✨The following is shared by @euro Xiaoyan to give some inspiration and help to photographers who like to take pictures of city scenery:

I live in a city with many high-rise buildings - Hong Kong. Every day when I go out, I am busy shuttling between the streets and high-rise buildings. I work so hard that I have no time to take care of the beautiful scenery around me. When I slowed down and admired the city scenery around me, I suddenly had an impulse in my heart. Would such a scenery look good when photographed? When I took the photo, I was so excited and surprised! Today I would like to share with you some of my experiences in shooting city scenery.

All the photos in this article were taken by iPhone 13 Pro Max


Scene selection

Except for having ample time for outdoor shooting on weekends, I basically take fragmented shots on the way to and from get off work.

My first shooting was on my way to get off work. I suddenly found an OL wearing a red skirt and high heels standing on the side of the road crossing the road. So I immediately picked up my phone and pressed the shutter. From then on, I started taking photos of city scenery. Photo interest.

How to choose city streets for photography? I believe that before shooting, you should use different lenses to test whether they are suitable and anticipate the images you want.

The following is a photo taken using the road as a visual guide for the lines, using the wide-angle lens , and then zooming in to zoom in. Shooting on a crowded street requires patience, and waiting for the target person to appear also requires luck. For a good scene, we must first conceive the picture in our mind, and wait until the expected person appears in the best position. Press the shutter and we will get a beautiful picture.

If you want to take good photos, you often need to zoom. The best way to zoom is our feet. We can use our feet to get the best view and camera position. optical zoom can shorten the distance. But it's not always possible to get the best angle. Experience has taught me that if I walk 200 meters forward and shoot with the same lens, the picture below will produce a more atmospheric effect. Do you think this angle is more shocking?


Camera position

Go onto the overpass and shoot from a bird’s eye view. An overhead shot is a shooting angle that is higher than the subject. It can record more of the ground than a horizontal angle of view, so it has a sense of extension. Especially when there are more details on the ground that need to be expressed, high-angle shooting can also stagger various objects and record more details. Rich pictures, as shown below:

High-angle shooting on the overpass

For many people, they often pick up their mobile phones and take pictures. As a result, the photos they take are bland and lack something impressive. This is because the photographer lacks the right knowledge. The emphasis on photographic composition. Before shooting, think about different angles and the effects after shooting.

The picture below shows the same bridge taken from different camera positions: Picture 1. It is about 50 meters away from the bridge under the bridge and uses a wide-angle lens to look up to compare the people and the bridge. Figure 2. Takes a bird’s-eye view of the bridge on a hill. From different camera angles, the difference between the two pictures is clear at a glance.

The picture below is a spiral staircase taken from inside the building from a vertical angle. It was shot with an ultra-wide angle in a dark surrounding environment. The visual impact of the lines is the strongest.

Architectural Photography Composition | Architectural photography has the same nature as street photography, requiring particularly rich imagination and acuity in visual thinking.When capturing a building, especially a public building or cityscape, there can be challenges such as proportion, lighting, street furniture that cannot be removed, and unexpected passers-by. For example, shoot from the ground, or look up from inside or underneath a building. These angles are great for photographing well-known landmarks, helping you avoid cliche postcard-like photos.


The levels of light and shadow and light and shade

Photography is the art of using light. Without light, we can't create any contours and the image will look dull. Light creates shadows and colors, which animate the static building mass. In addition, color and texture can only appear when there is light. The contrasting colors of cold and warm create a visual impact. The picture below shows the beauty of the silhouette taken 10 minutes after sunset.

City scenery, sometimes I also express it in black and white. Black and white photography pays more attention to the combination of points, lines and surfaces in composition. The combination of character silhouettes, architectural environment and body lines can often give viewers an extraordinary visual experience.

The following are examples of black and white portraits. Pay more attention to the subtle things around you, and you can take pictures of unexpected sceneries on the subway.


Make good use of the golden time to shoot

The most important thing for shooting sunset and sunset is the 30 minutes of golden time before and after sunset. The beautiful scenery during this period is the most popular among photography enthusiasts.

So, when taking pictures of the sunset, what methods can be used to take better pictures? Here are 3 methods shared so that you can refer to them when shooting.

. Take photos of the red sunset

When the weather is good, or the day before a storm, the color of the sky will be magnificent. At this time, it is easy to take photos of the red sunset and sunset. One thing to note about is that you can reduce the exposure when shooting. Try not to overexpose, otherwise the sky will become white and the round sun will not be visible.

2. How should the sun be composed? There are two key points in composition:

If the sun is the main subject, you can place it on the center line; if the sun is just the companion, you can place it at the intersection of the rule of thirds.

3. Elements contained in the picture

Don’t just shoot the sun! Such a picture will be monotonous and boring. You should find some foreground and background to set off, such as buildings, boats on the sea, and even clouds in the sky, which can also make your photos more layered.


Color and Contrast

We can take photos with a sense of story through color contrast. Making good use of color can add interest to your photos. Here are some examples of how to use color contrast effectively.

. Warm and cold contrast

The use of cold and warm color contrast is a very interesting contrast technique, and it is also very effective in strengthening the story. This color contrast technique can also be found in many advertisements. Cool colors are bluer; warm colors are reddish-orange.

2. Two Color Contrast

One of the most common color comparison techniques is to include two colors or tones in the photo. It is recommended that novice photographers adopt a simple composition because it is easier to master.


Sense of atmosphere

Nowadays, the word "sense of atmosphere" is very popular, especially when taking pictures, the sense of atmosphere will increase the viewing value of the photos. So how can we take such photos quickly? Here are a few tips to share with you.

. Street photography.

Corners of daily life will also evoke memories of similar scenes in others. The photos resonate with the viewers, and the sense of story comes out.

2, sunset tone atmosphere

3, city night scene

Taking pictures at night is much more difficult than during the day. It is not easy to take good pictures. You need to pay attention to a few points.

. The first choice is to overlook the city from a high place;

2. Use telephoto 3x or 5x. (Avoid using digital zoom);

3. It is best to take pictures when the street lights have just turned on or at the dreamy blues moment after sunset.

4. Choose a good weather and avoid haze days to shoot.

5. A tripod is indispensable. The photo below was taken on a hill 200 meters away.


Nowadays, the camera functions of mobile phones are becoming more and more perfect. It is very easy to use mobile phones to create unique city scenery blockbusters.

After shooting in the early stage, it also needs to be adjusted appropriately in the post-production process. It is suitable to adjust the green-orange tone for architecture, scenery, and street photos. Personally, I use snapseed to do a simple secondary cropping to ensure the horizontal and vertical orientation and reasonable composition of the photo, and then use spicy to adjust it to a green-orange tone. Or use the Polar Creative Center to create your own ins cyan filter, apply the filter and fine-tune it.

Okay, the above are some of my experiences in taking city scenery photos. I hope it can help friends who like to take city scenery photos. Use your mobile phone to take beautiful city scenery blockbusters!

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