A heavy rain drenched the mountains and rivers, moistened the rivers, and filled the pond full of lotus flowers with even more unforgettable rhymes. I admire those photographers who forget themselves in order to take pictures of rain and lotus: they leave the fragrance and the be

A heavy rain drenched the mountains and rivers, moistened the Hetao , and filled the lotus pond with more unforgettable rhyme poems .

I admire those photographers who forget themselves in order to take pictures of rain and lotus: leaving only the fragrance and the beauty but not the people, they just make up the scenery.

Tang· Feng Yansi's " Magpie Steps on the Branch" describes the rainy lotus: the pond is in a mess, and the lotus is scattered and broken by the rain. It means that the pond is in a mess, the rain has fallen, and the lotus flowers have been broken.

How big of a rainstorm would it take to have such an effect? ​​I'm afraid it must be hail [呲呲]

The lotus leaves in the pond are fragrant after the rain, and the spring grass in the garden is deep and has long ribbons. These two sentences come from the Tang Dynasty Liu Yuxi 's " Send the Zhou Envoy to the Yingzhou Villa ". Liu Yuxi said that the lotus in the pond is fragrant after the rain, and the grass in the courtyard grows as long as a ribbon.

Every rain always stimulates the growth of all things, giving people a vibrant scene and making people reluctant to leave this beautiful world.

However, this rain scene is only limited to spring and summer, haha.

In autumn, wherever the gloomy frost hits, there is a shrunken image. The lotuses that bloomed in the pond in summer are only withered lotus left, listening to the sound of rain in the autumn rain.

It rains outside the bamboo window in the middle of the night, and the pond full of lotuses makes the sound.

The flowers are blooming and falling by the pond, but I still remember the beauty coming.

The monk knocks on the door at night, all because of the night to relieve sorrow.

The poplar flowers on both sides of the strait are making snow in the wind, and the lotus leaves in the pond are raining into beads. ——Chen Run of the Tang Dynasty, "Sentences"

The rain passes through the lotus marsh, and the smoke goes down to the bamboo village. ——Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty "Remembering the Four Rhymes of Zhupo"

The lotus leaves are half withered by the rain. ——Tang· Li Xun "Linjiang Fairy"

The chrysanthemums are beautiful with autumn water, and the lotus is full of rain. ——Tang · Xu Hun "Farewell to Ancestor Cui of the same year"

Birds throwing smoke are dim, and autumn sounds bring rain and lotus. ——Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi "Xunyang Qiuhuai Presents to Xu Mingfu"

Ode to Furong

—— Southern Dynasties · Liang · Shen Yue

The breeze shakes the purple leaves, and the light dew touches the red house. The pool in

is so green, waiting for me to glow red.