Tongzhou is located at the northern end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It has been an important meeting place on land and water since ancient times. It was known as the capital of "Zuo Fu Xiongfan" in history. It is even said in ancient times that "Tongzhou came first, and

Tongzhou is located at the northern end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It has been an important meeting place on land and water since ancient times. It has been known as the capital of "Zuo Fu Xiongfan" in history. It is even said in ancient times that "Tongzhou came first, and then Beijing came". Eastern Han Dynasty In the first year of Jianwu (AD 25), Lu County was changed to Lu County. In the third year of Jin Tiande (AD 1151), Tongzhou was established in Lu County in order to "take the meaning of water transportation and economic development". Now there is a set of old photos about Tongzhou’s train station, burning lighthouse, city gates and city walls, and the North Canal Pier during the Republic of China, as well as the legend about the burning lighthouse and the Eight-Nation Allied Forces damage and looting of magic weapons and other incidents. Next, let’s Let’s enjoy and discuss together (the photo is automatically colored by AI in the later stage. If there is a watermark, it is the anti-counterfeiting watermark Beigong Zangpi made by the editor)!

On the sign of Zhang Xin’s train station, ten minutes away from Shunyi Station Six kilometers away from Tongzhou Station, 14 kilometers away.

Several farmers outside Tongzhou City are working, mixing the soil with water and dividing it into pieces with shovels.

Looking at the shape of the ground, it looks like lumps of soil. Their division of labor is very clear, and it feels like an assembly line. Friends who know are welcome to comment and add!

On the streets of Tongzhou City, a house on the street has many windows. The windows seem to be equipped with glass, and you can see reflections.

There are also some piles of dirt in the open space under the city wall.

A city wall and gate in Tongzhou. The gate opening also has the Japanese propaganda slogan "Ming Ming Tongzhou" written on it. A car stopped just in front of the city gate, and soldiers were checking it.

Among the houses and streets in Tongzhou City, in the distance is Tongzhou’s landmark building Randen Lighthouse, whose full name is Randen Buddha Relic Pagoda. It was named because the Randen Buddha statue is enshrined in front of the tower.

Randen Lighthouse was built at the end of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, rebuilt in the seventh year of Zhenguan (633 AD) in the Tang Dynasty, and rebuilt during the Chongxi period of the Liao Dynasty. It was rebuilt many times in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the 18th year of Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty (AD 1679), a strong earthquake occurred in Tongzhou, and the entire tower of the burning lighthouse collapsed. Multiple longitudinal cracks appeared on the body, which were later repaired.

The North Canal Pier outside the east gate of Tongzhou, with the Ran Lighthouse in the distance. Legend has it that the construction of the lighthouse was related to the white dragon in the Lu River. It sucked up the water in the spring and spit it out in the summer. This made the people uneasy and even called the Lu River the White River. Later, the Jade Emperor sent two gods down to earth to build a lighthouse. Bailong was frightened when he saw the tower reflected in the river. Legends are always beautiful.

Tongzhou Ran Lighthouse , with octagonal faces and 13 floors of dense eaves, is nearly 48 meters high. It has a giant copper pagoda on the top, unique and unique copper bells 400 are hung on the body, and various brick carvings statues are embedded in the corners. More than 120 statues. In the 26th year of Guangxu (AD 1900), the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied Tongzhou. They used foreign guns to shoot the magical artifacts on the tower, broke the tower's precious mirror, and shot down and looted more than a thousand copper bells.

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