The long and profound history and culture, the picturesque natural scenery, the unique food and delicacies, the colorful humanities... If you were given a chance, how would you show Zhaoqing in your eyes? Starting today, let us focus on the beautiful Zhaoqing. The first season of

long and rich history and culture,

picturesque natural scenery,

unique food and delicacies,

colorful humanities...

If you are given a chance,

how will you show Zhaoqing in your eyes? ?

Starting today,

let us focus on the beautiful Zhaoqing,

"Vibrant Zhaoqing is shooting"

National Creator Douyin Short Video Season 1

Collection activity is here!

From now on, the Municipal Affairs New Media Center will launch "Vibrant Zhaoqing Shooting" Douyin short video collection activity for national creators in the first season , invites netizens to focus on Zhaoqing's unique history, culture, humanistic scenery, and urban development , ecological construction and other content to integrate Zhaoqing with the trends of the new era, open up "new" check-in points, activate Zhaoqing's new image, and further highlight Zhaoqing's charm as a "Rookie in the Bay Area".

So, how to participate in the

activity? What are the rewards?

Check it out with the editor right away!

Event time

June 27 - July 27, 2022

Participation method

. Open Douyin APP, search "Vibrant Zhaoqing to shoot" to enter the topic;

. Click the "Participate Now" button in the topic page to start shooting Or upload video works related to the theme of the event;

. Add the topic #energetic Zhaoqing shoot up and @ Zhaoqing release in the copy, click to publish the work, and you can successfully participate;

. The video can be processed after it is reviewed by the Douyin platform Like, comment, retweet and other operations.

Solicitation requirements

. Video content must conform to the core socialist values, be positive, and show positive energy;

. Creators must have independent, complete, clear, and undisputed copyrights for submitted works, and ensure that the works do not infringe the copyright of third parties. , portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights and other legitimate rights and interests, if there are any legal disputes, the legal liability shall be borne by the creator himself;

. The video must be clear, the duration should be between 15 seconds and 2 minutes, and the background music must not Use music files without copyright authorization, the lens is concise, stable, has appropriate lens language and is consistent with the theme;

. The copy, music and pictures of the submitted works must not contain any commercial advertising elements, otherwise the qualification will be disqualified;

. During the shooting process, the creator You need to pay attention to safety and abide by relevant national laws and regulations, and you are responsible for your own safety when shooting;

. The copyright of the submitted works belongs to the creator, and the event organizer has the right to use the submitted works for related publicity, exhibitions, website displays and other publicity of this event. , no additional royalties will be paid.

Award setting

During the event, the organizer will score all submitted works. High-quality works will be publicly displayed on the "Zhaoqing Release" WeChat public account, and will have the opportunity to be reprinted and pushed on the "Zhaoqing Release" video account and Douyin account.The awards are as follows:

event has 4 individual awards, namely Most Creative Award (5 people) , Best Copywriting Award (5 people) , Best Photography Award (5 people) , Best Editing Award (5 people) and Most Popular Award (1 person) , each will receive a bonus of 800 yuan and an "I Love Zhaoqing" cultural and creative promotional gift pack; at the same time, there is an Excellence Award for 10 , which can be awarded. 500 yuan in gold and an "I Love Zhaoqing" cultural and creative promotional gift pack;

In addition, 20 participation prizes will be randomly selected for the event, and you will receive a 300 yuan cash reward and a cultural and creative promotional material. (Note: The winners of the Participation Award are not the same as the winners of the Individual Award and Excellence Award.)

Action is worse than excitement.

Pick up your phone quickly and

record the beautiful Zhaoqing in your eyes!

Source: Zhaoqing Municipal Affairs New Media Center

Editor: Liang Zhenger