In order to implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, promote the establishment of ecological civilization concepts that love nature, comply with nature, and protect nature, and build a beautiful sacred tree where humans and nature can coexist harmoniously, it i

Hongjiannao is the largest desert freshwater lake in the country, and is also the largest breeding and habitat for rare and endangered birds relict gulls . Since 2014, Hongjiannao has organized and held two relict gull protection forums and four bird watching and love bird festivals, which have played an important role in raising people's awareness of ecological and environmental protection and expanding the popularity and influence of the sacred tree. In order to implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, promote the establishment of ecological civilization concepts that love nature, comply with nature, and protect nature, and build a beautiful sacred tree where humans and nature can coexist harmoniously, it is planned to hold the Hongjiannao Relict Gull and Biological Exhibition on July 9th and 10th. During the Diversity Protection Forum and the 5th Bird Love Festival, online short video and photography competitions were held.

1. Competition theme

Protect Hongjiannao Biodiversity

Optimize the habitat and breeding environment of relict gulls

Promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature

2. Sponsor

Shaanxi Hongjiannao National Nature Reserve Administration

3. Participation Object

This competition has no threshold and is open to short video and photography enthusiasts. The entries include photos and short videos showing Hongjiannao’s natural scenery, ecological environment, humanistic customs, birds, etc.

4. Competition time

June 28-July 5, 2022 (collection of works)

July 6-7, 2022 (arrangement and evaluation)

July 10, 2022 (award ceremony)

5. Award setting

1. Short Video Awards

Douyin Most Popular Award: 1 prize of 3,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor (number of likes)

Douyin Most Popular Award: 1 prize of 3,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor (number of views)

short Video Gold Award: 1 winner will receive a bonus of 3,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor

Short Video Silver Award: 2 winners will receive a bonus of 2,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor

Short Video Bronze Award: 3 winners will receive a bonus of 1,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor

Excellence Award : 10 prizes of 500 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor

2. Photography awards

Best Creative Award: 1 prize of 3,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor

Photography Gold Award: 1 prize of 3,000 yuan + trophy + certificate of honor

Silver Prize of Photography: 2 2,000 yuan bonus + trophy + honorary certificate for 3 winners

Photography Bronze Award: 1,000 yuan bonus for 3 winners + trophy + honorary certificate

Excellence Award: 500 yuan bonus for 20 winners + trophy + honorary certificate

6. Participation Methods

(1) Submission of photography works Email:

(2) Deadline: July 5, 2022 24:00

(3) Contact: Wu Miao 15667198623 Wang Feng 15129605219

(4) Work requirements:

1. Short video work requirements:

shake Open the Douyin APP for audio and short videos, click the "+" at the bottom of the screen to shoot or directly upload the entries, enter #红江濖Photography Contest# in the title bar to participate in the event, and post with the @Shaanxi Hongjiannao Scenic Area Douyin account. At the same time, name the watermark-free file of the work: "Hongjiannao Douyin Contest + Name of Contestant + Contact Number + Title of Work" and send it to The non-watermarked files of other short video works should be named: "Hongjiannao Short Video Competition + Name of Contestant + Contact Number + Title of Work" and sent to

(1) The video resolution of entries should be no less than 1080*720 (vertical or horizontal screen), the duration should be controlled between 10 seconds and 60 seconds, and the picture quality should be 1080P or above.

(2) The content of the entries must be healthy and upward, with attitude, warmth, creativity and feelings, integrating ideological, innovative and interesting elements, and be able to resonate with the masses. Reject vulgar, vulgar, kitsch and reactionary violent content, and must not contain racial or religious discrimination, slander traditional national culture, or infringe on the privacy rights of others.

(3) works must be original. Plagiarism and plagiarism of other people's works are strictly prohibited. Once discovered, the qualification will be immediately disqualified. If the entry involves legal issues such as infringement, the contestant shall bear the relevant responsibilities.

(4) The traffic of participating video works (including the number of likes, comments, and retweets) must be natural traffic. Third-party promotion is strictly prohibited. Once found, the entry will be disqualified.

(5) Entries must be created closely around the theme of the competition. In principle, works that have nothing to do with Hongjiannao will not participate in the selection.

(6) Once participants publish relevant videos, they are deemed to have agreed to and abided by the rules of this competition, and the final right of interpretation belongs to the event organizer.

2. Requirements for photographic works:

(1) All works of are required to be provided electronically. The file size shall not be less than 3M. It shall be sent to the email address before 24:00 on July 5, 2022. The work shall be named: "Hongjiannao Photography Competition + Name of Contestant + Contact Number + Title of Work".

(2) The content of the submitted works must comply with the collection theme. Color or black and white works are acceptable. The theme must be clear and the content is healthy and uplifting. Single or group photos are acceptable. The group photo should consist of 4-8 single pictures, and be attached. Text description and group photo are calculated as 1 piece.

(3) There is no entry fee for this competition. If the work is damaged, late or does not arrive during the submission process, the relevant consequences will be borne by the contributor.

(4) The content of the entries must be healthy and upward, with attitude, warmth, creativity, and feelings, integrating ideological, innovative, and interesting elements, and be able to resonate with the masses. Reject vulgar, vulgar, kitsch and reactionary violent content, and must not contain racial or religious discrimination, slander traditional national culture, or infringe on the privacy rights of others.

(5) works must be original. Plagiarism and plagiarism of other people's works are strictly prohibited. Once found, the qualification will be immediately disqualified. If the entry involves legal issues such as infringement, the contestant shall bear the relevant responsibilities.

(6) Entries must be closely centered around the theme of the competition. In principle, works that have nothing to do with Hongjiannao will not participate in the selection.

(7) Once participants publish relevant photography works, they are deemed to have agreed to and abided by the rules of this competition, and the final right of interpretation belongs to the event organizer.

7. Entry Instructions

(1) For all entries, the organizer has the right to use them in publishing albums, holding exhibitions, and related publicity, and use them with the organizers through reproduction, distribution, exhibitions, screenings, information network dissemination, etc. No additional royalties will be paid for publicity-related displays.

(2) contributors should guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, and have independent, complete, clear, and undisputed copyright rights to the whole and part of the works; contributors should also guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works. Do not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of third parties including copyright, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, etc. Contributors shall bear all consequences and responsibilities arising from their manuscripts and contributions.

(3) Works and behaviors that are harmful to public order and good morals will be immediately disqualified from the exhibition once discovered. "Works and behaviors that disrupt public order and good morals" include, but are not limited to, any situation that may seriously mislead the public, be fraudulent, and violate the law, morality, public order, or good customs.

(4) Those who do not meet the requirements of this call for submissions will not be able to participate; those who have already entered the exhibition will be disqualified; the organizer has the right to withdraw the honorary certificate of the work, etc., and can notify it in the media.

(5) The right to interpret this call for papers belongs to the organizer. Anyone who submits a paper is deemed to have agreed to all the provisions of this call for papers.

Editor: He Jia