It is said that photography is the art of using light, so how to make good use of light? This is not only a basic skill, but also an important factor that reflects the level of the photographer. No matter how good you are at playing with the camera or composing pictures, you will

It is said that photography is the art of using light, so how to make good use of light? This is not only a basic skill, but also an important factor that reflects the level of the photographer. No matter how good you are at playing with the camera or composing pictures, you will eventually find that light plays the most decisive role in a completed photograph.

Because light is the soul of photography, if you want to learn photography well, you have to know light, understand light, and master how to use light.

In our daily lives, the most common light source is the sun. The sun rises and sets, and the stars move around. Its rapid changes provide unlimited possibilities for our photography creation.

1. The color of light

Careful friends can easily find that the color of the sun is constantly changing from morning to night. It is warm red and yellow in the early morning and evening, turns white at noon, and turns to white in the shadow and cloudy days. , and it will show a mysterious blue color.

We can make full use of these colored lights to create a gorgeous picture when shooting. For example, the glow in the sky in the early morning and evening is rich in color and can be used to increase the appeal of the picture.

2. Intensity of light

The change of light is also reflected in the difference in intensity. At noon on a sunny day, the light intensity is relatively high. At this time, objects will cast thick shadows on the ground, and the light intensity of the light-receiving surface and the backlight surface is very different. In the morning and evening, the linear intensity of the split light will be weaker, the light ratio will be smaller, and the projection will be larger. On some cloudy days or when thin clouds cover the sun, the light will be relatively weak, and the projection of objects will be very light or even non-existent.

Under normal circumstances, landscape photography should be avoided when the light intensity and light ratio are large. Why do many photographers like to get up early and stay late? It’s because the sunlight in the morning and evening is relatively soft and rich in colors, which is more suitable for expressing the color and texture of the scenery. When the light ratio is small, the exposure is easier to control, thereby achieving better shooting effects.

But most of the good light is not encountered, but waited for. If you want to take good photos, you have to arrive at the filming location before sunrise and go home after sunset. If you are not determined to endure this hardship, I can definitely say that you will not be able to take a step forward in landscape photography.

3. The direction of light

The direction of light is also crucial for shooting. We usually divide it into forward light, side light, backlight, top light and bottom light. Top light and bottom light are rarely used in photography. Below I will introduce in detail the forward light, side light and backlight.

. Smooth light: Smooth light refers to the light shining from the front of the subject. Its characteristic is that it can express the shape and color of the subject very well. The disadvantage of is that the photos taken easily lack three-dimensionality, such as the effect in the picture below.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t take good photos with smooth lighting. The photo below of Rizhao Jinshan was taken with smooth lighting. Because my camera position was on the opposite mountain and the setting sun was behind me, the nearby mountains in the picture were all in shadow. Through this contrast of light and dark and color contrast, the brilliant effect of sunshine on Jinshan is highlighted.

. Side light: The light coming from the left and right sides of the subject is side light. Side-light can produce a strong contrast between light and dark on the subject, making the picture show a strong three-dimensional sense, shape and texture.

The picture above is a classic side-lit photo. We can imagine that if it was under smooth lighting, the middle part of the picture would appear empty. The shadow cast by the side light not only enhances the three-dimensional sense of the picture, but also makes the photo more vivid.

. Backlight: The light coming from behind the subject is backlight. Backlighting can better highlight the outline of the subject. This is also the most dramatic way to use light, which can create images with a sense of drama or artistic conception.

In the picture above, the outline of the persimmon and leaves are very prominent, and the leaves become very transparent under the backlight. The outline of the horse's mane in the picture below is also very charming under the backlight.

In addition, you can also take beautiful portrait silhouettes under backlight. (

In fact, the biggest difference between scenery photos and ordinary travel photos is the light. Even if the scenery is beautiful, under the pale sunshine at noon, you can only take a "visit here photo".

Here is [Mobile Photography Manual], I am Yang Tao. I hope that today’s sharing will be helpful to you. I also welcome your support, likes and forwarding. Finally, I would like to thank my wife for his support and companionship.

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