Welcome to the channel of awesome technology to talk about the simultaneous upgrade of software and hardware, and the professional imaging flagship vivo X80 Pro to create the ultimate imaging experience.

Welcome to the channel of awesome technology to talk about the simultaneous upgrade of software and hardware. The professional imaging flagship vivo X80 Pro creates the ultimate imaging experience. Today I would like to select a nicer song for you, "The Lonely Brave Man"!

Vivo X series products have always been known for their good looks and excellent imaging capabilities, so they have been recognized and favored by a large number of photography enthusiasts. After the new #vivo X80# series was launched, it once again attracted the attention of a large number of netizens with its industry-leading imaging capabilities. This series of products is equipped with a high-standard imaging system and has excellent performance in night scene shooting, portrait shooting and zoom shooting. It can be called one of the most complete professional imaging flagships at this stage.

Both hardware and software have been upgraded, and the imaging strength has been greatly improved.

The imaging strength of a mobile phone mainly depends on two aspects: hardware and software, and vivo X80 Pro has been significantly upgraded in both aspects. Its rear camera module consists of four high-quality lenses that support Zeiss T* coating. The main camera has a built-in exclusive customized GNV ultra-large bottom sensor, and the portrait lens also has a built-in micro-head developed by vivo. In addition, the V1+ chip equipped with vivo X80 Pro has super computing power, which helps to improve the mobile phone’s low-light shooting capabilities. In addition, vivo X80 Pro also has built-in advanced algorithms such as the new generation Zeiss lens package and Zeiss Natural Color 2.0, and its image performance is better than most models on the market.

Real hands-on experience, impeccable imaging quality

When using vivo X80 Pro to take pictures, it gave me a very satisfactory shooting experience. For example, when taking photos in low-light scenes, the preview effect provided is clear and bright, which is very close to the final imaging effect. And when taking night scene photos, this phone shoots very fast and the image quality is also very high. Take the following real-shot sample as an example. You can see that the picture in this sample is pure and does not have too much noise. Moreover, in the sample, the bright light part has been suppressed, the low light part is also clearer, and the transition between light and dark is more natural. I am very satisfied with the overall quality.

(vivo X80 Pro actual shot sample)

When taking portrait photos in low-light environments, the imaging performance of vivo X80 Pro is also remarkable. The 50mm professional portrait lens it carries has a built-in micro-head, which can ensure stable images when shooting portraits. Moreover, the Zeiss Super Night Scene it brings supports Night Scene Portrait 4.0, which can optimize the characters in the picture to make their faces clearer and their skin texture more delicate. The sample below was taken by me using vivo X80 Pro in a low-light environment. You can see that the brightness and purity of the sample are relatively high, and the background part is well highlighted after being blurred. Looking at the model, we can see that her facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, her skin texture is real, and there are no obvious flaws.

(vivo X80 Pro real shot sample)

Not only that, vivo X80 Pro also performs very well in zoom shooting. It is equipped with an 8-megapixel periscope super telephoto lens that supports OIS optical image stabilization and supports 5x optical zoom . The following set of comparison sample photos were taken by me using vivo X80 Pro in normal mode and 5x optical zoom mode. By comparing the sample photos, you can find that the sample picture taken after turning on 5x optical zoom is more delicate and different from the normal mode. There is almost no gap in the sharpness of the sample taken below, and the details are abundant. Many details that are not clearly visible in the conventional sample are fully displayed.

(real-shot sample of vivo X80 Pro, shot in normal mode)

(real-shot sample of vivo X80 Pro, shot in 5x zoom mode)

is equipped with many hard-core configurations, with balanced performance and no shortcomings.

In addition to having top-notch images in the industry In addition to performance, vivo X80 Pro also adopts a dual-platform flagship chip strategy, providing models equipped with Snapdragon 8Gen1 chip and models equipped with Dimensity 9000 chip for everyone to choose from. At the same time, it is also equipped with a 2K E5 super-sensitive free screen, which supports large-area ultrasonic fingerprints. The display effect is exquisite and the fingerprint unlocking experience is excellent.In order to eliminate users' battery life anxiety, this phone also has a built-in 4700mAh large-capacity battery, which supports dual-cell 80W wired flash charging and dual-cell 50W wireless flash charging. The battery life is good, the charging speed is also very fast, and there is almost no noticeable difference overall. shortcomings.

Taken together, the performance of vivo X80 Pro is quite excellent. There is no doubt that its imaging capabilities are at the top level in the industry. What is even more worthy of praise is that it has not shrunk its configuration in other aspects because of the image upgrade. Instead, it has made upgrades in aspects such as performance, display and charging that have a greater impact on the user experience. Even compared with models of the same level from other brands, the vivo X80 Pro can be regarded as the professional imaging flagship with the highest degree of completion and the most balanced overall performance. Friends who need to change their phones can consider trying it out!