When we discuss flower and plant photography, the most discussed content is how to compose a good picture. Because the composition in photography is the layout skeleton of all elements in the photo, it plays an irreplaceable role in the presentation of formal beauty. When it come

When we discuss flower and grass photography, the most discussed content is how to compose a good picture. Because the composition in photography is the layout skeleton of all elements in the photo, it plays an irreplaceable role in the presentation of formal beauty.

Speaking of composition, many friends think that as long as the rules of composition are mastered, there will be no problem with composition. Is this really the case? I do not think so.

If you have mastered the composition method, you may not necessarily be able to compose the picture well. This is because the rules of composition are mainly about the position planning of the main elements on the picture. They are basically the expression of the physical position relationship, and their objectivity is relatively strong. But in fact, the expression of photographic art is very subjective, including the way of composition.

The choice of composition method will also be affected by factors such as the purpose of expression, expression techniques, aesthetic awareness, the appearance characteristics of the subject, light and shadow characteristics, color weight, scene distinction and other factors. Below we have a brief discussion of each factor:

First, the purpose of expression will affect the composition method

The performance of any photographic work. Composition is the category of formal beauty presentation, and it still serves the content we express. Therefore, when choosing a composition method, we must consider whether it is conducive to the performance of the content. Otherwise, our composition method will not make much sense.

Second, the expression technique will affect the composition method

Photography performance is the same as stir-fry. The same ingredients, different chefs, and stir-fry dishes will have different colors and aromas. In photography, the scenes and subjects we shoot are the same, but different photographers use different expression techniques and methods, and the photos they take are also different. Of course, there are also differences in the choice of composition.

Third, aesthetic consciousness will affect the composition method

Photographers have different aesthetic consciousness, and the aesthetic results of the photographed objects are also different, so the forms of expression are also different. At the same time, the application of composition rules is also different, and the composition methods are also different.

Fourth, the appearance characteristics of the subject affect the choice of composition method

When shooting, you need to choose the composition method and the proportion planning of positive and negative space according to the purpose of expression and the appearance characteristics of the main element.

Fifth, the characteristics of light and shadow affect the way of composition

Some people find it strange, how can the characteristics of light and shadow affect the way of composition? Of course it has an impact. The characteristics of light and shadow will affect the appearance of photo elements, which in turn affects the layout of the picture.

Sixth, the weight of color affects the composition.

The final step in composition is to achieve visual balance and convey a comfortable visual experience. Color is a very important visual factor, and its visual weight can affect the visual balance of elements. Therefore, when composing a picture, pay attention to the weight of colors.

Seventh, the choice of scene affects the composition method

The use of scene is mainly based on the content of the performance. Only the appropriate scene can present better formal beauty. At the same time, it will also affect the way of composition. Therefore, you must pay attention when shooting.

In short, composition looks like the position and layout of elements on the screen, but in fact, there are many factors that we need to consider. We should not copy the composition rules mechanically. We need to use our aesthetic awareness to find the appropriate composition method with the content of expression as the core. Let the elements in the photo be visually balanced. ( welcomes likes, comments, favorites, and forwarding of )

is in the world of brain photography wolf pictures, and likes to take photos of flowers and plants. Please stay tuned. Everyone is welcome to leave a message for discussion.