"Not only can you buy, buy, buy in the supermarket, but you can also take, take, take pictures everywhere!" Supermarkets are hidden inconspicuous photo-taking places in daily life. Products with rich colors and styles are all convenient photo props. It's really The production rat

"Not only can you buy, buy, and buy in the supermarket,

you can also take, take, and take pictures everywhere!"

The supermarket is an inconspicuous photo-taking place hidden in daily life. The products with rich colors and styles are all convenient photo props. , the film production rate is really high! So, don’t blame girls for taking so long when going to the supermarket.

Yuan Shanshan

For supermarkets, first go to a comprehensive hypermarket, because the scene is large enough and the counters have enough choices, so you can shoot works with a sense of depth. Secondly, the packaging of products in the supermarket is colorful, and the background of the pictures taken is rich in color. Don't look at the camera when taking photos, interact with the items on the shelves, and the photos you take will be very life-like.

Yuan Bingyan



One advantage of taking photos in the supermarket is that you don’t have to worry about not having enough photo props. No matter how you take the photo, it will be full of fireworks.

SNH48Liu Xian

The snack area is very easy to photograph. Holding various puffed foods in your arms makes you feel like a foodie, especially if you choose the super large family packaging, it can also make the girl petite and cute, and the sweetness overflows the screen.

Tang Jiuzhou

carefully selected ingredients and daily necessities, "How many people are here tonight? Isn't the food not enough?" His eyes always followed the things, and his natural demeanor could get rid of the feeling of being photographed.

Dai Yanni

Use the shopping cart as a fulcrum and lean on the handle to make the picture look fuller. Take photos with candies, fruits, potato chips, etc., with bright colors and lively atmosphere. Don’t you plan to bring a camera with you next time you go to the supermarket?

Ge Xinyi

One thing that looks particularly nice when taking photos is the freezer in the freezer area. The light from the freezer can make people's faces look more natural. Of course, good-looking photos must have a bit of movement. You can try leaning forward to get a drink, and at the same time, you can look back and pretend to discuss with your companions which one to buy. Such photos are natural and have a sense of story.

Zhou Junwei

didn’t take anything, just used the supermarket scene as the background, and made an expression thinking about “what to buy today”. It was cute and cute. Expressions and movements must be natural and relaxed, so that the photos taken will have a more casual feel to life.

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